[Bioc-devel] Trouble accessing packages

Enio Gjerga en|o@gjerg@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Mar 24 17:38:31 CET 2020


I am Enio Gjerga and I have recently been assigned the maintenance of the
CNORfeeder and CNORode packages. I have recently got the news that
CNORfeeder have been having troubles which I intend to fix. Also I intend
to update both of the packages with a few new features.

However, I am having a major issue: I am not sure where I can access the
codes where these packages are stored in Bioconductor and how can I fix the
issues of CNORfeeder and update the two packages. Is there any easy way
where I can find the codes for these two packages and push my updates?

Any help/instruction would be much appreciated as I am very new to this.

Enio Gjerga
PhD student
Tel : +4917685132057

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