[Bioc-devel] Question about github repo

Andris Jankevics A@J@nkev|c@ @end|ng |rom bh@m@@c@uk
Tue Jan 14 14:31:20 CET 2020

Hi Krutik,

You are looking at the "problem" from a wrong angle. If there are no any reasons raised by your PhD funding body to keep your repository closed, it's of your own benefit to have all the code public:

a) There is chance that someone else in the world is working on something very similar. Having an open repository with full development history  is very good way to show publishers, thesis committee, collaborators, your future employers  or even enemies that you  have been working on the idea for a while;

b) There is chance that instead of writing their own tools on similar approach you are developing other researchers will want to contribute to your open project. Thus making you package more versatile and competitive.

Best Regards,


From: Bioc-devel <bioc-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Krutik Patel (PGR) <K.Patel5 using newcastle.ac.uk>
Sent: 14 January 2020 10:49:49
To: bioc-devel using r-project.org
Subject: [Bioc-devel] Question about github repo

Hi Bioconductor dev team,

I am ready to submit my first package to bioconductor. It is currently on a private github and I wish to start the process of submission. Do I need to make my github repo public prior to sending it to the bioconductor contributions github repo. I understand that the code and concept of my project needs to be made public, but I have just had some worries about individuals potentially scooping my work while it is made public. This package is part of my PhD so I am perhaps a bit paranoid about this. Apologies if this was a bit of a silly question. Hope to hear back soon.

Kind Regards,
Krutik Patel

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