[Bioc-devel] Problem in activating the Account for Bioconductor Git Credentials

Paola Rancoita r@nco|t@@p@o|@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jan 8 12:25:59 CET 2020

Dear All,

I am the author and Maintainer of the package mBPCR. I was adviced to 
fix some issues in the package. Thus, I am trying to create a new GitHub 
repository for my package and I need to activate my account for 
Bioconductor Git Credentials. But, the website told me that:

"rancoita.paola using gmail.com is not associated with a maintainer of a 
Bioconductor package"

while this is exactly the email that is reported in the webpage of the 


I would like to know what should I do.

Best regards,


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