[Bioc-devel] Integrating python into an R package

Zhang, David d@v|d@zh@ng@12 @end|ng |rom uc|@@c@uk
Tue Feb 18 14:11:12 CET 2020

Dear all, 

I’m a bioinformatics PhD student at UCL who’s recently been trying to develop an R package that has some python dependencies. Specifically, areas of my current pipeline are written in python for speed and any ML has been implemented through sklearn. I was wondering what you would advise as the best practice of integrating python code into Bioconductor/R p
packages? E.g. R to python interfaces (such as reticulate) or advising package users to call python scripts independently or re-writing python code in R? 

Any advice would be much appreciated. 

Many thanks in advance, 


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