[Bioc-devel] BiocCredentials & transfer maintenance

Renan Sauteraud ren@n@@@uter@ud @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Nov 18 19:03:56 CET 2019

I am trying to transfer the maintenance of 3 packages (PICS, PING and Pviz)
to a new email address. I no longer have access to the email associated
with the packages and to push the changes, I need to submit my SSH keys via

However, because my gmail address is not yet associated with any packages
so I am unable to activate that account.
I also maintain XCIR under another address (rxs575 using psu.edu), so I tried
that. But I get a server error 500 when trying to activate that account.
Resetting passwords does not send an email either.

Could I get some help accessing BiocCredentials?
Best regards.

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