[Bioc-devel] Unclear build failure ‘logical subscript contains NAs’

Yue Zhao (Jason) yuezh @end|ng |rom bu@edu
Tue Mar 26 18:44:29 CET 2019

Thanks, Michael. I saw this error in the bioC 3.9 package building step for
my package, so I'm not sure how to specify the S4Vector version in that.

On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 1:35 PM Michael Lawrence <lawrence.michael using gene.com>

> DESeq2 seems to be working with S4Vectors 0.21.19. If you're using an
> older version, you'll need to update once that version appears in the
> repository. Sorry for the mess. Trying to clean up the [<- stuff on
> DataFrame and Vector to make them easier to extend.
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 10:19 AM Yue Zhao (Jason) <yuezh using bu.edu> wrote:
>> I see this error (logical subscript contains NAs) happened in DESeq2, I'm
>> wondering if anyone knows what happened with the new BioC? Thanks!
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