[Bioc-devel] Trigger a new build after version bump

Ahmed Metwally @metw@|| @end|ng |rom @t@n|ord@edu
Tue Dec 17 03:34:16 CET 2019

Dear Bioc devel team,

OmicsLonDA package is failing to build on release and devel branches:

I have fixed the issue and pushed the changes to RELEASE_3_10, and dev-master branch. I bumped the package version on the RELEASE_3_10 to v1.2.1 instead of v1.2.0. I did the same for the dev branch, bumped the version to v1.3.3 instead of v1.3.0. I was following instructions listed here: https://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/git/sync-existing-repositories/

However, my changes didn't trigger a new build. In the past, when I was submitting the OmicsLonDA to Bioc, whenever I do version bump, I receive an email says that I successfully triggered a new build. This time I didn't receive any emails. Also, the build error and data don't change in the above-mentioned URLs to reflect a new build!

Please let me know what I'm missing here.

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