[Bioc-devel] NEWS file, latest R/Bioc devel version

Casper Peters cp100u @ending from hotm@il@com
Wed Nov 28 13:54:06 CET 2018

Hi all,

So I'm trying to get my NEWS file to parse correctly as described on the package guidelines;


I however get an empty newline (`tools:::.news_reader_default()` is used) or my R crashes (when I try use `tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_md()`).

Since I cannot share my full NEWS file as it is private information until submission, I can share the general buildup of the file.

The filename is `NEWS.md` and is located in the root of my package project.

Minimal example of my markdown file;


# Changelog of <PACKAGE>
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).\*

\*Changes of commit versions will not be kept track of, instead only major and minor versions will keep a changelog;

x.y.z (e.g. 1.2.5) --> changes of 1.2.z and 1.3.z will be kept track of but not the small "z" version changes, because this changes with every commit.
All z changes will be kept track of in the unreleased minor (y) version. There was an exception for the first version however, because this version didn't
use correct convention yet (0.0.1). Failed implementations might be re-evaluated in later updates.

## [0.3.0 - RELEASETITLE] - 1960-01-30


### Added

- Foo
- Foo2

### Changed

- Bar

### Removed

- Lisp

### Fixed

- Monkeys

## [0.2.0 - RELEASETITLE] - 2012-6-12


### Added

- Foo
- Foo2

### Changed

- Bar

### Removed

- Lisp

### Fixed

- Monkeys


Are there any errors in my format/what do I need to fix or is the news parsing broken?

Bioc-devel - 3.9

R build - r75674

Thanks in advance,


	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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