[Bioc-devel] build cache on bioconductor build system?

Vivek Bhardwaj bh@rdw@j @ending from ie-freiburg@mpg@de
Wed May 30 15:56:28 CEST 2018

Hi All

Is there any build cache on bioc build system? I updated S4Vector and 
IRanges in my dependencies and triggered a new build of my package, only 
to find that this broke other dependencies due to renaming of function 
`concatenateObjects ` to `bindRows` in S4Vector. Now I removed the 
mentioned versions in my DESCRIPTION, but the build is still broken. 
Also tried specifying a particular version of these packages and I get 
the error :

** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading Error in 
loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = 
vI[[j]]) : namespace 'IRanges' 2.15.13 is already loaded, but == 2.14.10 
is required

How do I refresh the cache?


Best Wishes


*Vivek Bhardwaj*
PhD Candidate | International Max Planck Research School
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
Stübeweg 51, Freiburg
E-mail: bhardwaj using ie-freiburg.mpg.de
Tel: +49-761-5108-472
Website: https://vivekbhr.github.io

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