[Bioc-devel] Package download when using functions from affy and oligo
Martin Morgan
m@rtin@morg@n @ending from ro@wellp@rk@org
Tue May 15 02:11:04 CEST 2018
One of your cell files is funky
> colSums(exprs(alldata) == 0)
GSM907854.CEL.gz GSM907866.CEL.gz GSM907857.CEL.gz GSM907863.CEL.gz
0 0 0 686388
GSM907856.CEL.gz GSM907862.CEL.gz GSM907855.CEL.gz GSM907861.CEL.gz
0 0 0 0
and it's tickling a bug in preprocessCore
$ R -d gdb -f testOligo.R
0x00007fffe190418a in max_density (z=0x7fffcc0008c0, rows=0, cols=1,
at rma_background4.c:128
128 rma_background4.c: No such file or dire
(gdb) dir /home/mtmorgan/b/git/preprocessCore/src/
Source directories searched:
(gdb) l
124 max_y = find_max(dens_y,16384);
126 i = 0;
127 do {
128 if (dens_y[i] == max_y)
129 break;
130 i++;
132 } while(1);
(gdb) p i
$1 = 1821306
(gdb) p max_y
Maybe one of the preprocessCore pros will chime in...
On 05/14/2018 09:15 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
> Dear all,
> sorry for the delayed response, due to some unfortunate events I had to
> prioritize my family the past week.
> You find an RStudio project in a zipped folder on this link :
> https://jorismeys.stackstorage.com/s/3ik0vMwsvueuT5a
> It contains a script called testOligo.R that can be sourced and nukes my R
> session in the second step of the rma() function. It also contains the
> faulty .gz files. If you need more information, don't hesitate to contact
> me.
> Regarding improving general maintainability, I'm willing to help out on
> that. Problem is that I'm rather behind with my own work, so I'm short on
> time for the moment. I'll fork affy tomorrow (need to give class now) and
> let's start from there then?
> Cheers
> Joris
> On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 5:17 PM, Vincent Carey <stvjc at channing.harvard.edu>
> wrote:
>> How about a google drive? This problem of autodownloading should be
>> addressed directly.
>> These facilities are still important but their maintenance is clearly a
>> lower priority as the
>> technologies handled have diminished use in the field. I think we should
>> be able to team up and remove autoinstallation elements of these packages,
>> and
>> perhaps improve general maintainability -- Joris, can you pick
>> one, make a github repo that we can collaborate on revising, and then
>> we can start? It will involve a deprecation process.
>> On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 10:54 AM, Joris Meys <jorismeys at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thank you for the answer.
>>> I was trying to create a reproducible example before I vented maybe a bit
>>> too much in my previous mail.
>>> I managed to get closer to the problem and it is related to data that was
>>> corrupted at download. I can send you a reproducible example that bombs R,
>>> but I will have to send the specific data files as well. How do I send
>>> them
>>> best?
>>> Cheers
>>> Joris
>>> On Sat, 5 May 2018, 00:09 James W. MacDonald, <jmacdon at uw.edu> wrote:
>>>> I think there are multiple complaints here, so I'll take them one at a
>>>> time.
>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 3:56 PM, Obenchain, Valerie <
>>>> Valerie.Obenchain at roswellpark.org> wrote:
>>>>> Joris,
>>>>> Sorry I don't have much to offer here. I've cc'd the authors of oligo
>>> and
>>>>> affy who may have some insight.
>>>>> Valerie
>>>>> On 05/02/2018 11:35 AM, Joris Meys wrote:
>>>>> Dear,
>>>>> I've noticed that using certain functions in affy and oligo (eg
>>>>> oligo::read.celfiles and affy::bg.correct) start with downloading
>>> another
>>>>> package and end with either R crashing or a warning that -after
>>>>> installation succeeded- the package is not available.
>>>> This is true for oligo, and perhaps a bit annoying. If you don't have
>>> the
>>>> package installed already, it gets the package, installs it, and then
>>> says
>>>> it's not available. This is an easy enough fix.
>>>> After which using
>>>>> some functions of both packages still crash R.
>>>> I don't know what to do with that. What functions?
>>>>> The warning I get when trying oligo::read.celfiles() on a single CEL
>>> file
>>>>> right after installing it about the pd.hugene.1.0.st.v1 package. The
>>> even
>>>>> more annoying thing is that on my machine it insists on building from
>>>>> source, whereas on another Windows machine without Rtools, it
>>> downloads a
>>>>> binary.
>>>> That is an options setting that gets changed when you install Rtools.
>>> The
>>>> 'pkgType' option gets set to 'both' because you can now install both
>>> kinds.
>>>> And in install.packages it ends up getting switched from 'both' to
>>>> 'source'. I haven't dug any further into that because I am not sure I
>>> see
>>>> why it's a problem. In the end there isn't a difference between
>>> installing
>>>> a source or a binary pdInfoPackage, and trying to get it to 'do the
>>> right
>>>> thing' might have some unforeseen consequences that I would rather not
>>> have
>>>> to worry about. This is really an 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'
>>>> scenario, IMO.
>>>>> Reason it frustrates the heck out of me, is that both affy and oligo
>>>>> crashed the R session in different ways. During installation of a
>>> package,
>>>>> during use of a function, and at different points when comparing my
>>>>> machine
>>>>> with the one of our students. The culprit seems to be in one of the
>>>>> underlying packages, but I wasn't even able to detect which package is
>>> the
>>>>> culprit, let alone which function crashes everything.
>>>> I understand your frustration, but that's not enough to go on. I have
>>>> never, in like 18 years, had either oligo or affy randomly segfault on
>>> me.
>>>> I understand that it is happening for you, but unless you can come up
>>> with
>>>> a reproducible example, it's not possible for anybody to help.
>>>>> Is there a way around this so I can ensure that at least I have the
>>> same
>>>>> setup as they have and I can try to come up with a reproducible
>>> example to
>>>>> report this critical bug?
>>>> Again, I am not sure what to do with that. I am not sure what 'a way
>>>> around this' pertains to, and ensuring you have the same setup as 'they
>>>> have' seems to be something only you can accomplish. Is there some
>>> reason
>>>> you cannot ensure that you have the same setup on two different
>>> computers?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jim
>>>>> Thank you in advance
>>>>> Joris
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>>>> James W. MacDonald, M.S.
>>>> Biostatistician
>>>> University of Washington
>>>> Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
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