[Bioc-devel] AnnotationHub (2)

Kasper Daniel Hansen kasperdanielhansen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 27 11:16:34 CEST 2018

What is the current state for AnnotationHub (2)? I have recently figured
out (read: pestered the people who knows the arcane incantations for this
resource; I have been taught the sacred rituals) the interface to the
encode data portal and we should make an AnnotationHub interface to this.
But should this be old-style or new?

Also, this has uncovered a table of structured metadata for the resource,
essentially a spreadsheet with organized columns.  It seems very relevant
for users to get access to the data in this spreadsheet, which would
essentially be a resource dependent data.frame. I don't think this is
supported by the classic AnnotationHub, but I very much think this should
be supported in the future.  One could also envision resource and
dataset-dependent information such as the phenotypes in GEO for a fixed


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