[Bioc-devel] Reset password

Jose M Muino jose.muino at hu-berlin.de
Tue Mar 13 12:46:23 CET 2018


I am the maintainer of the bioconductor package called CSAR 
(https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/CSAR.html )

I would like to do some changes on it, but I don't remember my password 
and I don't use the email that I used to register.

How can I change the email and reset the password?

Thanks for your time,


Jose M Muino, PhD
Molecular Genetics Group
Institute of Biology, Life Sciences
Humboldt University Berlin
Philippstr. ⁠13, Haus 22, R. 1216
10115 Berlin

Tel.: +49-(0)30-2093 - 49718

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