[Bioc-devel] mzR build failure on Windows: missing HDF5 libraries

Mike Smith grimbough at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 10:18:09 CET 2018

Rhdf5lib is in the release branch too.  I'm happy to help try and get mzR
working with it.

On 2 January 2018 at 21:31, Martin Morgan <martin.morgan at roswellpark.org>

> On 01/02/2018 03:16 PM, Neumann, Steffen wrote:
>> Dear BioC team,
>> a happy new year to you as well ;-)
>> for a while we have a build error for mzR on windows
>> due to missing HDF5 libs:
>> https://github.com/sneumann/mzR/issues/143
>> I am looking for some hints how to fix this.
>> The https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/rhdf5.html
>> package has embedded rhdf5/src/libwin/x64/libhdf5ForBioC-7.dll
>> which we could try to use (It does not yet contain H5Cpp.h,
>> and we'd have to ask Bernd Fischer et al to include it.
> Not a comprehensive answer or solution to release, but in devel there is
> Rhdf5lib which contains both the C and C++ headers. (I believe that rhdf5
> will move to using this library in the near future) Martin
>> ALternatively, it might already be present on the build machines,
>> but we didn't have the include path set up:
>> https://github.com/r-hub/rhub/issues/91
>> "... the location of the hdf5 libraries is defined as
>> ${LIB_HDF5}/lib${R_ARCH}. "
>> So, any hints which way to go for a fix ?
>> Yours,
>> Steffen
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