[Bioc-devel] email changed, can't access to my bioconductor package

Turaga, Nitesh Nite@h@Tur@g@ @ending from Ro@wellP@rk@org
Wed Dec 5 16:18:31 CET 2018

Hi Yafeng,

I have changed your email address in the app. 

You should be able to login with your new email address now. Please make sure to change the “maintainer” email address in the DESCRIPTION file of your package as well.



> On Dec 4, 2018, at 9:19 PM, Yafeng Zhu <yafeng.zhu using outlook.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am the developer for a Bioconductor package DEqMS.  I recently relocated to another institute. I don't have access to my previous work email: yafeng.zhu using ki.se
> Now i can't update changes on my Bioconductor package.
> During package submission, i created a github repository https://github.com/yafeng/DEqMS , this github repo is linked to my private email : yafeng.zhu using outlook.com
> Can you help me change the BiocCredential login email to yafeng.zhu using outlook.com?
> bests,
> Yafeng
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