[Bioc-devel] Vignette figures are wrong size

Martin Morgan martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
Fri Sep 22 13:07:14 CEST 2017

On 09/22/2017 03:27 AM, Christopher John wrote:
> Dear Bioconductor
> I checked my vignette using the knit option to biocstyle on my PC and the
> figure sizes were all fine after some tweaking. However, in the online
> vignette they have come out crazy small sizes. Previously I was resizing
> them so they matched each other using the width command as shown below.
> ![*Figure 1: CDF plot for real data*](CDF.png){width=40%}
> Two days ago I dropped the width command incase it was causing problems
> from all of the figures and the package has updated, but I am still having
> the same problem with the copy on the bioconductor. On my local copy they
> are all really big now because I dropped the resize parameter. Can you
> help? I have the link to the package vignette below.

Remember that your package needs to have 'version bump' to be pushed to 
the public repository. I see

M3C master$ git blame DESCRIPTION
750f286c (crj32 2017-08-17 08:58:02 +0100  3) Version: 0.99.93

so you'll need to bump that to 0.99.94 and wait for the nightly builds.

Remember to check the status of the build at



> Kind Regards,
> Chris
> https://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/M3C/inst/doc/M3Cvignette.html
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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