[Bioc-devel] Package additional maintainers

Wolfgang Huber wolfgang.huber at embl.de
Tue Oct 31 12:16:05 CET 2017

In this matter, Bioconductor follows the CRAN policy:

"The package’s DESCRIPTION file must show both the name and email 
address of a single designated maintainer (a person, not a mailing list)."

I understand that the intention for this is to have a single point of 
contact for package-related queries from others. This person can then, 
of course, delegate the work as they see fit.

	Kind regards

31.10.17 10:45, Fatemehsadat Seyednasrollah scripsit:
> Hi,
> I wanted to ask how can I add additional maintainers who can update git and consequently the package. I think there should be instructions but I could nt find.
> Best regards,
> Fatemeh
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With thanks in advance-

Wolfgang Huber
Principal Investigator, EMBL Senior Scientist
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany

wolfgang.huber at embl.de

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