[Bioc-devel] DOI for packages

Martin Morgan martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
Thu Oct 19 21:57:13 CEST 2017

On 10/19/2017 03:10 PM, Laurent Gatto wrote:
> On 19 October 2017 13:22, Shepherd, Lori wrote:
>> Hello Bioconductor,
>> We have added DOI's for packages on Bioconductor package landing
>> pages. The DOI will get generated automatically when a package is
>> accepted to Bioconductor. This is the recommended reference to use for
>> publication/citations/etc.  The DOI link should automatically redirect
>> to the current release version of a package (or devel if the package
>> is not yet in release).
> Thank you for this.
> Are there any plans to add the DOI to the DESCRIPTION file and
> automatically include it to the default citation() output?

This first part of this came up before. Any field can be added to the 
DESCRIPTION file so one could add DOI:..., but since they are easily 
generated by paste0("https://doi.org/doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.", 
<package_name>) there seems to be limited utility.

I haven't looked, in detail, at what citation() does, and whether there 
is scope for modifying this to accept and format arbitrary (or 
particular) additional fields; it would be a topic for R-devel if there 
was enough interest here.

An existing alternative is to provide a CITATION file with the 
appropriate information, e.g., with citEntry() accepting argument 


> Laurent
>> Thank you,
>> Lori Shepherd
>> Bioconductor Core Team
>> Roswell Park Cancer Institute
>> Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
>> Elm & Carlton Streets
>> Buffalo, New York 14263
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