[Bioc-devel] BioC 3.6: BUILD/CHECK reports are not updating.

Juan Cruz Rodríguez jcrodriguez at bdmg.com.ar
Thu Oct 5 15:08:55 CEST 2017

Hi, I have recently (Tue 03) made some changes for my package (MIGSA).
However I cant see if the code is really being modified at BioConductor's
package manager (github). So I wanted to check if at least the check
reports are being updated, however, it seems that this is not being done

At http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/devel/bioc-LATEST/MIGSA/ I see
*Snapshot Date: 2017-10-02 17:17:04 -0400 (Mon, 02 Oct 2017)*

Is it working normally?

Rodriguez, Juan C

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