[Bioc-devel] Package update not showing on Bioc 3.6 webpage

Turaga, Nitesh Nitesh.Turaga at RoswellPark.org
Wed Nov 1 22:18:59 CET 2017

Hi Kushal,

You also need to use the “SSH” protocol, and not the “HTTPS” protocol.

Your upstream should be git at git.bioconductor.org:packages/CountClust



> On Nov 1, 2017, at 5:06 PM, Turaga, Nitesh <Nitesh.Turaga at RoswellPark.org> wrote:
> Hi Kushal,
> Can you please try,
> 	ssh -T git at git.bioconductor.org -v
> Are you using the correct private key to your corresponding public key on our machine?
> If not, please check the FAQ section bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/git/faq/ point#15. You can set up a config file to use the correct private key.
> A snippet of your public key on our machine is,
> ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAQC8EgObkc/OI4nc8NE0sL4COb6uNaBIURhJoSyisz8i8/KWum0xFhav7ouDpMoZz0lgnlRaIYIRquJx0R44ojDcsN45TBR8Rna4PNBscVJEsbonD0k3wi2OBySgwxTzL5aZl99HzuAzthAPzFuskZDHahws9sPUtWMxioI6D5ZktVOb/QJbDJdFHFPXcd8l90wRJN0eGJXX9excJBDU57ufEgDBx9vGv85GTwJjP4UQYLyjDIap2CbrdC+7nJ95fa7YcNUj2znVFcrNnkW9
> Best,
> Nitesh 
>> On Nov 1, 2017, at 2:23 PM, kushal kumar dey <kshldey at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Herve,
>> Thanks for clarifying on the matter. I followed your instructions and did *git
>> cherry-pick* to make the following changes
>> - fix a bug in one of the functions
>> - add a citation
>> - fix the readme
>> I bumped the version number from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 and tried to push to the
>> release branch, but I when I run the command,
>> git push upstream RELEASE_3_6
>> I meet with the following error
>> *fatal: remote error: FATAL: W any packages/CountClust nobody DENIED by
>> fallthru*
>> *(or you mis-spelled the reponame)*
>> You can check the branch I want to push on my Github
>> *https://github.com/kkdey/CountClust/tree/RELEASE_3_6
>> <https://github.com/kkdey/CountClust/tree/RELEASE_3_6>*
>> This is my output from *git remote -v *
>> *origin https://github.com/kkdey/CountClust.git
>> <https://github.com/kkdey/CountClust.git> (fetch)*
>> *origin https://github.com/kkdey/CountClust.git
>> <https://github.com/kkdey/CountClust.git> (push)*
>> *upstream https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/CountClust
>> <https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/CountClust> (fetch)*
>> *upstream https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/CountClust
>> <https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/CountClust> (push)*
>> Can you please let me know what I am doing wrong here and how I can update
>> the release version?
>> Thank you so much!
>> Kushal
>> On 30 October 2017 at 17:50, Hervé Pagès <hpages at fredhutch.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Kushal,
>>> If you push changes without bumping the version of your package,
>>> the update won't propagate.
>>> You only bumped the version to 1.5.1 today so you need to wait
>>> about 24 hours before seeing this reflected on the landing page
>>> for CountClust.
>>> Also please note that you did the version bump plus a few other
>>> commits (6 commits in total) in master today **after** we created
>>> the RELEASE_3_6 branch so these changes will only propagate to
>>> BioC 3.7 (the new devel version of BioC, starting tomorrow).
>>> If you want these changes to also propagate to the BioC 3.6 release
>>> you'll need to push them to the RELEASE_3_6 branch. This is
>>> typically done with 'git cherry-pick' as documented here:
>>> https://bioconductor.org/developers/how-to/git/bug-fix-in-
>>> release-and-devel/
>>> Cheers,
>>> H.
>>> On 10/30/2017 02:41 PM, kushal kumar dey wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am the author and maintainer of the CountClust package. I recently
>>>> submitted an update (version 1.5.1) to the package through
>>>> Bioconductor Git  and I can access this updated version when I clone the
>>>> source repository
>>>> git clone https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__git.bio
>>>> conductor.org_packages_CountClust&d=DwICAg&c=eRAMFD45gAfqt84
>>>> VtBcfhQ&r=BK7q3XeAvimeWdGbWY_wJYbW0WYiZvSXAJJKaaPhzWA&m=-x3S
>>>> 8Sl0fsASITg_-ULMYIykoPk6Y0PqK2NoRjC43iA&s=YBM0DldFbCkrEBnHaB
>>>> n5X8-jb1yhm_GmSUWL6SIGLmo&e=
>>>> However, the updated version is not available in the official Bioconductor
>>>> 3.6 page, which still shows the version 1.3.0.
>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bio
>>>> conductor.org_packages_3.6_bioc_html_CountClust.html&d=DwICA
>>>> g&c=eRAMFD45gAfqt84VtBcfhQ&r=BK7q3XeAvimeWdGbWY_wJYbW0WYiZvS
>>>> XAJJKaaPhzWA&m=-x3S8Sl0fsASITg_-ULMYIykoPk6Y0PqK2NoRjC43iA&
>>>> s=UfPX4T5l4JBfXBumCcQ-5YOm59i_xfX2OEILrQ3I2u0&e=
>>>> Can you please let me know if the page has not been updated for the
>>>> packages yet or if I would need to do something at my end to update the
>>>> version reported on the page?
>>>> Thanks so much
>>> --
>>> Hervé Pagès
>>> Program in Computational Biology
>>> Division of Public Health Sciences
>>> Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Ce
>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=n+Cancer+Research+Ce&entry=gmail&source=g>nter
>>> 1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
>>> P.O. Box 19024
>>> Seattle, WA 98109-1024
>>> E-mail: hpages at fredhutch.org
>>> Phone:  (206) 667-5791
>>> Fax:    (206) 667-1319
>> -- 
>> Kushal K. Dey
>> Graduate Student
>> 5 th Year, Department of Statistics
>> University of Chicago
>> Contact: +1 312-709-0680 | kkdey at uchicago.edu
>> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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