[Bioc-devel] Filter classes moved from ensembldb to AnnotationFilter

Rainer Johannes Johannes.Rainer at eurac.edu
Mon Apr 3 08:59:13 CEST 2017

Dear all,

I've just committed a change in ensembldb (version 1.99.13) that removes all filter classes from it and imports them from the AnnotationFilter package. This change will break biovizBase and ggbio (and all packages downstream of them, e.g. Gviz). I've already sent Michael Lawrence patches to fix both packages, but  there might still be some problems in the upcoming build reports I guess.

I've also contacted the developers of the TVTB and chimeraviz packages and made them aware of the change. Could be that there are other packages out there possibly affected by the change. If so, let me know and I'll assist fixing the problems (if needed).

cheers, jo

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