[Bioc-devel] RankProd package update - dependency ‘Rmpfr’
Hervé Pagès
hpages at fredhutch.org
Mon Sep 19 18:24:58 CEST 2016
Hi Francesco,
I just installed libmpfr-dev on the Linux build machines.
On 09/19/2016 06:16 AM, Francesco Del Carratore wrote:
> Dear All,
> we just committed a new update of the RankProd package. The package has now
> a new dependency (Rmpfr). According to the build report for the development
> version of the package, everything works fine for Windows and MacOS, while
> there is an error on Linux due to this new dependency that (I think) cannot
> be installed.
> http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/3.4/bioc-LATEST/RankProd/
> I am quite confident that the package can be successfully installed on
> linux after installing the linux package libmpfr-dev.
> Could anyone help me find a way to solve this?
> Many thanks,
> Francesco
Hervé Pagès
Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M1-B514
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024
E-mail: hpages at fredhutch.org
Phone: (206) 667-5791
Fax: (206) 667-1319
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