[Bioc-devel] normr 0.99.5 Test Coverage "unknown"

Johannes Helmuth helmuth at molgen.mpg.de
Tue Jul 12 18:29:22 CEST 2016

Dear Bioconductor Developers,

I recently contributed a package `normR` for calling enrichment and 
differences in ChIP-seq data (http://bioconductor.org/packages/normr/). 
To test the functionality of the package, I used `testthat`. All the 
tests run well when using `testthat::test()`, `R CMD build` or `R CMD 
check`. However, the `normr` package landing package 
(http://bioconductor.org/packages/normr/) reports "Test coverage: unknown".

I installed `covr` on my local machine and ran 
`covr::package_coverage()`. It seems to work fine:
 > normr Coverage: 77.50%
 > R/NormRCountConfig.R: 50.00%
 > R/methods.R: 64.32%
 > src/em.cpp: 79.27%
 > R/NormRFit.R: 87.33%
 > src/normr_init.c: 100.00%

Is "Test Coverage: unknown" related to the Bioconductor build system not 
being able to build my package on Linux? (I filed this in an earlier 
post related to the unavailability of automake-1.14 for Rhtslib 1.5.3 

Thank you very much,
Johannes Helmuth

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