[Bioc-devel] question about citation file

Samuel E Zimmerman sezimmer at einstein.yu.edu
Fri Jan 29 15:34:49 CET 2016

Hi Everyone,

I just uploaded a new version of my package "pathVar" to the development branch of bioconductor. The goal was to change the citation on the landing page of the package. Currently the citation looks like this:

Mar J, torrente Ld and Zimmerman S (2015). pathVar: Methods to Find Pathways with Significantly Different Variability. R package version 1.1.0.

However, I created a new CITATION file in the inst directory of my package. Below is the contents of the CITATION file

year <- sub("-.*", "", meta$Date)
note <- sprintf("R package version %s", meta$Version)

bibentry(bibtype = "Manual",title="pathVar: Methods to Find Pathways with Significantly Different Variability", author = c(person("Laurence","de Torrente"),person("Samuel","Zimmerman"),person("Jessica","Mar")),year = year, note = note,
textVersion = paste("de Torrente L, Zimmerman S, and Mar J (2015). pathVar: Methods to Find Pathways with Significantly Different Variability. R package version 1.1.2"))

Does anyone know why this is being ignored?

Also here is a link to the landing page of the devel version of the package: https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/3.3/bioc/html/pathVar.html

Thank you all very much for your help on this mailing list.


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