[Bioc-devel] Use of EnsDb in the AnnotationDbi framework

Rainer Johannes Johannes.Rainer at eurac.edu
Thu Jan 7 15:10:09 CET 2016

Dear all,

thanks to Vince’s suggestion I have now implemented the central AnnotationDbi methods “columns”, “keys”, “keytypes” and “select” for EnsDb objects in my ensembldb package version 1.3.11 (EnsDb are TxDb like annotation packages/objects tailored to Ensembl based annotations). Thus, EnsDb based annotation packages can now be used in the AnnotationDbi framework. The methods support in addition also the filter framework of the ensembldb package to provide some more fine grained querying and data retrieval.
I have forked the AnnotationDbi package and added a section to its “IntroToAnnotationPackages.Rnw” vignette describing how to use EnsDb objects along with the above mentioned methods (https://github.com/jotsetung/AnnotationDbi). Eventually this could also be inserted to the “official” AnnotationDbi package.

best, jo

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