[Bioc-devel] .git folders in the repository

王棣台 r04945002 at ntu.edu.tw
Thu Dec 15 16:27:26 CET 2016


I am the author of the package 'anamiR'.
It might be a mistake I made when I was learning how to use git-SVN.

I think I have corrected it.

Many thanks,
Ti-Tai Wang
從: Bioc-devel [bioc-devel-bounces at r-project.org] 代表 Wolfgang Huber [wolfgang.huber at embl.de]
寄件日期: 2016年12月15日 下午 04:43
至: bioc-devel at r-project.org
主旨: [Bioc-devel] .git folders in the repository

Today I get, after “svn up"
whuber at boltzmann:~/madman/Rpacks$ find . -name .git -exec du -sh {} \;
 17M    ./anamiR/anamiR/.git
 56K    ./RareVariantVis/.git

Probably the “.git" folders should not be checked in?

Best wishes

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