[Bioc-devel] Custom build of packages

Ruiz Arenas, Carlos cruiz at creal.cat
Fri Apr 22 12:06:41 CEST 2016

Hi Bioconductor community,

I am a recent Bioc developer. I uploaded a package just before the deadline of this BioC 3.3. During the admission process, the build machine was run with my packages almost every two hours which allowed me to improve the package more efficiently. However, now that I am in the devel trunk, the build machine is only run nightly. I am experiencing some problems due to some changes and I have to wait until the following day to check that the changes had worked. One of the people of Bioc tried to help me running the machine with my package. However, he is in Seatle while I am in Barcelona, so when I receive the mail he is not working anymore and the other way round.

I am wondering if it could be possible for developers to generate a build report for our package. Otherwise, I think it could be interesting that the build machine was run more often during the last days of Bioc release, at least for packages with changes.

Are any of these options feasible?


Carlos Ruiz

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