[Bioc-devel] Using Git with Bioconductor SVN repositories
Maarten van Iterson
mviterson at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 08:26:16 CEST 2016
Dear all,
I'm struggling with using git and the Bioconductor SVN repo of my packages.
For example, I have a package in devel (bacon) and managed to push changes
to the svn/trunk of my package using the steps described at:
following scenario 2, but after
git checkout master
git merge devel
the decorate output of git log is:
* e8e3752 - (HEAD, master) Merge branch 'devel' (22 seconds ago)
| * fe340af - (git-svn-devel, devel) fix bug meta-analysis and add trimming
of test-statistics (in the future) <m.iterson>
* | 73921c7 - (origin/master, origin/HEAD) fix bug meta-analysis and add
trimming of test-statistics (15 minutes ago) <mvaniterson>
* 693fdba - (bioc/master) add ggplot versions of hist and qq add topTable
function and updating vignette (2 weeks ago) <m.iterson>
* fc2436f - update markdown file (2 weeks ago) <m.iterson>
* 52a7818 - add ggplot versions of hist and qq add topTable function and
updating vignette (2 weeks ago) <m.iterson>
* 92ed414 - fix typo and add URL and BugReports to DESCR. (2 weeks ago)
* b45332b - Adding doppelgangR, EpiCluster, PCAN, bacon, SwathXtend (3
weeks ago) <mtmorgan at fhcrc.org>
whereas I expect every branch should be in sync.
The state of my fork is: 1 commit ahead, 1 commit behind
Bioconductor-mirror:master. What should I do at this point?
If followed this scenario before and commit to git and push to GitHub as
normally but ended up in a state that I only could solve by removing my
fork from github and start all over again.
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