[Bioc-devel] Feedback on OrganismDb development
Obenchain, Valerie
Valerie.Obenchain at roswellpark.org
Fri Apr 8 23:48:17 CEST 2016
On 04/08/2016 02:34 PM, Obenchain, Valerie wrote:
> Hi,
> It sounds like we have agreement on these points:
> - Add support for sequences
> - Keep the OrganismDb name
> - Do provide pre-built packages
> I'm not sure we got much weigh in on the package name. I tend towards a
> more descriptive name. This post (to me) is an example of the confusion
> that can come from a very general name:
> https://support.bioconductor.org/p/80612/
By 'use some development' I mean we have them on the TODO to work on
after the release.
> These areas could use some development:
> - More support for Ensembl-based tracks:
> I don't think we're moving to ENSEMBL as a default (sorry Tim!) but we
> can provide more Ensembl-centric TxDbs.
> - Role of AnnotationHub:
> We have thought of storing the sqlite dbs in AnnotationHub and creating
> an OrganismDb on the fly. There is the issue of working off-line that
> Tim brought mentioned. We plan to do some testing with this after the
> release.
> - Better advertise the useful operations one can do with OrganismDb such
> as seqinfo, seqlengths, symbol translations etc.
> Tim and Ludwig, you asked for a few specific organisms. In devel we now
> have TxDbs for all mentioned except ecoli and arabidopsis so you can
> make your own OrganismDb with makeOrganismPackage(). I'm planning to
> send out a summary email to bioc-devel out that highlights the new Txdbs
> and other changes to the annotation in 3.3.
> Thanks for the feedback.
> Valerie
> On 04/07/2016 08:38 AM, Tim Triche, Jr. wrote:
>> My only concern regarding AnnotationHub is offline use. I find that
>> I'm more productive if I turn off the network interface altogether...
>> Maybe I'm the only one. BiomaRt also scarred me a little.
>> --t
>> On Apr 7, 2016, at 8:34 AM, Vincent Carey <stvjc at channing.harvard.edu
>> <mailto:stvjc at channing.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 11:24 AM, Tim Triche, Jr.
>>> <tim.triche at gmail.com <mailto:tim.triche at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Great! This is an awesome opportunity to move to ENSEMBL as a
>>> default ;-) (only half kidding, by the way)
>>> 1) BSGenome/2bit would be great -- I use this sometimes to
>>> generate fusion transcripts with defined breakpoints to
>>> supplement existing txomes
>>> 2) class name: don't change it
>>> 3) pre made packages: god yes. Try creating an ENSEMBL TxDb from
>>> a GTF on a laptop sometime! I am planning to try and help a bit
>>> in this respect with direct Reactome mappings of various ID types
>>> for downstream analysis so this is not just a feature request, I
>>> will help with it.
>>> I think this is a different concern. The TxDb infrastructure seems
>>> sound, and EnsDb is useful too... but they are not well-harmonized;
>>> TxDb works nicely with Gviz. I do think that we should have a richer
>>> collection of interoperable transcript model sources packaged. But
>>> the OrganismDb discipline, if I understand it correctly, only
>>> specifies links among diverse annotation packages and helps with
>>> cross-package joins.
>>> An afterthought -- maybe the TxDb annotation package discipline will
>>> give way to queries to AnnotationHub. OrganismDb instance
>>> construction would specify AnnotationHub entities that comprise the
>>> instance and, on use, retrieve form AnnotationHub whatever is not in
>>> the cache.
>>> Thanks for picking this up. I and others use the organismdbi
>>> packages all the time and was wondering what would become of them
>>> now that Marc moved to Seattle Children's. It is great to hear
>>> that they will receive renewed attention because it is a really
>>> handy infrastructure. About all I could ask for is Drosophila,
>>> Danio, and Caenorhabditis organism packages ;-)
>>> Thank you,
>>> --t
>>> > On Apr 7, 2016, at 7:34 AM, Obenchain, Valerie
>>> <Valerie.Obenchain at roswellpark.org
>>> <mailto:Valerie.Obenchain at roswellpark.org>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > BioC developers,
>>> >
>>> > After the release we plan to continue development the
>>> OrganismDb class
>>> > and packages. This email outlines some ideas for future
>>> direction. We're
>>> > interested in feedback on these points as well as other
>>> thoughts people
>>> > might have.
>>> >
>>> > ## Background
>>> >
>>> > The OrganismDb class is defined in the OrganismDbi package and
>>> consists
>>> > of a TxDb object and the combined mappings from GO.db and an
>>> OrgDb. It
>>> > supports the select() interface as well as several range-based
>>> > extractors such as exons(), transcripts(), etc. The idea was
>>> that given
>>> > a particular organism, a user would only need a single package
>>> to access
>>> > both system biology and transcripts-centric annotations.
>>> >
>>> > We currently have 3 OrganismDb packages
>>> >
>>> (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___OrganismDb).
>>> > These are light weight and don't contain any data themselves
>>> but instead
>>> > point to the GO.db, OrgDb and TxDb packages.
>>> >
>>> > ## Current issues
>>> >
>>> > - Support for sequence representation
>>> >
>>> > We've discussed incorporating an optional sequence component, maybe
>>> > BSgenome or 2bit or ... ?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > - Class name
>>> >
>>> > OrganismDb is similar to OrgDb which could cause some
>>> confusion. We are
>>> > considering renaming ... here are a few ideas. Let us know what you
>>> > think or add your suggestion.
>>> >
>>> > OrganismDb (fine as is, leave it)
>>> > FullOrgDb
>>> > CrossDb
>>> > MultipleDb
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > - Package name
>>> >
>>> > The current names are not very descriptive: Homo.sapiens,
>>> Mus.musculus
>>> > and Rattus.norvegicus. We'd like to follow the naming
>>> convention used
>>> > in our BSgenome and TxDb packages which means including the source,
>>> > build and track from the TxDb as well as preceding with the
>>> class type.
>>> >
>>> > For example, the current 'Homo.sapiens' package would be renamed
>>> > 'OrganismDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene'.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > - Pre-made packages
>>> >
>>> > Is it useful to supply pre-made packages or just increase
>>> awareness of
>>> > the helpers so users can make their own? Current helpers:
>>> >
>>> >> ?makeOrganism
>>> > ?makeOrganismDbFromBiomart ?makeOrganismDbFromTxDb
>>> > ?makeOrganismDbFromUCSC ?makeOrganismPackage
>>> >
>>> > NOTE: makeOrgansimPackage() will be renamed to
>>> makeOrganismDbPackage().
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Thanks.
>>> > Valerie
>>> >
>>> >
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