[Bioc-devel] New biocView - RiboSeq

Arora, Sonali sarora at fredhutch.org
Wed Oct 21 01:34:19 CEST 2015

Recently a new biocView called 'RiboSeq' was added to the list of 
biocViews to tag packages working with Ribsome Profiling Sequence Data.

http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/BiocViews.html and then 
navigates to Software -> Technology -> Sequencing -> RiboSeq
(this is __without__ the checkbox checked; it goes away when the box is 

It would be great if the authors of RiboSeqR and RiboProfiling could tag 
their packages with this new biocView.

Thanks and Regards,

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