[Bioc-devel] Bioconductor 3.2 is released!
Dan Tenenbaum
dtenenba at fredhutch.org
Wed Oct 14 22:17:32 CEST 2015
We are pleased to announce Bioconductor 3.2, consisting of 1104
software packages, 257 experiment data packages, and 917
up-to-date annotation packages.
There are 80 new software packages, and many updates and improvements
to existing packages; Bioconductor 3.2 is compatible with R 3.2,
and is supported on Linux, 32- and 64-bit Windows, and Mac OS X. This
release includes an updated Bioconductor [Amazon Machine Image][1]
and [Docker containers][2].
Visit [http://bioconductor.org][3]
for details and downloads.
[1]: http://bioconductor.org/help/bioconductor-cloud-ami/
[2]: http://bioconductor.org/help/docker/
[3]: http://bioconductor.org
Note: The Snow Leopard builds are a few days behind, because of some issues that we are working through. However, this new release should still be basically usable on Snow Leopard. Note also that this is the last version of Bioconductor to be supported on Snow Leopard. You should plan to migrate to Mavericks or newer before the next release (in the Spring of 2016).
* Getting Started with Bioconductor 3.2
* New Software Packages
* NEWS from new and existing packages
* Packages removed from Bioconductor since the last release
Getting Started with Bioconductor 3.2
To update to or install Bioconductor 3.2:
1. Install R 3.2. Bioconductor 3.2 has been designed expressly
for this version of R.
2. Follow the instructions at
http://bioconductor.org/install/ .
New Software Packages
There are 80 new packages in this release of Bioconductor.
ABAEnrichment - The package ABAEnrichment is designed to test for enrichment of user defined candidate genes in the set of expressed genes in different human brain regions. The core function 'aba_enrich' integrates the expression of the candidate gene set (averaged across donors) and the structural information of the brain using an ontology, both provided by the Allen Brain Atlas project. 'aba_enrich' interfaces the ontology enrichment software FUNC to perform the statistical analyses. Additional functions provided in this package like 'get_expression' and 'plot_expression' facilitate exploring the expression data.
acde - This package provides a multivariate inferential analysis method for detecting differentially expressed genes in gene expression data. It uses artificial components, close to the data's principal components but with an exact interpretation in terms of differential genetic expression, to identify differentially expressed genes while controlling the false discovery rate (FDR). The methods on this package are described in the vignette or in the article 'Multivariate Method for Inferential Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes in Gene Expression Experiments' by J. P. Acosta, L. Lopez-Kleine and S. Restrepo (2015, pending publication).
AnnotationHubData - These recipes convert a wide variety and a growing number of public bioinformatic data sets into easily-used standard Bioconductor data structures.
BBCAnalyzer - BBCAnalyzer is a package for visualizing the relative or absolute number of bases, deletions and insertions at defined positions in sequence alignment data available as bam files in comparison to the reference bases. Markers for the relative base frequencies, the mean quality of the detected bases, known mutations or polymorphisms and variants called in the data may additionally be included in the plots.
biobroom - This package contains methods for converting standard objects constructed by bioinformatics packages, especially those in Bioconductor, and converting them to tidy data. It thus serves as a complement to the broom package, and follows the same the tidy, augment, glance division of tidying methods. Tidying data makes it easy to recombine, reshape and visualize bioinformatics analyses.
caOmicsV - caOmicsV package provides methods to visualize multi-dimentional cancer genomics data including of patient information, gene expressions, DNA methylations, DNA copy number variations, and SNP/mutations in matrix layout or network layout.
CausalR - Causal Reasoning algorithms for biological networks, including predictions, scoring, p-value calculation and ranking
ChIPComp - ChIPComp detects differentially bound sharp binding sites across multiple conditions considering matching control.
CNPBayes - Bayesian hierarchical mixture models for batch effects and copy number.
CNVPanelizer - A method that allows for the use of a collection of non-matched normal tissue samples. Our approach uses a non-parametric bootstrap subsampling of the available reference samples to estimate the distribution of read counts from targeted sequencing. As inspired by random forest, this is combined with a procedure that subsamples the amplicons associated with each of the targeted genes. The obtained information allows us to reliably classify the copy number aberrations on the gene level.
DAPAR - This package contains a collection of functions for the visualisation and the statistical analysis of proteomic data.
DChIPRep - The DChIPRep package implements a methodology to assess differences between chromatin modification profiles in replicated ChIP-Seq studies as described in Chabbert et. al - http://www.dx.doi.org/10.15252/msb.20145776.
DeMAND - DEMAND predicts Drug MoA by interrogating a cell context specific regulatory network with a small number (N >= 6) of compound-induced gene expression signatures, to elucidate specific proteins whose interactions in the network is dysregulated by the compound.
destiny - Create and plot diffusion maps
DiffLogo - DiffLogo is an easy-to-use tool to visualize motif differences.
DNABarcodes - The package offers a function to create DNA barcode sets capable of correcting insertion, deletion, and substitution errors. Existing barcodes can be analysed regarding their minimal, maximal and average distances between barcodes. Finally, reads that start with a (possibly mutated) barcode can be demultiplexed, i.e., assigned to their original reference barcode.
dupRadar - Duplication rate quality control for RNA-Seq datasets.
ELMER - ELMER is designed to use DNA methylation and gene expression from a large number of samples to infere regulatory element landscape and transcription factor network in primary tissue.
EnrichedHeatmap - Enriched heatmap is a special type of heatmap which visualizes the enrichment of genomic signals on specific target regions. Here we implement Enriched heatmap by ComplexHeatmap package. Since this type of heatmap is just a normal heatmap but with some special settings, with the functionality of ComplexHeatmap, it would be much easier to customize the heatmap as well as concatenating to a list of heatmaps to show correspondance between different data sources.
erma - Software and data to support epigenomic road map adventures.
eudysbiome - eudysbiome a package that permits to annotate the differential genera as harmful/harmless based on their ability to contribute to host diseases (as indicated in literature) or as unknown based on their ambiguous genus classification. Further, the package statistically measures the eubiotic (harmless genera increase or harmful genera decrease) or dysbiotic(harmless genera decrease or harmful genera increase) impact of a given treatment or environmental change on the (gut-intestinal, GI) microbiome in comparison to the microbiome of the reference condition.
fCI - (f-divergence Cutoff Index), is to find DEGs in the transcriptomic & proteomic data, and identify DEGs by computing the difference between the distribution of fold-changes for the control-control and remaining (non-differential) case-control gene expression ratio data. fCI provides several advantages compared to existing methods.
FindMyFriends - A framework for doing microbial comparative genomics in R. The main purpose of the package is assisting in the creation of pangenome matrices where genes from related organisms are grouped by similarity, as well as the analysis of these data. FindMyFriends provides many novel approaches to doing pangenome analysis and supports a gene grouping algorithm that scales linearly, thus making the creation of huge pangenomes feasible.
gcatest - GCAT is an association test for genome wide association studies that controls for population structure under a general class of trait. models.
GeneBreak - Recurrent breakpoint gene detection on copy number aberration profiles.
genotypeeval - Takes in a gVCF or VCF and reports metrics to assess quality of calls.
GEOsearch - GEOsearch is an extendable search engine for NCBI GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus). Instead of directly searching the term, GEOsearch can find all the gene names contained in the search term and search all the alias of the gene names simultaneously in GEO database. GEOsearch also provides other functions such as summarizing common biology keywords in the search results.
GUIDEseq - The package implements GUIDE-seq analysis workflow including functions for obtaining unique cleavage events, estimating the locations of the cleavage sites, aka, peaks, merging estimated cleavage sites from plus and minus strand, and performing off target search of the extended regions around cleavage sites.
Guitar - The package is designed for visualization of RNA-related genomic features with respect to the landmarks of RNA transcripts, i.e., transcription starting site, start codon, stop codon and transcription ending site.
hierGWAS - Testing individual SNPs, as well as arbitrarily large groups of SNPs in GWA studies, using a joint model of all SNPs. The method controls the FWER, and provides an automatic, data-driven refinement of the SNP clusters to smaller groups or single markers.
HilbertCurve - Hilbert curve is a type of space-filling curves that fold one dimensional axis into a two dimensional space, but with still keep the locality. This package aims to provide a easy and flexible way to visualize data through Hilbert curve.
iCheck - QC pipeline and data analysis tools for high-dimensional Illumina mRNA expression data.
iGC - This package is intended to identify differentially expressed genes driven by Copy Number Alterations from samples with both gene expression and CNA data.
Imetagene - This package provide a graphical user interface to the metagene package. This will allow people with minimal R experience to easily complete metagene analysis.
INSPEcT - INSPEcT (INference of Synthesis, Processing and dEgradation rates in Time-Course experiments) analyses 4sU-seq and RNA-seq time-course data in order to evaluate synthesis, processing and degradation rates and asses via modeling the rates that determines changes in mature mRNA levels.
IONiseR - IONiseR provides tools for the quality assessment of Oxford Nanopore MinION data. It extracts summary statistics from a set of fast5 files and can be used either before or after base calling. In addition to standard summaries of the read-types produced, it provides a number of plots for visualising metrics relative to experiment run time or spatially over the surface of a flowcell.
ldblock - Define data structures for linkage disequilibrium measures in populations.
LedPred - This package aims at creating a predictive model of regulatory sequences used to score unknown sequences based on the content of DNA motifs, next-generation sequencing (NGS) peaks and signals and other numerical scores of the sequences using supervised classification. The package contains a workflow based on the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm that maps features to sequences, optimize SVM parameters and feature number and creates a model that can be stored and used to score the regulatory potential of unknown sequences.
lfa - LFA is a method for a PCA analogue on Binomial data via estimation of latent structure in the natural parameter.
LOLA - Provides functions for testing overlap of sets of genomic regions with public and custom region set (genomic ranges) databases. This make is possible to do automated enrichment analysis for genomic region sets, thus facilitating interpretation of functional genomics and epigenomics data.
MEAL - Package to integrate methylation and expression data. It can also perform methylation or expression analysis alone. Several plotting functionalities are included as well as a new region analysis based on redundancy analysis. Effect of SNPs on a region can also be estimated.
metagenomeFeatures - metagenomeFeatures was developed for use in exploring the taxonomic annotations for a marker-gene metagenomic sequence dataset. The package can be used to explore the taxonomic composition of a marker-gene database or annotated sequences from a marker-gene metagenome experiment.
metaX - The package provides a integrated pipeline for mass spectrometry-based metabolomic data analysis. It includes the stages peak detection, data preprocessing, normalization, missing value imputation, univariate statistical analysis, multivariate statistical analysis such as PCA and PLS-DA, metabolite identification, pathway analysis, power analysis, feature selection and modeling, data quality assessment.
miRcomp - Based on a large miRNA dilution study, this package provides tools to read in the raw amplification data and use these data to assess the performance of methods that estimate expression from the amplification curves.
mirIntegrator - Tools for augmenting signaling pathways to perform pathway analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression levels.
miRLAB - Provide tools exploring miRNA-mRNA relationships, including popular miRNA target prediction methods, ensemble methods that integrate individual methods, functions to get data from online resources, functions to validate the results, and functions to conduct enrichment analyses.
motifbreakR - We introduce motifbreakR, which allows the biologist to judge in the first place whether the sequence surrounding the polymorphism is a good match, and in the second place how much information is gained or lost in one allele of the polymorphism relative to another. MotifbreakR is both flexible and extensible over previous offerings; giving a choice of algorithms for interrogation of genomes with motifs from public sources that users can choose from; these are 1) a weighted-sum probability matrix, 2) log-probabilities, and 3) weighted by relative entropy. MotifbreakR can predict effects for novel or previously described variants in public databases, making it suitable for tasks beyond the scope of its original design. Lastly, it can be used to interrogate any genome curated within Bioconductor (currently there are 22).
myvariant - MyVariant.info is a comprehensive aggregation of variant annotation resources. myvariant is a wrapper for querying MyVariant.info services
NanoStringDiff - This Package utilizes a generalized linear model(GLM) of the negative binomial family to characterize count data and allows for multi-factor design. NanoStrongDiff incorporate size factors, calculated from positive controls and housekeeping controls, and background level, obtained from negative controls, in the model framework so that all the normalization information provided by NanoString nCounter Analyzer is fully utilized.
OGSA - OGSA provides a global estimate of pathway deregulation in cancer subtypes by integrating the estimates of significance for individual pathway members that have been identified by outlier analysis.
OperaMate - OperaMate is a flexible R package dealing with the data generated by PerkinElmer's Opera High Content Screening System. The functions include the data importing, normalization and quality control, hit detection and function analysis.
Oscope - Oscope is a statistical pipeline developed to identifying and recovering the base cycle profiles of oscillating genes in an unsynchronized single cell RNA-seq experiment. The Oscope pipeline includes three modules: a sine model module to search for candidate oscillator pairs; a K-medoids clustering module to cluster candidate oscillators into groups; and an extended nearest insertion module to recover the base cycle order for each oscillator group.
Path2PPI - Package to predict pathway specific protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks in target organisms for which only a view information about PPIs is available. Path2PPI uses PPIs of the pathway of interest from other well established model organisms to predict a certain pathway in the target organism. Path2PPI only depends on the sequence similarity of the involved proteins.
pathVar - This package contains the functions to find the pathways that have significantly different variability than a reference gene set. It also finds the categories from this pathway that are significant where each category is a cluster of genes. The genes are separated into clusters by their level of variability.
PGA - This package provides functions for construction of customized protein databases based on RNA-Seq data, database searching, post-processing and report generation. This kind of customized protein database includes both the reference database (such as Refseq or ENSEMBL) and the novel peptide sequences form RNA-Seq data.
Prize - The high throughput studies often produce large amounts of numerous genes and proteins of interest. While it is difficult to study and validate all of them. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) offers a novel approach to narrowing down long lists of candidates by prioritizing them based on how well they meet the research goal. AHP is a mathematical technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions where multiple criteria are involved. The technique structures problems into a hierarchy of elements, and helps to specify numerical weights representing the relative importance of each element. Numerical weight or priority derived from each element allows users to find alternatives that best suit their goal and their understanding of the problem.
Prostar - This package provides a GUI interface for DAPAR.
ProteomicsAnnotationHubData - These recipes convert a variety and a growing number of public proteomics data sets into easily-used standard Bioconductor data structures.
RareVariantVis - Genomic variants can be analyzed and visualized using many tools. Unfortunately, number of tools for global interrogation of variants is limited. Package RareVariantVis aims to present genomic variants (especially rare ones) in a global, per chromosome way. Visualization is performed in two ways - standard that outputs png figures and interactive that uses JavaScript d3 package. Interactive visualization allows to analyze trio/family data, for example in search for causative variants in rare Mendelian diseases.
rCGH - A comprehensive pipeline for analyzing and interactively visualizing genomic profiles generated through Agilent and Affymetrix microarrays. As inputs, rCGH supports Agilent dual-color Feature Extraction files (.txt), from 44 to 400K, and Affymetrix SNP6.0 and cytoScan probeset.txt, cychp.txt, and cnchp.txt files, exported from ChAS or Affymetrix Power Tools. This package takes over all the steps required for a genomic profile analysis, from reading the files to the segmentation and genes annotations, and provides several visualization functions (static or interactive) which facilitate profiles interpretation. Input files can be in compressed format, e.g. .bz2 or .gz.
RCy3 - Vizualize, analyze and explore graphs, connecting R to Cytoscape >= 3.2.1.
RiboProfiling - Starting with a BAM file, this package provides the necessary functions for quality assessment, read start position recalibration, the counting of reads on CDS, 3'UTR, and 5'UTR, plotting of count data: pairs, log fold-change, codon frequency and coverage assessment, principal component analysis on codon coverage.
rnaseqcomp - Several quantitative and visualized benchmarks for RNA-seq quantification pipelines. Two-replicate quantifications for genes, transcripts, junctions or exons by each pipeline with nessasery meta information should be organizd into numeric matrix in order to proceed the evaluation.
ropls - Latent variable modeling with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) are powerful methods for visualization, regression, classification, and feature selection of omics data where the number of variables exceeds the number of samples and with multicollinearity among variables. Orthogonal Partial Least Squares (OPLS) enables to separately model the variation correlated (predictive) to the factor of interest and the uncorrelated (orthogonal) variation. While performing similarly to PLS, OPLS facilitates interpretation. Successful applications of these chemometrics techniques include spectroscopic data such as Raman spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS) in metabolomics and proteomics, but also transcriptomics data. In addition to scores, loadings and weights plots, the package provides metrics and graphics to determine the optimal number of components (e.g. with the R2 and Q2 coefficients), check the validity of the model by permutation testing, detect outliers, and perform feature selection (e.g. with Variable Importance in Projection or regression coefficients). The package can be accessed via a user interface on the Workflow4Metabolomics.org online resource for computational metabolomics (built upon the Galaxy environment).
RTCGA - The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Data Portal provides a platform for researchers to search, download, and analyze data sets generated by TCGA. It contains clinical information, genomic characterization data, and high level sequence analysis of the tumor genomes. The key is to understand genomics to improve cancer care. RTCGA package offers download and integration of the variety and volume of TCGA data using patient barcode key, what enables easier data possession. This may have an benefcial infuence on impact on development of science and improvement of patients' treatment. Furthermore, RTCGA package transforms TCGA data to tidy form which is convenient to use.
RTCGAToolbox - Managing data from large scale projects such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) for further analysis is an important and time consuming step for research projects. Several efforts, such as Firehose project, make TCGA pre-processed data publicly available via web services and data portals but it requires managing, downloading and preparing the data for following steps. We developed an open source and extensible R based data client for Firehose pre-processed data and demonstrated its use with sample case studies. Results showed that RTCGAToolbox could improve data management for researchers who are interested with TCGA data. In addition, it can be integrated with other analysis pipelines for following data analysis.
sbgr - R client for Seven Bridges Genomics API.
SEPA - Given single-cell RNA-seq data and true experiment time of cells or pseudo-time cell ordering, SEPA provides convenient functions for users to assign genes into different gene expression patterns such as constant, monotone increasing and increasing then decreasing. SEPA then performs GO enrichment analysis to analysis the functional roles of genes with same or similar patterns.
SICtools - This package is to find SNV/Indel differences between two bam files with near relationship in a way of pairwise comparison thourgh each base position across the genome region of interest. The difference is inferred by fisher test and euclidean distance, the input of which is the base count (A,T,G,C) in a given position and read counts for indels that span no less than 2bp on both sides of indel region.
SISPA - Sample Integrated Gene Set Analysis (SISPA) is a method designed to define sample groups with similar gene set enrichment profiles.
SNPhood - To date, thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been found to be associated with complex traits and diseases. However, the vast majority of these disease-associated SNPs lie in the non-coding part of the genome, and are likely to affect regulatory elements, such as enhancers and promoters, rather than function of a protein. Thus, to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic traits and diseases, it becomes increasingly important to study the effect of a SNP on nearby molecular traits such as chromatin environment or transcription factor (TF) binding. Towards this aim, we developed SNPhood, a user-friendly *Bioconductor* R package to investigate and visualize the local neighborhood of a set of SNPs of interest for NGS data such as chromatin marks or transcription factor binding sites from ChIP-Seq or RNA-Seq experiments. SNPhood comprises a set of easy-to-use functions to extract, normalize and summarize reads for a genomic region, perform various data quality checks, normalize read counts using additional input files, and to cluster and visualize the regions according to the binding pattern. The regions around each SNP can be binned in a user-defined fashion to allow for analysis of very broad patterns as well as a detailed investigation of specific binding shapes. Furthermore, SNPhood supports the integration with genotype information to investigate and visualize genotype-specific binding patterns. Finally, SNPhood can be employed for determining, investigating, and visualizing allele-specific binding patterns around the SNPs of interest.
subSeq - Subsampling of high throughput sequencing count data for use in experiment design and analysis.
SummarizedExperiment - The SummarizedExperiment container contains one or more assays, each represented by a matrix-like object of numeric or other mode. The rows typically represent genomic ranges of interest and the columns represent samples.
SWATH2stats - This package is intended to transform SWATH data from the OpenSWATH software into a format readable by other statistics packages while performing filtering, annotation and FDR estimation.
synlet - Select hits from synthetic lethal RNAi screen data. For example, there are two identical celllines except one gene is knocked-down in one cellline. The interest is to find genes that lead to stronger lethal effect when they are knocked-down further by siRNA. Quality control and various visualisation tools are implemented. Four different algorithms could be used to pick up the interesting hits. This package is designed based on 384 wells plates, but may apply to other platforms with proper configuration.
TarSeqQC - The package allows the representation of targeted experiment in R. This is based on current packages and incorporates functions to do a quality control over this kind of experiments and a fast exploration of the sequenced regions. An xlsx file is generated as output.
TCGAbiolinks - The aim of TCGAbiolinks is : i) facilitate the TCGA open-access data retrieval, ii) prepare the data using the appropriate pre-processing strategies, iii) provide the means to carry out different standard analyses and iv) allow the user to download a specific version of the data and thus to easily reproduce earlier research results. In more detail, the package provides multiple methods for analysis (e.g., differential expression analysis, identifying differentially methylated regions) and methods for visualization (e.g., survival plots, volcano plots, starburst plots) in order to easily develop complete analysis pipelines.
traseR - traseR performs GWAS trait-associated SNP enrichment analyses in genomic intervals using different hypothesis testing approaches, also provides various functionalities to explore and visualize the results.
variancePartition - Quantify and interpret multiple sources and biological and technical variation in gene expression experiments. Uses linear mixed model to quantify variation in gene expression attributable to individual, tissue, time point, or technical variables.
XBSeq - We developed a novel algorithm, XBSeq, where a statistical model was established based on the assumption that observed signals are the convolution of true expression signals and sequencing noises. The mapped reads in non-exonic regions are considered as sequencing noises, which follows a Poisson distribution. Given measureable observed and noise signals from RNA-seq data, true expression signals, assuming governed by the negative binomial distribution, can be delineated and thus the accurate detection of differential expressed genes.
NEWS from new and existing packages
Package maintainers can add NEWS files describing changes to their
packages since the last release. The following package NEWS is available:
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- first submission to Bioc-devel
Changes in version 2.9.3 (2015-05-30):
- Fixed Note about require(Cairo).
- Fixed failure with changes in ffbase and not exporting min.ff and
Changes in version 2.9.2 (2015-05-07):
- Remove wrong {} in CITATION.
Changes in version 2.9.1 (2015-04-30):
- Added the CITATION file (which was never uploaded to the svn repos)
- Added in one reference in pSegement.Rd
Changes in version 1.41.7 (2015-09-14):
- ROBUSTNESS: Explicitly importing core R functions.
Changes in version 1.41.6 (2015-07-29):
- Updated the BiocViews field of DESCRIPTION.
Changes in version 1.41.5 (2015-06-17):
- New maintainer address (in all fields).
Changes in version 1.41.4 (2015-05-26):
- New maintainer address.
Changes in version 1.41.3 (2015-05-13):
- AVAILABILITY: Removed requirement for 'GNU make'.
Changes in version 1.41.2 (2015-05-05):
- BUG FIX/ROBUSTNESS: readCelHeader() and readCel() would core dump
R/affxparser if trying to read multi-channel CEL files (Issue #16).
Now an error is generated instead. Multi-channel CEL files (e.g.
Axiom) are not supported by affxparser. Thanks to Kevin McLoughlin
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA) for reporting on this.
- BUG FIX/ROBUSTNESS: readCelHeader() and readCel() on corrupt CEL
files could core dump R/affparser (Issues #13 & #15). Now an error
is generated instead. Thanks to Benilton Carvalho (Universidade
Estadual de Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil) and Malte Bismarck (Martin
Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg) for reports.
Changes in version 1.41.1 (2015-04-25):
- MEMORY ERRORS: Native functions R_affx_GetCHPEntries() and
R_affx_ReadCHP() had unbalanced PROTECT()/UNPROTECT(). Also, native
R_affx_GetCHPGenotypingResults() had two non-PROTECT():ed usages of
mkString(). Thanks to Tomas Kalibera at Northeastern University for
reporting on this.
Changes in version 1.41.0 (2015-04-16):
- The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version,
which is now BioC v3.2 for R (>= 3.3.0).
Changes in version 1.8.0:
- genotype accessor requires reference and alternative allele
- genotype setter requires reference allele information
- reference fraction is now accessed through fraction(ASEset,
- for a more robust performance unit tests are now covering the most
crucial calculations, such as e.g. fraction, frequency, summary,
mapbias and phase specific calculations.
Changes in version 1.47:
- probesByLL is now defunct; use AnnotationDbi::select() instead.
- blastSequences supports multiple sequence queries; use
as="data.frame" for output.
- Improve blastSequences strategy for result retrieval, querying the
appropriate API for status every 10 seconds after initial estimated
processing time.
Changes in version 1.31:
NEW FEATURES and API changes
- columns() and keytypes() sort their return values.
- ls() on a Bimap option returns keys in sort()ed order, by default * *
* 1.30.x SERIES NEWS * * *
Changes in version 2.1.26:
- seqinfo(GRanges) for all genomes supported by GenomeInfoDb now
contain seqlengths.
Changes in version 1.0.0:
- ENSEMBL recipes discover gtf files on Windows.
Changes in version 0.0.214:
- Have added vcf files from the following genome builds for humans
"human_9606/VCF/clinical_vcf_set/", "human_9606_b141_GRCh37p13/VCF/",
- For each genome build, where available, the following VCF file
formats are available a) all.vcf.gz b) all_papu.vcf.gz c)
common_all.vcf.gz d) clinvar.vcf.gz e) clinvar_papu f)
common_and_clinical g) common_no_known_medical_impact
- The user can refer to
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/variation/docs/human_variation_vcf/ for
VCF file type formats
Changes in version 1.9.1:
- Add NEWS file
- Add code to compute expression variability measure from Alemu, et al.
NAR 2014.
Changes in version 2.99.0 (2015-10-06):
- No changes.
Changes in version 2.1.1:
- bug fix in texpr, eexpr, iexpr, and gexpr methods; they no longer
crash with single-replicate objects
- Small documentation clarifications
Changes in version 1.0.0:
- Tidying methods for DESeq2, limma, edgeR, qvalue and MSnSet objects.
Changes in version 1.20.0:
- biocLite() uses lib.loc when calling update.packages
Changes in version 1.8.0:
- R Markdown templates for Bioconductor HTML and PDF documents
- Suggest 'rmarkdown' as the default engine for .Rmd documents
- Simplified use with 'rmarkdown' - no need to include a separate code
chunk calling 'BiocStyle::markdown' anymore
- Functions facilitating the inclusion of document compilation date and
package version in the .Rmd document header
Changes in version 1.37.2:
- Add new function recommendPackages for finding packages tagged with a
set of biocViews.
Changes in version 1.9.8:
- Significant (3x) speedup. A 5000-node, 6000-edge graph transmits to
Cytoscape from R in about 20 seconds.
Changes in version 1.5:
- new function strandCollapse for collapsing forward and reverse strand
data to be unstranded.
- Updated read.bismark() to support the cytosine report files; both
formats are supported. Other minor updates (mostly internal) to
read.bismark(). Greatly improved documentation of this function,
paying particular attention to differences in file formats between
versions of Bismark.
Changes in version 1.25.3:
- Fix parallel processing with SNOW
Changes in version 1.25.2:
- Disabled Rmpi support and usage on Windows
Changes in version 1.25.1:
- Fix the import of the igraph methods, because it also exported a
groups function. Solves the error "Error in x$membership : $ operator
not defined for this S4 class"
Changes in version 1.1.0:
- Fixed bug in formatting m/z labels affecting R 3.2.2
- Removed dependency on 'fields' because 'maps' is broken on Windows
Changes in version 3.3.8:
- update the documentation
Changes in version 3.3.7:
- fix the problem in creating vignettes in linux platform.
Changes in version 3.3.6:
- add new function featureAlignedSignal, featureAlignedDistribution,
featureAlignedHeatmap, pie1
- add new dataset HOT.spots, wgEncodeTfbsV3
- update annoGR class
- update vignettes
Changes in version 3.3.5:
- remove all the RangedData
- add annoGR class
- update vignettes
Changes in version 3.3.4:
- toGRanges from MACS2, narrowPeak.
- calculate the p value of overlapping peaks by reagioneR
- update documentation
Changes in version 3.3.3:
- mergePlusMinusPeaks
Changes in version 3.3.2:
- update citation
Changes in version 3.3.1:
- add new citation
Changes in version 1.5.11:
- remove ellipsis parameter in enrichPeakOverlap function and extend it
to support GRanges objects <2015-10-08, Thu> + see
- fixed the issue,
https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/ChIPseeker/issues/13 <2015-10-05,
- update GEO info, now contains >18,000 bed file information
<2015-09-24, Thu>
Changes in version 1.5.10:
- dropAnno function, eg. drop nearest gene annotation that far from TSS
(>10k). <2015-09-17, Thu> + see
https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/ChIPseeker/issues/9 + add parameter
distanceToTSS_cutoff to enrichAnnoOverlap
- use base::subset in plotDistToTSS instead of subsetting data within
geom_bar <2015-09-17, Thu> + see
https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2/issues/1295 + subset parameter in
layer will be removed in next release of ggplot2.
Changes in version 1.5.9:
- bug fixed of enrichAnnoOverlap <2015-08-26, Wed>
- change parameter order.matrix to order.by in upsetplot to meet the
change of UpSetR pkg <2015-08-26, Wed>
Changes in version 1.5.8:
- better implementation of getFirstHitIndex. <2015-07-29, Wed> +
contributed by Herve Pages. + see
Changes in version 1.5.7:
- add vennpie parameter in upsetplot <2015-07-20, Mon>
- upsetplot function for csAnno object <2015-07-20, Mon>
Changes in version 1.5.6:
- update citation info <2015-07-09, Thu>
- BED file +1 shift for BED coordinate system start at 0 <2015-07-07,
Changes in version 1.5.5:
- seq2gene for linking genomic regions to genes by many-to-many
mapping. <2015-06-29, Mon>
Changes in version 1.5.4:
- add pseudocount in enrichPeakOverlap to prevent 0 pvalue <2015-05-22,
Changes in version 1.5.3:
- convert the vignette from Rnw to Rmd format <2015-05-17, Sun>
Changes in version 1.5.1:
- minor bug fixed in getChrCov <2015-04-27, Mon>
Changes in version 1.4.0:
- Weighted voting mode that uses the distance from an observation to
the nearest crossover point of the class densities added.
- Bartlett Test selection function included.
- New class SelectResult. rankPlot and selectionPlot can additionally
work with lists of SelectResult objects. All feature selection
functions now return a SelectResult object or a list of them.
- priorSelection is a new selection function for using features
selected in a prior cross validation for a new dataset
- New weighted voting mode, where the weight is the distance of the x
value from the nearest crossover point of the two densities. Useful
for predictions with skewed features.
Changes in version 1.7.2:
- update documentation
Changes in version 1.7.1:
- Update the author list.
Changes in version 1.8.0:
- Added a “private_clonotypes” function.
Changes in version 2.3.8:
- dropGO function <2015-09-24, Thu> + see
- use_internal_data = TRUE in enrichKEGG example to speedup compilation
of vignette and prevent error when online is not available
<2015-09-23, Wed>
Changes in version 2.3.7:
- bug fixed in sorting pvalue of compareClusterResult. <2015-09-16,
Wed> For compareCluster(fun=groupGO), there is no pvalue, use Count
for sorting
- use_internal_data= TRUE in enrichKEGG and gseKEGG demonstrated in
vignette due to the issue
<2015-08-26, Wed>
Changes in version 2.3.6:
- merge_result function <2015-07-15, Wed>
- add citation of ChIPseeker <2015-07-09, Thu>
- add 'Functional analysis of NGS data' section in vignette
<2015-06-29, Mon>
- update vignette <2015-06-24, Wed>
Changes in version 2.3.5:
- import dotplot from DOSE <2015-06-21, Sun>
Changes in version 2.3.4:
- bug fixed in getGeneSet.GO <2015-06-16, Tue>
Changes in version 2.3.3:
- convert vignette from Rnw to Rmd format <2015-05-17, Sun>
Changes in version 2.3.2:
- bug fixed of build_Anno <2015-05-07, Thu>
- add plotGOgraph function <2015-05-05, Tue>
Changes in version 2.3.1:
- remove import RDAVIDWebService <2015-04-29, Wed>
- update buildGOmap <2015-04-29, Wed>
- remove import KEGG.db <2015-04-29, Wed>
Changes in version 0.99.12:
- Add robust as option to calculate Background calculation, then
replacing mean with median and sd with mad
Changes in version 0.99.11:
- Calculate statistics base on ratio log transformation
Changes in version 0.99.10:
- Fix plotting and single sample bugs
Changes in version 0.99.9:
- Add fix for inconsistencies
- Remove CheckSignificance documentation for function not available
- Fix for vignette plot inconsistency bootstrap count
- Increment version number
Changes in version 0.99.8:
- Small fix for bioconductor submission
Changes in version 0.99.7:
- Specificity improvements BUG FIXES
- Improve code Styling
- Add documentation
Changes in version 0.99.6:
- Initial Bioconductor release BUG FIXES
- Add required imports at NAMESPACE
- Improve code Styling
- Add documentation
- Remove unnecessary files
Changes in version 1.38.0:
- Fixed error reading Codelink files with option type="Raw" or
- Now readCodelinkSet() accepts "path=" as argument to enable reading
files from a target directory.
Changes in version 1.2.0 (2015-09-01):
- update exmaple dataset.
- add drug repositioning gene sets and anlaysis.
Changes in version 1.3.4:
- The following function is updated + GR2fasta: The function is updated
to handle out of limit GRanges which will not be trimmed.
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- The following function is updated + GRannotate, GRangesInPromoters,
getPromoterClass: The functions are updated to create consistency in
how the transcripts are retreived from txdb.
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- The following function is updated + GRcoverageSummit: the BAM file
base-coverage can now be optionally corrected based on a control BAM
file (subtracting the control base-coverage, after normalizing both
for library size), before looking for the maximum coverage position
Changes in version 1.5.1:
- `oncoPrint`: there are default graphics if type of alterations is
less than two.
- `anno_*`: get rid of lazy loading
Changes in version 2.0.6 (2015-06-15):
- Fixed another bug resulting from checking whether all co-analyzed
bams were mapped to the same reference genome
Changes in version 2.0.5 (2015-06-10):
- Fixed an error resulting from checking whether all co-analyzed bams
were mapped to the same reference genome
Changes in version 2.0.4 (2015-06-05):
- Fixed an error in plotCNA leading to mixing of chromosomes during
Changes in version 2.0.3 (2015-05-06):
- Included MAD-values in CopywriteR log file
Changes in version 2.0.2 (2015-04-24):
- Fixed the bug that under certain circumstances error messages are
thrown that .bam files are not coordinate sorted
Changes in version 2.0.1 (2015-04-18):
- Implemented resetting the original work directory upon exit of
CopywriteR functions
- Corrected R dependency to version 3.2
- Updated DESCRIPTION file
- Fixed bug resulting in failure to calculate loesses RELEASE (version
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- Modified the fields title and description of the file DESCRIPTION to
cerrect the title in the citation of the package.
- Modified the field title of the file COSNet-package.Rd USER VISIBLE
Changes in version 1.3.14:
- Added clusterFDR() function to compute the FDR for clusters of DB
- Added checkBimodality() function to compute bimodality scores for
- Modified normalize(), asDGEList() to allow manual specification of
library sizes.
- Switched from normalizeCounts(), normalize() to S4 method
- Modified default parameter specification in strandedCounts(), to
avoid errors.
- Switched to warning from error when a restricted chromosome is
specified in extractReads().
- Modified extractReads() interface with improved support for extended
read and paired read extraction.
- Added normalization options to filterWindows() when using control
- Fixed bug for proportional filtering in filterWindows().
- Allowed correlateReads() to accept paired-end specification when
extracting data.
- Added maximizeCcf() function to estimate the average fragment length.
- Added support for strand-specific overlapping in detailRanges().
- Increased the fidelity of retained information in dumped BAM file
from dumpPE().
- Modified strand specification arguments for profileSites(), allowed
reporting of individual profiles.
- Removed param= specification from wwhm().
- Switched to RangedSummarizedExperiment conventions for all relevant
- Switched to mapqFilter for scanBam() when filtering on mapping
- Added tests for previously untested functions.
- Slight updates to documentation, user's guide.
Changes in version 1.8.2:
- Update functions PrepareAnnotationEnsembl.R and
PrepareAnnotationRefseq.R due to updates in depending packages
Changes in version 1.7.2:
- add html documentation
- customize the x axis as the amino acid physical position
- update the documentation
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.7.1:
- No changes classified as 'new features' (package under active
- better layout of the sequence logo.
Changes in version 1.17.1:
- Some minor changes in value names in function DoDART and DoDARTCLQ.
Changes in version 0.99.5:
- changed qplot() calls to standard evaluation based calls using
Changes in version 0.99.4:
- python script help in the vignette has been switched to static again
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- updated the python script to be executable
- python script help in the vignette is now "live"
- added negative tests for empty and flawed input in test_dataInput.R
- small fixes in the tests and the source code
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- updated general package help
- small fixes in the vignette
- updated newsfile
Changes in version 0.99.1:
- fixed typos in the documentation
- clarified dimensions of the count tables in the vignette
- added additional checks to the data import functions
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- initial devel version
Changes in version 1.24.0:
- QuantStudio (LifeTechnologies) output files are now supported
- All packages that were 'depended on' are not explicitly 'imported
from'. This has the effect that scripts depending on ddCt may
explicitly load libraries (such as RColorBrewer and Biobase) to use
functions therein.
- ColMap is now simplied to contain only three slots: Sample, Detector,
and Ct.
- Class 'CSVReader' is now renamed into 'TSVReader' since it supports
rather tab-delimited file, instead of comma-separated file
- A direct way to convert a data.frame to a InputFrame object is
documented. See 'example(InputFrame)'.
Changes in version 1.99.3 (2013-07-25):
- A few changes to shearwater vignette
- Renamed arguments pi.gene and pi.backgr in makePrior()
- Fixed bug in bf2Vcf() when no variant is called
Changes in version 1.99.2 (2013-07-11):
- Updated CITATION
- Added verbose option to bam2R to suppress output
- Changed mode() to "integer" for value of loadAllData()
- Fixed bug when only one variant is called in bf2Vcf()
Changes in version 1.99.1 (2013-06-25):
- Using knitr for prettier vignettes
- Including shearwater vignette
- fixed issues with deletions in bf2Vcf()
- makePrior() adds background on all sites
Changes in version 1.99.0 (2013-04-30):
- New shearwater algorithm
- Including VCF output through summary(deepSNV, value="VCF")
1.4.0: 07-03-2015 Lorena Pantano <lorena.pantano at gmail.com> FIX SOME
Changes in version 1.9.0:
- function name change in package changepoint (multiple.mean.norm -->
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- Brought back the 'mc.outfile' argument for specifying the 'outfile'
argument in SnowParam(). See more details at
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- Deprecated functions with underscores in their names in favor of
camelCase functions. This was done to simplify the package.
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- Greatly increased the speed of the p-values calculation step. See
https://github.com/lcolladotor/derfinder/issues/29 for details.
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- https://github.com/leekgroup/derfinderHelper is now in synch with the
new Bioconductor mirror for it. That is:
Changes in version 1.3.4:
- Dropped tMatrix() because it was a confusing plot and also lead to
build errors.
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- Added the function tMatrix() which uses a GRanges object that has a
variable of interest to compute t-Statistics between bins of the
genome. For each bin, the values of the variable of interest from the
regions overlapping the bin are used. We use t-Statistics instead of
correlation because not all bins will have the same number of
regions. This type of plot is similar to interaction plots made for
HiC data.
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- Added the vennRegions() function to visualize how many regions
overlap known exons, introns, intergenic regions, none of them or
several of these groups.
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- Deprecated functions with underscores in their names in favor of
camelCase functions. This was done to simplify the package.
Changes in version 1.10.0:
- Added MLE argument to plotMA().
- Added normTransform() for simple log2(K/s + 1) transformation, where
K is a count and s is a size factor.
- When the design contains an interaction, DESeq() will use
betaPrior=FALSE. This makes coefficients easier to interpret.
- Independent filtering will be less greedy, using as a threshold the
lowest quantile of the filter such that the number of rejections is
within 1 SD from the maximum. See ?results.
- summary() and plotMA() will use 'alpha' from results().
Changes in version 1.16.0:
- Roll up bugfixes
- dba.plotHeatmap returns binding sites in row order
Changes in version 1.1.17:
- Renamed normalize() to normOffsets().
- Added library size specification to DIList methods normOffsets(),
- Fixed bugs under pathological settings in plotPlaid(), plotDI(),
rotPlaid(), rotDI().
- Optimized C++ code for connectCounts(), squareCounts().
- Streamlined various R utilities used throughout all functions.
- Added iter_map.py to inst/python, for iterative mapping of DNase Hi-C
- Added the neighborCounts() function, for simultaneous read counting
and enrichment calculation.
- Added exclude for enrichedPairs(), to provide an exclusion zone in
the local neighborhood.
- Switched default colour in rotPlaid(), plotPlaid() to black.
- Added compartmentalize() function to identify genomic compartments.
- Added domainDirections() function to help identify domains.
- Modified correctedContact() to allow distance correction and report
factorized probabilities directly.
- Modified marginCounts() function for proper single-end-like treatment
of Hi-C data.
- Extended clusterPairs() to merge bin pairs from multiple DILists.
- Switched to reporting ranges directly from boxPairs(), added support
for minimum bounding box output.
- Modified consolidatePairs() to accept index vectors for greater
- Added reference argument for large bin pairs, in filterDirect() and
- Added filterDiag() convenience function for filtering of
(near-)diagonal bin pairs.
- Slight change to preparePairs() diagnostic reports when dedup=FALSE,
and for unpaired reads.
- Added option for a distance-based threshold to define invalid
chimeras in preparePairs().
- Updated documentation, tests and user's guide.
- Added diffHic paper entry to CITATION.
Changes in version 2.7.12:
- output a list of data frames by enrichMap via invisible, so that the
graph info can be viewed by other tools, eg. Cytoscape. <2015-09-30,
Changes in version 2.7.11:
- check whether input geneList is sorted <2015-09-22, Tue>
- order first followed by showCategory subsetting in barplot
<2015-09-08, Tue> + https://support.bioconductor.org/p/71917/#71939
- bug fixed in EXTID2NAME, keytype is TAIR for arabidopsis and ORF for
malaria <2015-08-26, Wed>
Changes in version 2.7.10:
- add Giovanni Dall'Olio as contributor in author list. <2015-07-21,
- update NCG data to version cancergenes_4.9.0_20150720 contributed by
Giovanni Dall'Olio. https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/DOSE/pull/8
<2015-07-21, Tue>
- geneInCategory may simplify to vector by R in very rare case, which
violate the assumption of list in S4 validation checking. This issue
was fixed. <2015-07-19, Sun>
Changes in version 2.7.9:
- add citation of ChIPseeker <2015-07-09, Thu>
- add 'Disease analysis of NGS data' section in vignette <2015-06-29,
- convert vignette from Rnw to Rmd <2015-06-24, Wed>
Changes in version 2.7.8:
- dotplot for enrichResult <2015-06-21, Sun>
Changes in version 2.7.7:
- speed up by using sample.int instead of sample <2015-06-04, Thu>
- add seed = FALSE to control reproduciblility of gsea function. to
make result reproducible, explicitly set seed=TRUE <2015-06-04, Thu>
- contributed by Vlad, see
https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/DOSE/pull/5/ - modified by
Changes in version 2.7.6:
- bug fixed in cnetplot legend contributed by Vladislav Petyuk
<2015-05-28, Thu>
Changes in version 2.7.5:
- update vignette <2015-05-15, Fri>
Changes in version 2.7.4:
- update permutation test with pvalue = (K+1)/(N+1) instead of K/N, so
that p value will never be 0 <2015-05-12, Tue>
Changes in version 2.7.3:
- add setType slot in gseaResult <2015-05-15, Tue>
- add universe and geneSets slots in enrichResult <2015-05-05, Tue>
Changes in version 2.7.2:
- add vertex.label.font parameter in enrichMap <2015-04-27, Mon>
Changes in version 2.7.1:
- update NCG description in enrichNCG <2015-04-22, Wed>
Changes in version 2.8.0:
- Add function to detect DML for general experimental design.
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- First release to Bioconductor
- `NEWS` file was added.
Changes in version 2.5.6:
- Ported changes from version 2.4.5 - 2.4.7
- Added a function to create the synthetic transcripts
- Deprecated functions fetchAnnotation and knowOrganisms are now
- Export 'basename', 'seqlevels', 'seqlevels<-' and 'seqnames<-'
Changes in version 2.5.5:
- Ported changed from release version 2.4.4
Changes in version 2.5.4:
- Ported changed from release version 2.4.3
Changes in version 2.5.3:
- Ported changed from release version 2.4.1
- Adapted to the genomeIntervals API changes (change from seq_name to
seqnames and addition of the coercion methods to GRanges and
Changes in version 2.5.2:
- Bioc. API changes
Changes in version 2.5.1:
- Bioc. API changes
Changes in version 2.5.0:
- Bioc. Devel Version 3.2
Changes in version 4.12.0:
- 'antialias' argument to the function 'affine' allowing to switch off
bilinear filtering around image borders
- deprecated '...GreyScale' morphological functions; use common
functions 'dilate', 'erode', 'opening', 'closing', 'whiteTopHat',
'blackTopHat' and 'selfComplementaryTopHat' for filtering both binary
and grayscale images
- 'resize' doesn't perform bilinear filtering at image borders anymore
in order to prevent the blending of image edges with the background
when the image is upscaled; to switch on bilinear sampling at image
borders use the function argument 'antialias = TRUE'
- 'floodFill' and 'fillHull' preserve storage mode
- all morphological operations use the efficient Urbach-Wilkinson
algorithm (up to 3x faster compared to the previous implementation)
- 'rotate': perform lossless 90/180/270 degree rotations by disabling
bilinear filtering
- reimplemented the Urbach-Wilkinson algorithm used to perform
grayscale morphological transformations
- improved pixel-level accuracy of spatial linear transformations:
'affine', 'resize', 'rotate' and 'translate'
- 'display(..., method = "raster")': displaying of single-channel color
- 'drawCircle': corrected x-y offset
- 'equalize': in case of a single-valued histogram issue a warning and
return its argument
- 'hist': accept images with 'colorMode = Color' containing less than
three color channels
- 'image': corrected handling of image frames
- 'medianFilter': filter size check
- 'normalize': normalization of a flat image when the argument
'separate' is set to 'FALSE'
- 'reenumerate': corrected handling of images without background
- 'stackObjects': corrected handling of blank images without any
- 'tile': reset dimnames
Changes in version 1.9.3:
- Correct typos in GetDEResults help file.
- Include an additional method for normalization.
Changes in version 1.9.2:
- Fixed a bug which may cause error when input a matrix to the
sizeFactors parameter
Changes in version 1.9.1:
- Added Q&A seqction in vignette to address common questions
Changes in version 2.3:
- Added function getGeneLengthAndGCContent to compute gene length and
- Updated vignette.
Changes in version 2.1.1:
- Moderated F-test has been added for likelihood ratio test
- Weights can be inputted into odp/lrt which allows it to work for
RNA-Seq experiments with low samples
- added function apply_jackstraw
- fixed bug in build_study
Changes in version 3.12.0:
- New argument tagwise for estimateDisp(), allowing users not to
estimate tagwise dispersions.
- estimateTrendedDisp() has more stable performance and does not return
negative trended dispersion estimates.
- New plotMD methods for DGEList, DGEGLM, DGEExact and DGELRT objects
to make a mean-difference plot (aka MA plot).
- readDGE() now recognizes HTSeq style meta genes.
- Remove the F-test in glmLRT().
- New argument contrast for diffSpliceDGE(), allowing users to specify
the testing contrast.
- glmTreat() returns both logFC and unshrunk.logFC in the output table.
- New method implemented in glmTreat() to increase the power of the
- New kegga methods for DGEExact and DGELRT objects to perform KEGG
pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes using Entrez Gene
- New dimnames<- methods for DGEExact and DGELRT objects.
- Bug fix to dimnames<- method for DGEGLM objects.
- User's Guide updated. Three old case studies are replaced by two new
comprehensive case studies.
Changes in version 1.2.0:
- Removed function QCfilter
- Heavily modified function QCinfo
- Add an argument exSample to preprocessENmix
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- `anno_enrich`: get rid of lazy loading
- smoothing by locfit
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- NULL can be added to the heatmap list
Changes in version 0.99.1:
- correctly use `system.file()` now
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- first release
Changes in version 1.1.9:
- Fixed a figure placement problem that can result in an error on
certain systems using a recent TexLive distribution.
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- Fix a bug in lengthOf that caused an error if no filter was supplied.
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- Implemented a shiny web app to search for genes/transcripts/exons
using annotation of an EnsDb annotation package (function
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- Added promoters method.
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- Added method ensemblVersion that returns the Ensembl version the
package bases on.
- Added method getGenomeFaFile that queries AnnotationHub to retrieve
the Genome FaFile matching the Ensembl version of the EnsDb object.
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- Added examples to the vignette for building an EnsDb using
AnnotationHub along with the matching genomic sequence.
- Added an example for fetching the sequences of genes, transcripts and
exons to the vignette.
- Fixed a bug in ensDbFromGRanges and ensDbFromGtf in which the genome
build version was not set even if provided.
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- The filter argument in all functions supports now also submission of
a filter object, not only of a list of filter objects.
Changes in version 1.10.0:
- VEPParam78 class supports Ensembl 80
Changes in version 1.6.1:
- Transition cached ranges for querying to 'GNCLists' from
Changes in version 1.3.5:
- Updated help files
- add warning if sample1Name or sample2Name include spaces or special
Changes in version 1.3.4:
- None
- Fixed allReps and labelReps value assignment
- Fixed bug for duplicate row names in array data
- Fixed warning for incorrect sample names
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- Updated dynRangePlot - function can now plot all replicates with or
without replicate labels
- Added warnings to initDat function for incorrect sample names and
missing 1:1 controls from userMixFileß
- Set minimum version requirements for ggplot2 and gridExtra
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- Vignette is updated to include use of grid.arrange for viewing
- multiplot function is deprecated and removed from the package,
function is replaced with grid.arrange
- updated erccROC, estLODR, and maSignal to address changes to
tableGrob in gridExtra package
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- Version incremented to 1.3.1 for development.
- Updated DESCRIPTION file, NEWS file and .gitignore file
Changes in version 1.9.2:
- corrected fold change calculation in bltest, by Lin Zhang
Changes in version 1.9.1:
- integrated the RMT tool for extracting the combinatorial RNA
methylome from multiple MeRIP-Seq datasets, see ?RMT
- 3 authors: Jia Meng, Lin Zhang and Lian Liu
- added another citation (Liu 2015)
Changes in version 3.4:
- Added argument 'downloadFile' to fea_david() to choose whether to
save the analysis results to the current directory
- DAVID now requires https. This causes errors in some systems. A
(hopefully) temporary solution is to install some certificates
locally. See RDAVIDWebService help:
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- Submission to Bioconductor
Changes in version 1.7.3:
- add the header ie the sample names to the output tables (created when
using output.type='table')
- correct little bug concerning the SAM file when header is present
(see samio.cpp first test over linecount replace by totalnumread)
Changes in version 1.4.0:
- added details in the vignette on the dockerflow proposal, where
flowcatchR is made available in preconfigured Docker containers
- penaltyFunctionGenerator: simmetric penalty function is now correctly
- added LazyData: true in the DESCRIPTION
- updated travis.yml to use native R integration
- vignette: improved structure, to enhance readability and usability;
removed rgl hook which was not used anyway
- documentation: slight updates and enhancements
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- Support for dataset searching (new function: flowRep.search).
Changes in version 2.7.0:
- Minor bugfix to make partitions matrix come out correctly when more
than one threshold is used.
Changes in version 1.6.0:
- the version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version
Changes in version 1.11.1:
- update the documentation
Changes in version 2.0.0:
- Added functions for PC-Relate. PC-Relate provides model-free
estimation of recent genetic relatedness in general samples. It can
be used to estimate kinship coefficients, IBD sharing probabilities,
and inbreeding coefficients using genome-wide SNP data. PC-Relate
accounts for population structure (ancestry) among sample individuals
through the use of ancestry representative principal components (PCs)
to provide accurate relatedness estimates due only to recent family
(pedigree) structure.
- GENESIS now imports the package gdsfmt.
Changes in version 1.9.3:
- Updated for compatibility with igraph 1.0
Changes in version 1.9:
- GenesRanking help: How to create a GenesRanking object based on
scores provided by another algorithm
- Several message and warning improvements
- Bugfix: 0 IQR filter now returns the original matrix
Changes in version 1.1.27:
- fixed extimating ylim and plotting notches in plotMeta
Changes in version 1.1.26:
- new function patternMatrix looks for k-mer or PWM matrix occurence
over specified DNA sequences or windows in a given genome. It depends
on BioString and seqPattern R packages.
Changes in version 1.1.25:
- faster assigning colors to the heatmap in heatMatrix and
multiHeatMatrix functions
Changes in version 1.1.24:
- Fixed a bug in multiHeatMatrix that occured after version 1.1.19
Changes in version 1.1.23:
- Fixed a bug in plotMeta that occured after version 1.1.19
Changes in version 1.1.22:
- New argument of multiHeatMatrix clust.matrix defines which matrices
are used for clustering
Changes in version 1.1.21:
- Improve reading paired-end alignment in score matrix functions. In
order to avoid duplicated reads from
GenomicAlignments:readGAlignmentPairs reads with repeated ids are
removed (with assumption that reads have unique ids).
Changes in version 1.1.20:
- test more examples (remove \donttest{} from examples responsible for
reading data, e.g. readBed, include into \donttest{} only those parts
of examples that are slow, e.g. plotMeta(.,.))
Changes in version 1.1.19:
- Arithmetic, indicator and logic operations as well as subsetting work
on ScoreMatrix, ScoreMatrixBin and ScoreMatrixList objects. New
functionality at "ScoreMatrix-class" and "ScoreMatrixList-class" are
documented in help pages.
- Commented examples of functions are uncommented or \donttest{} is
Changes in version 1.1.18:
- Integration of Travis CI
Changes in version 1.1.17:
- Bioconductor Git-SVN bridge improved rtracklayer::import() function
that has no more 'asRangedData' arg.
Changes in version 1.1.16:
- issue with readBam() used in scoreMatrix() to read bam files. Reading
paired-end reads was extremely slow, because of lines of code that
were responsible for checking if both mates from pair are not counted
twice, e.g. when mates map into two different windows of interest.
Right now we allow it. Fixed bug in reading single-end reads.
Changes in version 1.1.15:
- fix bug of plotMeta() when dispersion=NULL and smoothfun is not NULL
Changes in version 1.1.14:
- improve checking if the ncols of matrices match in heatMeta() and
Changes in version 1.1.13:
- add new argument cex.legend to plotTargetAnnotation() to specify the
size of the legend.
- changed ScoreMatrixBin() to run faster when noCovNA=TRUE
- check not only for .bw but also .bigWig and .bigwig extensions of
BigWig file in ScoreMatrix() and ScoreMatrixBin()
Changes in version 1.1.12:
- gffToGRanges is now a wrapper for import from rtracklayer
Changes in version 1.1.11:
- plotMeta function bug fixed. The error occured during plotting
meta-profile when dispersion=NULL. Implemented by Katarzyna
Changes in version 1.1.10:
- changes in heatMatrix() and plotMeta() - dispersion, smoothfun and
clustfun arguments changed from be default FALSE to NULL.
Changes in version 1.1.9:
- ScoreMatrix function bug fixed. The bug occured when RleList object
("target" argument) and GRanges object ("windows" argument) did not
have the same chromosome ordering. In that case, the returned score
matrix was correct but the row ordering did not correspond to the row
ordering supplied in the windows argument.
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- changes in the vignette, updated the AnnotationHub example, thanks to
Christopher Bottoms Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka.
Changes in version 1.1.7:
- extended capabilities for meta-plots; added new parameters to
plotMeta() that enable to show dispersion interval bands around a
central tendency (mean or median) and smoothing them. Implemented by
Katarzyna Wręczycka.
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- heatMatrix() and multiHeatMatrix() can visualizate score
matrix/matrices clustered by using not only kmeans, but custom
clustering function (clustfun argument). Implemented by Katarzyna
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- changes in the vignette,explicit call to
GenomicRanges::countOverlaps, thanks to Christopher Bottoms
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- scoreMatrix, scoreMatrixBin and ScoreMatrixList read paired-end BAM
files. Paired reads are treated as fragments. Implemented by
Katarzyna Wręczycka.
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- Functions that read data from text files re-written from
data.table::fread() to readr::read_delim() and now they can read
compressed files from a URL
- Changes in readBed(), readNarrowPeak(), readBroadPeak() and
gffToGRanges() arguments; All of them have now track.line argument
that can be FALSE, "auto" or an integer indicating number of first
lines to skip. The zero.based argument was added to readBed() that
tells whether ranges in the bed file are in 0 or 1-based coordinate
system. Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka.
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- scoreMatrixList() runs in parallel by using parallel::mclapply().
Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka.
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- We are in BioC
- readGeneric() and all the functions that read data from text files
are faster due to use of data.table::fread(). Implemented by
Katarzyna Wręczycka
Changes in version 1.25.3:
- Changed the "c" function from an S3method to use the S4 generic.
Changes in version 1.25.2:
- Fixed the width function to handle correctly the left end of the
Changes in version 1.25.1:
- Changed readGff3 to use closed intervals by default. Implemented two
sub-functions that implement reading a gff3 as base-pair features
only (no zero length intervals, i.e. right-closed intervals) or which
allows for zero length intervals, i.e. right-open intervals, when
start equals end)
- Deprecated the seq_name accessors in favour of the BiocGenerics
- Added a width accessor - similar to the IRanges functionality
- Added coercion to GRangesList and RangedData
- Edited some of the documentation (man page) and NAMESPACE generation
to use roxygen2
Changes in version 1.25.0:
- Bioc Version 3.2 devel
Changes in version 1.6.0:
- Add strandMode() getter and setter for GAlignmentPairs objects in
response to the following post:
https://support.bioconductor.org/p/65844/ See ?strandMode for more
- The readGAlignment*() functions now allow repeated seqnames in the
BAM header.
- Add "coverage" method for GAlignmentsList objects.
- The strand setter now works on a GAlignmentsList object in a
restricted way (only strand(x) <- "+" or "-" or "*" is supported).
- summarizeOverlaps() now returns a RangedSummarizedExperiment object
(defined in the new SummarizedExperiment package) instead of an "old"
SummarizedExperiment object (defined in the GenomicRanges package).
- Slightly modify the behavior of junctions() on a GAlignmentPairs
object so that the returned ranges now have the "real strand" set on
them. See ?junctions and the documentation of the 'real.strand'
argument in the man page of GAlignmentPairs objects for more
- Add 'real.strand' argument to first() and last() getters for
GAlignmentPairs objects.
- Deprecate left() and right() getters and strand() setter for
GAlignmentPairs objects.
- Deprecate 'invert.strand' argument of first() and last() getters for
GAlignmentPairs objects.
- Deprecate 'order.as.in.query' argument of "grglist" method for
GAlignmentPairs objects.
- Deprecate 'order.as.in.query' argument in "rglist" method for
GAlignmentsList objects (this concept is not defined for these
objects in general and the argument was ignored anyway).
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, the "mapCoords" and "pmapCoords"
methods are now defunct. mapToAlignments() should be used instead.
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, the readGAlignment*FromBam()
functions are now defunct. Everybody says "Let's all use the
readGAlignment*() functions instead! (no FromBam suffix). Yeah!"
- Various fixes to grglist/granges/rglist/ranges methods for
GAlignmentsList objects: - Respect cigar information (as claimed in
man page). - Restore 'drop.D.ranges' argument in "grglist" method
(mistakenly got deprecated at the beginning of BioC 3.2 devel cycle).
- The 'drop.D.ranges' argument in "rglist" method now works (was
ignored). - Handle empty list elements.
Changes in version 1.22:
- Add coverageByTranscript() and pcoverageByTranscript(). See
?coverageByTranscript for more information.
- Various improvements to makeTxDbFromGFF(): - Now supports
'format="auto"' for auto-detection of the file format. - Now
supports naming features by dbxref tag (like GeneID). This has proven
useful when importing GFFs from NCBI.
- Improvements to the coordinate mapping methods: - Support recycling
when length(transcripts) == 1 for parallel mapping functions. - Add
pmapToTranscripts,Ranges,GRangesList and
pmapFromTranscripts,Ranges,GRangesList methods.
- Adds 'taxonomyId' argument to the makeTxDbFrom*() functions.
- Improvements to makeTxDbPackage(): - Add 'pkgname' argument to
makeTxDbPackage() to let the user override the automatic naming of
the package to be generated. - Support person objects for
'maintainer' and 'author' arguments to makeTxDbPackage().
- The 'chrominfo' vector passed to makeTxDb() can now mix NAs and
- 2 significant changes to makeTxDbFromGRanges() and makeTxDbFromGFF():
- They now also import transcripts of type pseudogenic_transcript and
pseudogenic_exon. - They normally get the "gene_id" and
"[tx|exon|CDS]_name" columns from the Name tag. Now they will also
infer these columns from the ID tag when the Name tag is missing.
- Improve handling of 'circ_seqs' argument by makeTxDbFromUCSC(),
makeTxDbFromGFF(), and makeTxDbFromBiomart(): no more annoying
warning when none of the strings in DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS matches the
seqlevels of the TxDb object to be made.
- 2 minor changes to makeTxDbFromBiomart(): - Now drops unneeded
chromosome info when importing an incomplete transcript dataset. -
Now returns a TxDb object with 'Full dataset' field set to 'no' when
makeTxDbFromBiomart() is called with user-supplied 'filters'.
- makeTxDbPackage() now includes data source in the package name by
default (for non UCSC and BioMart databases).
- The following changes were made to the coordinate mapping methods: -
mapToTranscripts() now reports mapped position with respect to the
transcription start site regardless of strand. - Change
'ignore.strand' default from TRUE to FALSE in all coordinate mapping
methods for consistency with other functions that already have the
'ignore.strand' argument. - Name matching in mapFromTranscripts() is
now done with seqnames(x) and names(transcripts). - The
pmapFromTranscripts,*,GRangesList methods now return a GRangesList
object. Also they no longer use 'UNMAPPED' seqname for unmapped
ranges. - Remove uneeded ellipisis from the argument list of various
coordinate mapping methods.
- Change behavior of seqlevels0() getter so it does what it was always
intended to do.
- The order of the transcripts returned by transcripts() has changed:
now they are guaranteed to be in the same order as in the GRangesList
object returned by exonsBy().
- Code improvements and speedup to the transcripts(), exons(), cds(),
exonsBy(), and cdsBy() extractors.
- In order to avoid loss of information (and make it reversible with
makeTxDbFromGRanges()), the "asGFF" method for TxDb objects now
propagates the "exon_name" and "cds_name" columns to the GRanges
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, the makeTranscriptDb*() functions
are now defunct.
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, the 'exonRankAttributeName',
'gffGeneIdAttributeName', 'useGenesAsTranscripts', 'gffTxName', and
'species' arguments of makeTxDbFromGFF() are now defunct.
- Remove sortExonsByRank() (was defunct in BioC 3.1).
- Fix bug in fiveUTRsByTranscript() and threeUTRsByTranscript()
extractors when the TxDb object had "user defined" seqlevels and/or a
set of "active/inactive" seqlevels defined on it.
- Fix bug in isActiveSeq() setter when the TxDb object had "user
defined" seqlevels on it.
- Fix many issues with seqlevels() setter for TxDb objects. In
particular make the 'seqlevels(x) <- seqlevels0(x)' idiom work on
TxDb objects.
- Fix bug in makeTxDbFromBiomart() when using it to retrieve a dataset
that doesn't provide the cds_length attribute (e.g. sitalica_eg_gene
dataset in plants_mart_26).
Changes in version 1.6.0:
- dimnames<- correctly updates dim names
Changes in version 1.3.9:
- InteractionTrack class for plotting interactions with Gviz
- plotAvgViewpoint for plotting summarised interactions around a set of
- summariseByFeaturePairs: to summarise interactions between all pairs
of two feature sets
- annotateInteractions is significantly faster
- Data import has been made stricter and more consistent across
different file formats. Homer interaction files now have data
imported that was previously discarded.
- single viewpoint plotting (plotViewpoint)
- is.dt, is.pt
- calculateDistances
- some import/export issues
Changes in version 1.22.0:
- Support coercions back and forth between a GRanges object and a
character vector (or factor) with elements in the format
'chr1:2501-2800' or 'chr1:2501-2800:+'.
- Add facilities for manipulating "genomic variables": bindAsGRanges(),
mcolAsRleList(), and binnedAverage(). See ?genomicvars for more
- Add "narrow" method for GRangesList objects.
- Enhancement to the GRanges() constructor. If the 'ranges' argument is
not supplied then the constructor proceeds in 2 steps: 1. An initial
GRanges object is created with 'as(seqnames, "GRanges")'. 2. Then
this GRanges object is updated according to whatever other arguments
were supplied to the call to GRanges(). Because of this enhancement,
GRanges(x) is now equivalent to 'as(x, "GRanges")' e.g. GRanges() can
be called directly on a character vector representing ranges, or on a
data.frame, or on any object for which coercion to GRanges is
- Add 'ignore.strand' argument to "range" and "reduce" methods for
GRangesList objects.
- Add coercion from SummarizedExperiment to RangedSummarizedExperiment
(also available via updateObject()). See 1st item in DEPRECATED AND
DEFUNCT section below for more information about this.
- GNCList objects are now subsettable.
- "coverage" methods now accept 'shift' and 'weight' supplied as an
- Modify behavior of "*" strand in precede() / follow() to mimic
- Revisit "pintersect" methods for GRanges#GRanges,
GRangesList#GRanges, and GRanges#GRangesList: - Sanitize their
semantic. - Add 'drop.nohit.ranges' argument (FALSE by default). - If
'drop.nohit.ranges' is FALSE, the returned object now has a "hit"
metadata column added to it to indicate the elements in 'x' that
intersect with the corresponding element in 'y'.
- binnedAverage() now treats 'numvar' as if it was set to zero on
genomic positions where it's not set (typically happens when 'numvar'
doesn't span the entire chromosomes because it's missing the trailing
- GRanges() constructor no more mangles the names of the supplied
metadata columns (e.g. if the column is "_tx_id").
- makeGRangesFromDataFrame() now accepts "." in strand column (treated
- GNCList() constructor now propagates the metadata columns.
- Remove "seqnames" method for RangesList objects.
- The SummarizedExperiment class defined in GenomicRanges is deprecated
and replaced by 2 new classes defined in the new SummarizedExperiment
package: SummarizedExperiment0 and RangedSummarizedExperiment. In
BioC 2.3, the SummarizedExperiment class will be removed from the
GenomicRanges package and the SummarizedExperiment0 class will be
renamed SummarizedExperiment. To facilitate this transition, a
coercion method was added to coerce from old SummarizedExperiment to
new RangedSummarizedExperiment (this coercion is performed when
calling updateObject() on an old SummarizedExperiment object).
- makeSummarizedExperimentFromExpressionSet() and related stuff was
moved to the new SummarizedExperiment package.
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, the rowData accessor is now
defunct (replaced with the rowRanges accessor).
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, GIntervalTree objects and the
"intervaltree" algorithm in findOverlaps() are now defunct.
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, mapCoords() and pmapCoords() are
now defunct.
- 2 tweaks to subsetting *by* an GenomicRanges: - Improve speed when
the object to subset is a SimpleList (e.g. SimpleRleList). - Fix
issue when the GenomicRanges subscript is empty.
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- genotypeeval in use at Genentech and HLI.
- genotypeeval submitted to Bioconductor.
2.36: New Features * New, faster SOFT format parsing (Leonardo Gama) *
Turned on unit tests in Travis CI * Test coverage metrics added
Bug fixes * default download method no longer assumes that curl
is installed on linux * GSEMatrix parsing from file now finds
cached GPLs
Changes in version 1.1.20:
- fixed bug in geom_tiplab when x contains NA (eg, removing by collapse
function) <2015-10-01, Thu>
- bug fixed in %add2%, if node available use node, otherwise use label
<2015-09-04, Fri>
- bug fixed of subview for considering aes mapping of x and y
<2015-09-03, Thu>
- update vignette by adding r8s example <2015-09-02, Wed>
- defined r8s class, see http://loco.biosci.arizona.edu/r8s/
<2015-09-02, Wed> + add r8s sample files + read.r8s, parser function
+ fortify method + plot, get.tree, get.fields, groupOTU, groupClade,
scale_color, gzoom and show methods
- bug fixed in fortify.multiPhylo, convert df$.id to factor of
levels=names(multiPhylo_object) <2015-09-02, Wed>
- update scale_x_ggtree to support Date as x-axis <2015-09-01, Tue>
- add mrsd parameter for user to specify 'most recent sampling date'
for time tree <2015-09-01, Tue> - remove 'time_scale' parameter.
- defined 'raxml' class for RAxML bootstrapping analysis result
<2015-09-01, Tue> + see
http://sco.h-its.org/exelixis/web/software/raxml/hands_on.html +
read.raxml, parser function + plot, get.tree, get.fields, groupOTU,
groupClade, scale_color, gzoom and show methods + fortify.raxml
- bug fixed in edgeNum2nodeNum for jplace parsing jplace file
<2015-09-01, Tue>
Changes in version 1.1.19:
- use fortify instead of fortify.phylo in fortify.multiPhylo, so that
multiPhylo can be a list of beast/codeml or other supported objects.
<2015-08-31, Mon>
- support multiPhylo object, should use + facet_wrap or + facet_grid
<2015-08-31, Mon>
- remove dependency of EBImage and phytools to speedup the installation
process of ggtree <2015-08-31, Mon> + these two packages is not
commonly used, and will be loaded automatically when needed.
Changes in version 1.1.18:
- layout name change to 'rectangular', 'slanted', 'circular'/'fan' for
phylogram and cladogram (if branch.length = 'none') 'unroot' is not
changed. <2015-08-28. Fri>
- implement geom_point2, geom_text2, geom_segment2 to support
subsetting <2015-08-28, Fri> see
- update geom_tiplab according to geom_text2 and geom_segment2
<2015-08-28, Fri>
- add geom_tippoint, geom_nodepoint and geom_rootpoint <2015-08-28,
Changes in version 1.1.17:
- bug fixed in rm.singleton.newick by adding support of scientific
notation in branch length <2015-08-27, Thu>
- bug fixed in gheatmap, remove inherit aes from ggtree <2015-08-27,
- add 'width' parameter to add_legend, now user can specify the width
of legend bar <2015-08-27, Thu>
- add 'colnames_position' parameter to gheatmap, now colnames can be
display on the top of heatmap <2015-08-27, Thu>
- theme_transparent to make background transparent <2015-08-27, Thu>
- subview for adding ggplot object (subview) to another ggplot object
(mainview) <2015-08-27, Thu>
Changes in version 1.1.16:
- update citation <2015-08-17, Mon>
Changes in version 1.1.15:
- open text angle parameter for annotation_clade/annotation_clade2
<2015-08-13, Thu>
- support changing size of add_legend <2015-08-13, Thu>
- reroot methods for phylo and beast <2015-08-07, Fri>
Changes in version 1.1.14:
- update paml_rst to compatible with only marginal ancestral sequence
or joint ancestral sequence available <2015-08-07, Fri>
Changes in version 1.1.13:
- implement annotation_image <2015-08-01, Sat>
- better implementation of geom_tiplab for accepting aes mapping and
auto add align dotted line <2015-08-01, Sat>
- open group_name parameter of groupOTU/groupClade to user <2015-08-01,
Changes in version 1.1.12:
- update vignette according to the changes <2015-07-31, Fri>
- add mapping parameter in ggtree function <2015-07-31, Fri>
- extend groupClade to support operating on tree view <2015-07-31, Fri>
- extend groupOTU to support operating on tree view <2015-07-31, Fri>
- new implementation of groupClade & groupOTU <2015-07-31, Fri>
Changes in version 1.1.11:
- annotation_clade and annotation_clade2 functions. <2015-07-30, Thu>
- better add_legend implementation. <2015-07-30, Thu>
- add ... in theme_tree & theme_tree2 for accepting additional
parameter. <2015-07-30, Thu>
- better geom_tree implementation. Now we can scale the tree with
aes(color=numVar). <2015-07-30, Thu>
Changes in version 1.1.10:
- solve overlapping branches for layout = "fan" || "radial", that are
coord_polar-ized layouts. see
https://github.com/GuangchuangYu/ggtree/issues/6, contributed by
Vincent Bonhomme. <2015-07-22, Wed>
Changes in version 1.1.9:
- update add_legend to align legend text <2015-07-06, Mon>
- bug fixed in internal function, getChild.df, which should not include
root node if selected node is root <2015-07-01, Wed>
- rotate function for ratating a clade by 180 degree and update
vignette <2015-07-01, Wed>
- get_taxa_name function will return taxa name vector of a selected
clade <2015-06-30, Tue>
- add example of flip function in vignette <2015-06-30, Tue>
- flip function for exchanging positions of two selected branches
<2015-06-30, Tue>
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- update get.placement <2015-06-05, Fri>
- edgeNum2nodeNum for converting edge number to node number for
EPA/pplacer output <2015-06-04, Thu>
- mv scale_x_gheatmap to scale_x_ggtree, which also support msaplot
<2015-06-02, Tue>
- add mask function <2015-06-02, Tue>
Changes in version 1.1.7:
- add example of msaplot in vignette <2015-05-22, Fri>
- msaplot for adding multiple sequence alignment <2015-05-22, Fri>
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- add vertical_only parameter to scaleClade and set to TRUE by default.
only vertical will be scaled by default. <2015-05-22, Fri>
- update add_colorbar & add_legend <2015-05-21, Thu>
- add example of add_legend and gheatmap in vignette <2015-05-18, Mon>
- gheatmap implementation of gplot <2015-05-18, Mon>
- add_legend for adding evolution distance legend <2015-05-18, Mon>
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- implement scaleClade <2015-05-12, Tue>
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- better performance of parsing beast tree <2015-05-11, Mon> + support
beast tree begin with 'tree tree_1 = ' and other forms. + support
file that only contains one evidence for some of the nodes/tips
- update add_colorbar to auto determine the position <2015-05-04, Mon>
- add_colorbar function <2015-04-30, Thu>
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- add space between residue substitution (e.g. K123R / E155D)
<2015-04-30, Thu>
- remove slash line in heatmap legend <2015-04-30, Thu>
- update vignette to add example of merge_tree <2015-04-29, Wed>
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- in addition to parsing beast time scale tree in XXX_year[\\.\\d]*,
now supports XXX/year[\\.\\d]* <2015-04-29, Wed>
- add examples folder in inst that contains sample data <2015-04-29,
- update gplot, now rowname of heatmap will not be displayed
<2015-04-28, Tue>
- add line break if substitution longer than 50 character <2015-04-28,
- support calculating branch for time scale tree <2015-04-28, Tue>
- remove parsing tip sequence from mlb and mlc file <2015-04-28, Tue>
- remove tip.fasfile in read.paml_rst for rstfile already contains tip
sequence <2015-04-28, Tue>
- scale_color accepts user specific interval and output contains
'scale' attribute that can be used for adding legend <2015-04-28,
- extend fortify methods to support additional fields <2015-04-28, Tue>
- extend get.fields methods to support additional fields <2015-04-28,
- extend tree class to support additional info by merging two tree
<2015-04-28, Tue>
- implement merge_tree function to merge two tree objects into one
<2015-04-28, Tue>
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- minor bug fixed in extracting node ID of rst file <2015-04-27, Mon>
- update parsing beast time scale tree to support _year (originally
supports _year.\\d+) <2015-04-27, Mon>
- add Tommy in author <2015-04-27, Mon>
Changes in version 1.21.1:
- replaced seq_name method by seqnames (due to deprecation of seq_name
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- expression*plot() functions return error if an empty gene name is
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- heatmap_GO() function does not automatically resize margins when
using either gene names or gene identifiers. This caused the
user-defined margins to be systematically ignored.
Changes in version 1.27.4:
- convert vignette from Rnw to Rmd <2015-06-23, Tue>
Changes in version 1.27.3:
- bug fixed in getSupported_Org <2015-05-31, Sun>
Changes in version 1.27.2:
- deprecate 'worm' and use 'celegans' instead.
Changes in version 1.27.1:
- add external documents <2015-05-07, Thu>
Changes in version 1.15.3 (2015-10-07):
- Updated all pathway data.
- More descriptive edge types.
- Use the package "rappdirs" to select a directory for cached files.
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- Change maintainer email.
Changes in version 1.4.0:
- New argument return.weights added to function plotMST2.pathway. If
return.weights=TRUE, the weight vectors found by GSNCA for the genes
under two classes are returned as a 2-column matrix.
Changes in version 1.31:
- Support 'h' Broad set
- as(OBOCollection, "graphNEL") failed to include multiple children
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- print message if input chromosome names are without 'chr'
- call `start()` and `end()` explictely with `GenomicRanges::`
- unit of x-axis is correct now
Changes in version 0.99.9:
- package renamed as "guitar"
Changes in version 2.1.0:
- GWAS catalog data curated at EMBL/EBI will now be used with
makeCurrentGwascat: Updated 3 August 2015, as comma-space delim. for
genes and EFO tags has been introduced
- Interfaces to the Experimental Factor Ontology (www.ebi.ac.uk/efo/)
are provided: efo.obo.g is an annotated graphNEL with the ontology
- Vignette gwascatOnt.Rmd introduced
Changes in version 1.15.16:
- added permute argument to exactHWE
Changes in version 1.15.15:
- allow multiple color schemes for plots color-coded by genotype
Changes in version 1.15.13:
- pedigreePairwiseRelatedness identifies great grandparent/great
grandchild (GGp) and grand avuncular (GAv)
Changes in version 1.15.12:
- allow character scanID in createDataFile
Changes in version 1.15.11:
- added col argument to manhattanPlot
Changes in version 1.15.10:
- createDataFile converts non-finite values to NA.
Changes in version 1.15.8:
- alleleFrequency includes scans with missing sex.
Changes in version 1.15.7:
- Added option to reorder samples in vcfWrite.
Changes in version 1.15.5:
- Added option to read genotypes coded with nucleotides in
Changes in version 1.15.3:
- Added beta and standard error for GxE term to assocRegression output.
Changes in version 1.15.2:
- Added number of cases and controls to assocRegression output.
Changes in version 1.15.1:
- Added "ci" argument to qqPlot function.
Changes in version 1.3.4 (2015-09-08):
- Updated email address of maintainer.
Changes in version 1.3.3 (2015-07-20):
- Updated output format of core functions.
- Fixed minor bugs.
Changes in version 1.3.2 (2015-05-26):
- Updated the CITATION file.
Changes in version 1.3.1 (2015-05-12):
- Updated the CITATION file.
- Updated documentation.
Changes in version 2.15.2:
- New color scheme for clusters to make neighboring clusters distinct
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- fixed duplicated featureName column in getSitesInFeature when
allSubjectCols is TRUE.
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- replaced plyr with dplyr
Changes in version 1.6.0:
- the version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- Removed hlr dependency and added the MEL function
- Fixed computation of r2 when the SNP_index = NULL
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- transparency is also averaged
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- jump to top viewport for each low-level functions
Changes in version 0.99.1:
- add dependency to base packages
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- new release
Changes in version 1.4.0:
- Using dplyr for small computations
Changes in version 1.13.2:
- Change in the way the interaction matrix is loaded. During the
import, the lazyload option will force the data to be stored as
triangular matrix. Note that a symmetric matrix is not triangular by
construction. Then, to avoid any error in the data processing, the
triangular matrix is always converted into symmetrical matrix before
being returned by the intdata method.
- Update of track display in mapC function. Off-set plot of adjacent
- Bug fixed in quality control function when empty maps are used
- Bug fixed when plotting empty matrix
Changes in version 1.13.1:
- Export methods getCombinedContacts, getCombinedIntervals for HTClist
- getCombinedContact is now able to merge HTCexp objects for non
complete HiTClist objects. Missing maps are replaced by NA matrices
- Update of isComplete, isPairwise, getCombinedIntervals methods for
Hi-C data with no intrachromosomal maps
- When the maxrange argument is set in the mapC function, all maps are
displayed on the same scale so that they can be compared to each
- Bug fixed in mapC with the contact map is empty
- Bug fixed in seqlevels(HTClist) method
Changes in version 1.11.1:
- unit tests <2015-06-30 Tue>
Changes in version 1.11.0:
- Bio version 3.2 (devel)
Changes in version 1.0.0:
- Initial release
Changes in version 0.11.2 (2015-09-11):
- BUG FIX: readIDAT() can now read non-encrypted IDAT files with
strings longer than 127 characters.
- BUG FIX: readIDAT() incorrectly assumed that there were exactly two
blocks in RunInfo fields of non-encrypted (v3) IDAT files. Thanks to
Gordon Bean (GitHub @brazilbean) for reporting on and contributing
with code for the above two bugs.
Changes in version 0.11.1 (2015-07-29):
- Updated the BiocViews field of DESCRIPTION.
Changes in version 0.11.0 (2015-04-16):
- The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor devel version,
which is now BioC v3.2 for R (>= 3.3.0).
1.1.1: NEW FEATRUES: * A normalization step which the sample
cell-clusters to the common meta-cluster model is included an
optionally activated during the major meta-clustering process.
CHANGES: * The meta.ME C-binding and return value was modified
in a way that the A-Posterior probability matrix Z for a
cell-cluster belonging to a meta-cluster is also calculated and
returned. BUFIXES: * Ellipse position were not correct when
ploting a parameter subset
Changes in version 1.1.9:
- update documentation
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- improve the distCP site search.
Changes in version 1.1.7:
- typo "novel distal".
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- fix the seqlevels style issue.
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- improve limmaAnalyze algorithm
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- improve the CP sites adjustment algorithm.
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- shorten the CPU time of CP sites prediction
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- update description
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- fix the bug in FFT smooth when length of 3UTR is shorter than smooth
Changes in version 1.7:
- .runApp runs the app in RStudio's 'viewer' pane (if the app is
launched under RStudio), or in the browser.
- Applications would only start under some versions of shiny, due to a
reference to either 'rstudio' or 'rstudioapp' search path element.
Changes in version 2.4.0:
- Add "cbind" methods for binding Rle or RleList objects together.
- Add coercion from Ranges to RangesList.
- Add "paste" method for CompressedAtomicList objects.
- Add "expand" method for Vector objects for expanding a Vector object
'x' based on a column in mcols(x).
- Add overlapsAny,integer,Ranges method.
- coverage" methods now accept 'shift' and 'weight' supplied as an Rle.
- The following was moved to S4Vectors: - The FilterRules stuff. - The
"aggregate" methods. - The "split" methods.
- The "sum", "min", "max", "mean", "any", and "all" methods on
CompressedAtomicList objects are 100X faster on lists with 500k
elements, 80X faster for 50k elements.
- Tweak "c" method for CompressedList objects to make sure it always
returns an object of the same class as its 1st argument.
- NCList() constructor now propagates the metadata columns.
- RangedData/RangedDataList are not formally deprecated yet but the
documentation now officially declares them as superseded by
GRanges/GRangesList and discourage their use.
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, IntervalTree and IntervalForest
objects and the "intervaltree" algorithm in findOverlaps() are now
- After being deprecated in BioC 3.1, mapCoords() and pmapCoords() are
now defunct.
- Remove seqapply(), mseqapply(), tseqapply(), seqsplit(), and seqby()
(were defunct in BioC 3.1).
- Fix FactorList() constructor when 'compress=TRUE' (note that the
levels are combined during compression).
- Fix c() on CompressedFactorList objects (was returning a
CompressedIntegerList object).
Changes in version 1.3.4:
- correction of Ubuntu problem with realloc for 0 elements in
linearKernel generating a sparse empty kernel matrix
- correction of problem with feature weights and prediction profiles
for position specific gappy pair kernel
- correction of problem with feature weights and prediction profiles
for position specific motif kernel
- corrections for feature weights, prediction via feature weights and
prediction profile for distance weighted kernels
- update of KeBABS citation
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- new export kebabsCollectInfo for collection of package info
- update of version dependency to Biostrings, XVector, S4Vector
- correction for leading + or - in factor label
- change of bibtex style sheet in vignette to plainnat.bst
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- correction of error in kernel lists
- user defined sequence kernel example SpectrumKernlabKernel moved to
separate directory
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- correction of error in model selection for processing via dense
- remove problem in check for loading of SparseM
Changes in version 1.3.0:
- first devel version created from release version 1.2.0
Changes in version 1.27.2 (2015-05-25):
- Only a subset of functions are imported from graph. It should solve
the problem reported here:
Changes in version 1.27.1 (2015-05-04):
- Thanks to input of Anders Ellern Bilgrau, a bug is fixed which caused
multiple edges of the graphNEL object
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- A new function, the "probes2pathways" has been added.
- I have added to more network reconstruction approaches. The
"aracne.a" and the "aracne.m" as included in the "parmigene"
- I have replaced in the "preprocess" function the type of the produced
image from jpeg to tiff format, with resolution=300dpi.
Changes in version 1.3.6:
- *made small modifications to arguments for function mixnorm *added
vignette for mixnorm
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- *added mixnorm function for normalization of non-targeted
metabolomics studies
Changes in version 2.2.0:
- Added checks to avoid producing identical matrices or data frame when
the parameters are still the same after first function call.
- Splitted the analysis in multiple (optionnal) intermediate steps
(add_design, produce_matrices and produce_data_frame).
- narrowPeak and broadPeak format is now supported.
- Added multiple getter to access metagene members that are all now
private (get_params, get_design, get_regions, get_matrices,
get_data_frame, get_plot, get_raw_coverages and
- Added the NCIS algorithm for noise removal.
- Replaced the old datasets with promoters_hg19, promoters_hg18,
promoters_mm10 and promoters_mm9 that can be accessed with
- Added flip_regions and unflip_regions to switch regions orientation
based on the strand.
Changes in version (2015-09-14):
- Pre-Release Bioconductor
Changes in version 1.11:
- Adding fitFeatureModel - a feature based zero-inflated log-normal
- Added MRcoefs,MRtable,MRfulltable support for fitFeatureModel output.
- Added mention in vignette.
- Added support for normalizing matrices instead of just MRexperiment
- Fixed cumNormStat's non-default qFlag option
Changes in version 1.9.21 (2015-10-08):
- Added one more output list member of the main pipeline (metaseqr)
containing all the processed data in a way that can be easily used
for further downstream analysis in R. Contains also the metaseqr
pipeline call and the parameters.
- Fixed broken dependency with removed CRAN package MADAM which was
used for the Fisher p-value combination. The fix was done by copying
the two required functions from the last MADAM archived version
- Fixed a bug in make.sample.list which rendered the function unusable
(credits to Marina Adamou-Tzani).
- Fixed a very special-case small bug in the report generation only a
single gene passes the multiple testing correction cutoff (thans to
Martic Reszcko, BSRC 'Alexander Fleming').
- Fixed problem with Fisher p-value combination method (returning all
NA due to the inexistence of names in the p-value vecror).
- Fixed bug with flags of biotype filtered genes.
Changes in version 1.9.0 (2015-05-27):
- Added ability to export JSON for a few graphs to be used with
Highcharts library for interactive visualization.
- None.
Changes in version 0.1.0:
- First release version
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- updated or fixed the following functions: + profileDNAmetBinParallel:
fixed the error when there is single minus strand in GRanges for
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- updated or fixed the following functions: + meth.call: coverage is
outputted now as an GRanges object + findDMR: coverage threshold is
used even for unmethylated cytosines + getCposChr: fixed bug which
was ignoring Cytosines at the boundary of genomic ranges on both
Changes in version 1.15:
- Adding testing for preprocessNoob, preprocessFunnorm.
- Fxing some verbose output of preprocessNoob.
- Adding non-exported function .digestVector for testing.
Changes in version 1.49.8:
- Enable learnerIn3D customisation <2015-07-28 Tue>
Changes in version 1.49.7:
- fix proper asNA0 propagation in performance analytics functions
(implemented 2014-10-16 Thu, commited on 2015-07-28 Tue)
Changes in version 1.49.1:
- add hclustWidget
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- updated the moCluster functions, including the following exported
function: "bootMbpca", "distMoa", "moGap", "softK", "mbpca",
"moaScore", "moaCoef"
Changes in version 1.13.8:
- improve plot plotMotifStackWithPhylog.
Changes in version 1.13.7:
- update the documentation
Changes in version 1.13.6:
- fix bug when plot 2 motifs with motifStack function.
Changes in version 1.13.5:
- improve the algorithm of DNAmotifAlignment. Replaced the ALLR by
average information content.
Changes in version 1.13.4:
- improve the algorithm of DNAmotifAlignment
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.13.3:
- add reorderUPGMAtree function
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.13.2:
- add mergeMotifs function
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.13.1:
- add plotMotifOverMotif function
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.2.0:
- new branch for Bioconductor 3.2 release
Changes in version 1.17.16:
- new default parameter 'feature weight' in iPQF by Martina Fisher (see
PR#65) <2015-10-07 Wed>
Changes in version 1.17.15:
- Fix typo in plot man <2015-08-23 Sun>
Changes in version 1.17.14:
- Fix typo in impute man <2015-08-17 Mon>
Changes in version 1.17.13:
- partly rewrite writeMgfData <2015-05-16 Thu>
- initial hmap function <2015-07-16 Thu>
- fix bug in plotting MS1 spectra (closes issue #59) <2015-07-16 Thu>
- new image implementation, based on @vladpetyuk's
vp.misc::image_msnset <2015-07-25 Sat>
- Changed the deprecated warning to a message when reading MzTab data
version 0.9, as using the old reader can not only be achived by
accident and will be kept for backwards file format compatibility
<2015-07-30 Thu>
Changes in version 1.17.12:
- fix show MIAPE when some otherInfo at NA <2015-07-15 Wed>
Changes in version 1.17.11:
- adding unit tests <2015-07-01 Wed>
- fix abundance column selection when creating MSnSet form MzTab
<2015-07-01 Wed>
- new mzTabMode and mzTabType shortcut accessors for mode and type of
an mzTab data <2015-07-01 Wed>
Changes in version 1.17.10:
- Fix URL <2015-06-30 Tue>
Changes in version 1.17.9:
- calculateFragments' "neutralLoss" argument is now a list (was a
logical before), see #47. <2015-06-24 Wed>
- add defaultNeutralLoss() function to fill calculateFragments'
modified "neutralLoss" argument, see #47. <2015-06-24 Wed>
Changes in version 1.17.8:
- coercion from IBSpectra to MSnSet, as per user request <2015-06-23
- new iPQF combineFeature method <2015-06-24 Wed>
Changes in version 1.17.7:
- Fix support of identification-only mzTab files <2015-06-22 Mon>
Changes in version 1.17.6:
- Export metadata,MzTab-method <2015-06-19 Fri>
- Replace spectra,MzTab-method by psms,MzTab-method <2015-06-20 Sat>
- Change the meaning of calculateFragments' "modifications" argument.
Now the modification is added to the mass of the amino acid/peptide.
Before it was replaced. <2015-06-21 Sun>
- calculateFragments gains the feature to handle N-/C-terminal
modifications, see #47. <2015-06-21 Sun>
- update readMzTabData example <2015-06-22 Mon>
Changes in version 1.17.5:
- new MzTab class to store a simple parsing of an mzTab version 1 data
file. See ?MzTab for details. <2015-06-16 Tue>
Changes in version 1.17.4:
- New lengths method for FoICollection instances <2015-06-06 Sat>
- New image2 function for matrix object, that behaves like the method
for MSnSets <2015-06-10 Wed>
- image,MSnSet labels x and y axis as Samples and Features <2015-06-10
- fixed bug in purityCorrect, reported by Dario Strbenac <2015-06-11
Changes in version 1.17.3:
- iTRAQ 8-plex correction factors and impurity matrix <2015-05-22 Fri>
Changes in version 1.17.2:
- new filterZero function <2015-05-01 Fri>
Changes in version 1.17.1:
- new MSnSetList class <2015-04-19 Sun>
- new commonFeatureNames function <2015-04-14 Tue>
- new compareMSnSets function <2015-04-19 Sun>
- splitting and unsplitting MSnSets/MSnSetLists <2015-04-19 Sun>
Changes in version 1.17.0:
- new devel version for Bioc 3.2
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- S4 methods "accessions" and "proteins" outsourced to ProtGenerics
Changes in version 3.0.12:
- remove vignetter folder to remove install and build error in
Changes in version 3.0.9:
- dataProcess
- add options for ‘cutoffCensored=“minFeatureNRun”’.
- summaryMethods=“TMP” : output will have ‘more50missing’column.
- remove50missing=FALSE option : remove runs which has more than 50% of
missing measurement. It will be affected for TMP, with censored
- MBimpute : impute censored by survival model (AFT) with cutoff
censored value
- featureSubset option : “all”,”top3”, “highQuality”
- change the default. -groupComparisonPlots
- heatmap, for logBase=10, fix the bug for setting breaks.
Changes in version 3.0.8:
- dataProcess : when censoredInt=“0”, intensity=0 works even though
- dataProcess, with censored=“0” or “NA” : fix the bug for certain run
has completely missing.
- cutoffCensored=“minRun” or “minFeature” : cutoff for each Run or each
feature is little less (99%) than minimum abundance.
-summaryMethod=“TMP”, censored works. censoredInt=NA or 0, and
cutoffCensored=0, minFeature, minRun
Changes in version 3.0.3:
- dataProcess : new option, skylineReport. for skyline MSstats report,
there is ‘Truncated’ column. If Truncated==True, remove them. and
keep zero value for summaryMethod=“skyline”.
- groupComparison : for skyline option, t.test, val.equal=TRUE, which
is no adjustment for degree of freedom, just pooled variance.
Changes in version 1.7.1:
- Imports generics from ProtGenerics
- Export base classes
Changes in version 2.3.3:
- bump to new Rcpp 0.12.1 version <2015-09-29 Tue>
Changes in version 2.3.2:
- Fix typo/bug in peaks,mzRpwiz <2015-07-31 Fri>
Changes in version 2.3.1:
- update Rcpp version message to point to support site <2015-05-08 Fri>
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- Initial release.
1.1.1: package. Added covariance matrix as output of screen_cvglasso.
Changes in version 1.99.0:
- Added option for the output of model parameters.
- Added option for multiple imputation.
- Added option for the model function.
Changes in version 1.5.1:
- Added paper citation
Changes in version 1.9.1:
- new function topVar
Changes in version 1.1.0:
- Changes:
* the modelList has been added to provide the user a list of
currently implemented methods.
* The 'verbose' argument in fs.stability, fs.ensembl.stability, &
fit.only.model has been changed to a character option indicating the
extent of verbose output.
* Canberra stability has been added as the previous implementation
was not compatible with RPT. See ?canberra.stability for more
* Many more tests have been implemented to make the package more
Changes in version 1.99.9 (2015-10-08):
- Fixed NEWS file.
- Removed empty file.
Changes in version 1.99.8 (2015-10-01):
- Test "initMutant with oncoSimulSample, 2" occasionally failed.
Changes in version 1.99.7 (2015-09-27):
- initMutant available in oncoSimulPop and oncoSimulSample.
Changes in version 1.99.6 (2015-09-26):
- Improved test coverage and removed stringsAsfactors from tests.
- Consistent handling of corner cases in Bozic.
- Miscell minor documentation improvements.
Changes in version 1.99.5 (2015-06-25):
- Fixed bug in initMutant, added tests, and vignette section.
Changes in version 1.99.4 (2015-06-22):
- Plotting true phylogenies.
- Tried randutils, from O'Neill. Won't work with gcc-4.6.
- bool issue in Windows/gcc-4.6.
- Most all to all.equal in tests.
Changes in version 1.99.3 (2015-06-19):
- More examples to vignette
- Using Makevars
- More functionality to plot.fitnessEffects
- Will Windoze work now?
Changes in version 1.99.2 (2015-06-19):
- Fixed typos and other minor in vignett.
Changes in version 1.99.01 (2015-06-17):
- Many MAJOR changes: we are done moving to v.2
- New way of specifying restrictions (v.2) that allows arbitrary
epistatic interactions and order effects, and very large (larger than
50000 genes) genomes.
- When onlyCancer = TRUE, all iterations now in C++.
- Many tests added.
- Random DAG generation.
- Some defaults for v.1 changed.
Changes in version 1.99.1 (2015-06-18):
- Try to compile in Windoze with the SSTR again.
- Reduce size of RData objects with resaveRdaFiles.
- Try to compile in Mac: mt RNG must include random in all files.
Changes in version 1.99.00 (2015-04-23):
- Accumulated changes of former 99.1.2 to 99.1.14:
- changes in intermediate version (2015-04-23):
- Now are things OK (I messed up the repos)
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.13 (2015-04-23)
- Added a couple of drop = FALSE. Their absence lead to crashes in some
strange, borderline cases.
- Increased version to make unambiguous version used for anal. CBN.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.12 (2015-04-22)
- Removed lots of unused conversion helpers and added more strict
checks and tests of those checks.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.11 (2015-04-18)
- Tests of conversion helpers now really working.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.10 (2015-04-16)
- Added conversion helpers as separate file.
- Added tests of conversion helpers.
- Added generate-random-trees code (separate file).
- More strict now on the poset format and conversions.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.9 (2015-04-09)
- added null mutation for when we run out of mutable positions, and
since not clear how to use BNB then.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.8 (2015-04-03)
- added extraTime.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.7 (2015-04-03)
- endTimeEvery removed. Now using minDDrPopSize if needed.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.6 (2015-03-20)
- untilcancer and oncoSimulSample working together
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.5 (2015-03-20)
- Using the untilcancer branch
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.4 (2014-12-24)
- Added computation of min. of ratio birth/mutation and death/mutation.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.3 (2014-12-23)
- Fixed segfault when hitting wall time and sampling only once.
- changes in intermediate version 99.1.2 (2014-12-16)
- Sampling only once
Changes in version 1.7.1:
- New API: add_pop function allows users to apply a single gating
method to GatingSet without writing the compelete csv template
Changes in version 1.3.3 (2015-07-14):
- No changes.
- No changes.
- No changes.
- No changes.
- Bug in the function loadGPR() fixed (due to a wrong regular
expression some data rows were not imported from gpe files in PAA
versions 1.3.2 and 1.3.1 -> the bug was not relevant for the versions
1.3.0 and older).
Changes in version 1.3.2 (2015-06-22):
- Update to the latest R version which has been released a few days ago
- Built with R-3.2.1
- No changes.
- No changes.
- NEWS file of version 1.3.1 corrected (wrong version number for the
last update in the NEWS file).
- No changes.
Changes in version 1.3.1 (2015-06-17):
- The optional rlm normalization (for ProtoArrays) used by the
functions normalizeArrays(), plotNormMethods() and plotMAPlots() has
been completely reimplemented in order to fix some bugs and simplify
the usage of these functions (details: see below).
- Built with R-3.2.0
- No changes.
- Due to the modification of the EListRaw objects for ProtoArrays the
usage of the functions normalizeArrays(), plotNormMethods() and
plotMAPlots() is simplified since some obsolete arguments have been
removed (see 'MODIFICATIONS'). Esp., the provision of a second
controls-specific EListRaw object for controls data and information
was too complex and has confused some users. Now all control
spot-specific data and information are stored together with
probe-specific data and information in one extended EListRaw object.
- On the one hand, the arguments 'controls.elist', 'gpr.path',
'targets.path' and 'contr.names' have been removed from the functions
normalizeArrays(), plotNormMethods() and plotMAPlots(). On the other
hand, the argument 'controls' has been added to the functions
normalizeArrays(), plotNormMethods() and plotMAPlots().
- Due to the re-implementation of the optional rlm normalization (for
ProtoArrays) used by the functions normalizeArrays(),
plotNormMethods(), plotMAPlots(), all bugs that have been reported by
users since version 1.0.0 are fixed.
Changes in version 3.2.0:
- Initial version of pandaR implements the PANDA algorithm for gene
regulatory network inference from gene expression, sequence motif and
protein-protein interaction data.
- Includes functions for subsetting bipartite network and discretizing
TF-gene edgeweights.
- Utilizes igraph library for displaying a subsetted gene regulatory
network of interest.
Changes in version 1.9.3:
- pathview can accept a vector of multiple pathway ids, and map/render
the user data onto all these pathways in one call.
- one extra column "all.mapped" was added to pathview output
data.frames as to show all the gene/compound IDs mapped to each node.
- add geneannot.map as a generic function for gene ID or annotation
- sim.mol.data now generate data with all major gene ID types for all
19 species in bods, not just human.
- download.kegg now let the user to choose from xml, png or both file
types to download for each input pathway. In the meantime, it uses
the KEGG REST API instead of the classical KEGG download links. All
potential pathways including the general pathways can be downloaded
this way.
- solve the redundant import from graph package.
- import specific instead of all functions from XML package.
Changes in version 1.9.1:
- solve the install error due to the recent change in KEGGgraph
Changes in version 0.9.1:
- update cleave method to address build error <2015-10-13 Tue>
Changes in version 0.9.0:
- Bioc devel 3.2
Changes in version 1.5.2 (2015-08-07):
- PECASI - Differential splicing between two groups of samples in
Affymetrix exon array studies.
Changes in version 0.1.0:
- First release version
Changes in version 2.3.1:
- New output format is added: JSON format. In odred to get output in
JSON format apply JSONOutput with the PhenTestResult object as an
- The Box-Cox transformation is switched off by default. In order to
swithc in on the testDataset() function's argument “transformValues"
has to be set to TRUE.
Changes in version 1.13.6:
- droplevels suggestion for sample-data
- DESeq2 migrated to suggests
- `extend_metagenomeSeq` functionality
- bugs related to previous version distance uptick, mostly in tests and
Changes in version 1.13.5:
- Help avoid cryptic errors due to name collision of `distance` with
external loaded packages by making `distance` a formal S4 method in
- Improve documentation of `distance` function and the downstream
procedures on which it depends
- Migrate the list of supported methods to a documented, exported list
object, called `distanceMethodList`.
- Improved distance unit tests with detailed checks that dispatch works
and gives exactly expected distance matrices for all methods defined
in distanceMethodList.
- Improved JSD doc, performance, code, deprecated unnecessary
`parallel` argument in JSD
Changes in version 1.13.4:
- `psmelt` bug if user has also loaded the original "reshape" package,
due to name collision on the function called `melt`. `psmelt` now
explicitly calls `reshape2::melt` to avoid confusion.
- Fix following note... There are ::: calls to the package's namespace
in its code. A package almost never needs to use ::: for its own
objects: ‘JSD.pair’
Changes in version 1.10:
- No changes yet
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- further fix of weights() method for signature 'AssocTestResultRanges'
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- fix of weights() method for signature 'AssocTestResultRanges'
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- fix of filterResults() method for signature 'GRanges'
Changes in version 1.1.0:
- new branch for Bioconductor 3.2 devel
1.99.3: NB function now exported
1.99.3: note that version 1.99.3 on GitHub was version 1.1.0 on
1.99.2: bug fix in fragment generation (last 2 bases of transcript were
never sequenced)
Changes in version 1.9.7:
- New SpatProtVis visualisation class <2015-08-13 Thu>
- add link to explanation of supportive/uncertain reliability scores in
tl vignette <2015-09-02 Wed>
Changes in version 1.9.6:
- Update REAMDE with TL ref
- Update refs in lopims documentation <2015-07-30 Thu>
Changes in version 1.9.5:
- update doc <2015-07-15 Wed>
Changes in version 1.9.4:
- Add reference to TL paper and link to lpSVM code <2015-07-06 Mon>
- highlightOnPlot throws a warning and invisibly returns NULL instead
of an error when no features are in the object <2015-07-08 Wed>
- highlightOnPlot has a new labels argument <2015-07-10 Fri>
Changes in version 1.9.3:
- Clarify error when no annotation params are provided <2015-05-11 Mon>
- support for matrix-encoded markers <2015-05-19 Tue>
- New default in addLegend: bty = "n" <2015-05-20 Wed>
- getMarkers now supports matrix markers <2015-05-20 Wed>
- getMarkerClasses now supports matrix markers <2015-05-20 Wed>
- markerMSnSet and unknownMSnSet now support matrix markers <2015-05-20
- sampleMSnSet now supports matrix markers <2015-05-23 Sat>
- updated yeast markers and added uniprot ids <2015-05-27 Wed>
- plot2D support a pre-calculated dim-reduced data matrix as method
parameter to avoid recalculation <2015-05-27 Wed>
Changes in version 1.9.2:
- Lisa's colour palette <2015-05-08 Fri>
Changes in version 1.9.1:
- new plot2Ds function to overlay two data sets on the same PCA plot
[2015-04-17 Fri]
- regenerate biomart data used by setAnnotationParams [2015-04-24 Fri]
- new setStockcolGui function to set the default colours manually via a
simple interface [2015-04-29 Wed]
- new move2Ds function to produce an transition movie between two
MSnSets [2015-04-29 Wed]
- functions to convert GO ids to/from terms. See ?goTermToId for
details <2015-05-08 Fri>
Changes in version 1.9.0:
- new devel version for Bioc 3.2
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- Fix check warnings and errors <2015-07-20 Mon>
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- new plotMat2D function <2015-05-20 Wed>
- Fix query search in pRolocVis, contributed by pierremj <2015-05-27
- pRolocVis has new method arg <2015-05-29 Fri>
Changes in version 1.3.0:
- Devel for Bioc 3.2
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- First submission of Prostar to Bioconductor
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- removing .get1 methods and pointing to relevant AnnotationHub file
<2015-10-09 Fri>
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- Use AnnotationHub::query() instead of manual subsetting <2015-09-02
Changes in version 0.99.1:
- Submission of Bioc (Issue 1292) <2015-08-25 Tue>
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- First release with data PXD000001
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- new mz<- generic function <2015-10-01 Thu>
Changes in version 1.1.0:
- Bioc devel version 3.2
Changes in version 4.5.1:
- Convert log(P-values) back to P-values for human using a chi-sq
distribution Version 4:
- New algorithm for human backgrounds
- New function: toPWM() that takes both PFMs and PPMs
Changes in version 1.1.10:
- include threshold parameter into 'readTFdata' function
- change STRINGdb to version 10
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- rename consensus-based dynamic analysis
- adjust vignette workflow figure
Changes in version 1.6.0:
- Bioconductor 3.2
- chromosomes() no longer tries to return chromosome names as an
integer vector, but returns a character vector instead
- plot() and calculateMappability() now work also for other chromosome
names besides numbers and "X", "Y", and "MT"
Changes in version 1.4.2 (2015-08-20):
- createBins() now properly selects chromosomes when ignoring
mitochondrial DNA. Please note that the mitochondrial DNA is only
ignored when it is called either "chrMT", "chrM", "MT", or "M"
Changes in version 1.4.1 (2015-06-30):
- correctBins() now filters out bins with missing loess correction
Changes in version 2.40:
- Bugfix on qpPrecisionRecall() when argument 'refGraph' is a graphBAM
Changes in version 1.10.0:
- qExportWig gained createBigWig argument and can now create bigWig
files directly
- qQCReport now also produces base quality plots for bam-file projects
by sampling reads from the bam files
- qCount, qProfile and qExportWig have gained a includeSecondary
argument to include/exclude secondary alignments while counting
Changes in version 2.1.1:
- handles NA values
- upgraded plotting functions
1.2.0: Updates: * Removed dependency from DAVIDQuery package as it will
deprected. * Fixed some bugs in DAVIDQuery functions and
integrated them into R3CPET. * Updated the Readme.Rd file. *
Updated the HPRD.RData and Biogrid.RData to the new igraph
class. * some small changes.
Changes in version 1.9.8:
- Significant (3x) speedup. A 5000-node, 6000-edge graph transmits to
Cytoscape from R in about 20 seconds.
Changes in version 1.13.5:
- add support of fly (Drosophila melanogaster) <2015-09-22, Tue>
Changes in version 1.13.4:
- update vignette <2015-08-19, Wed>
Changes in version 1.13.3:
- add citation of ChIPseeker <2015-07-09, Thu>
- add 'Pathway analysis of NGS data' section in vignette <2015-06-29,
- convert vignette from Rnw to Rmd <2015-06-29, Mon>
Changes in version 1.13.2:
- enable other organisms for viewPathway by Vladislav Petyuk
<2015-05-28, Thu> see
Changes in version 1.13.1:
- update enrichMap and viewPathway <2015-05-13, Wed>
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- Added new functionality to permTest to use multiple evaluation
functions with a single randomization procedure. This gives a
significant speedup when comparing a single region set with multiple
other features
- Created a new function createFunctionsList() that given a function
and a list of values, creates a list of curried functions (e.g with
one parameter preassigned to each of the given values)
- Complete rewrite of randomizeRegions() resulting in a 10 to 100 fold
- Multiple minor bug fixes
Changes in version 1.3.8:
- renderReport() and derfinderReport() now show Manhattan plots for
p-value variables (p-value, q-value, FWER adjusted p-value).
Changes in version 1.3.7:
- renderReport() now has the 'densityTemplates' argument via which
users can customize the density plots for the p-value variables and
the continuous variables. This addresses one of David Robinson's
requests at http://f1000research.com/articles/4-105/v1
Changes in version 1.3.6:
- Added a vignette with an example report from bumphunter results.
Changes in version 1.3.5:
- Merged pull request https://github.com/leekgroup/regionReport/pull/7
- Added "template" argument to renderReport and derfinderReport to
customize the knitr template used
- Wrapped code that works in a temporary directory in with_wd function,
which evaluates in the directory but returns to the original
directory in the case of a user interrupt or error (with on.exit)
Changes in version 1.3.4:
- Reports now have a link to the BibTeX file used for the references.
This addresses http://f1000research.com/articles/4-105/v1#reflist
Karthik Ram's bullet point number 4.
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- Now uses derfinderPlot::vennRegions() to show venn diagram of genomic
states. Requires derfinderPlot version 1.3.2 or greater.
- derfinderReport() now has a 'significantVar' argument that allows
users to choose between determining significant regions by P-values,
FDR adjusted P-values, or FWER adjusted P-values (if FWER adjusted
P-values are absent, then FDR adjusted P-values are used instead,
with a warning).
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- Deprecated functions with underscores in their names in favor of
camelCase functions. This was done to simplify the package.
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- Fixed renderReport() and derfinderReport() so they'll open the
correct URL when interactive() == TRUE and the user has
knitrBootstrap version 0.9.0 installed instead of the latest GitHub
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- versions of GREAT can be selected
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- minor changes in documentations
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- minor changes to adjust to github mirror
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- error message is extract from GREAT now.
- default value of `bgChoice` depeneds on `gr`
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- add dependency to base packages
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- enrivonment for the slots in `GreatJob` object are initialized inside
Changes in version 2.14.0:
- improved handling of error messages: HDF5 error messages are
simplified and forwarded to R.
- When reading integer valued data, especially 64-integers and unsigned
32-bit integers, overflow values are now replaced by NA's and a
warning is thrown in this case.
- When coercing HDF5-integers to R-double, a warning is displayed when
integer precision is lost.
- New low level general library function H5Dget_storage_size
- Memory allocation on heap instead of stack for reading large datasets
(Thanks to a patch from Jimmy Jia).
- Some bugs have been fixed for reading large 64-bit integers and
unsigned 32-bit integers.
- A bug was fixed for reading HDF5 files containing soft links.
Changes in version 0.99.7:
- In riboSeqFromBAM function capture.output called with utils::
Changes in version 0.99.6:
- In codonPCA functions prcomp and kmeans called with stats::
Changes in version 0.99.5:
- Added @return for roxygen comment in printPCA.R
- Updated packages IRanges and BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 before
Changes in version 0.99.4:
- Non-null coverage values define the percentage of best expressed
- New function: readsToReadStart - it builds the GRanges object of the
read start genomic positions
- Acronym BAM used instead of bam
- Correction of read start coverage (readStartCov) for the reverse
- Title in Description in Title Case
- Typos corrections in vignette.
- Style inconsistencies solved: = replaced by <- outside named
arguments No space around “=” when using named arguments to
functions. This: somefunc(a=1, b=2) spaces around binary operators a
space after all commas use of camelCase for both variable and
function names ORFrelativePos -> orfRelativePos
- Replaced 1:length(x) by seq_len(length(x))
- Replaced 1:nrow(x) by seq_len(NROW(x))
- Replaced trailing white spaces with this command: 'find . -type f
-path './*R' -exec perl -i -pe 's/ +$//' {} \;'
- countsPlot, histMatchLength, plotSummarizedCov: no longer print
directly the graphs. Instead they return a list of graphs.
- Replaced 'class()' tests by 'inherits' or 'is'.
- The codonPCA function no longer prints the PCA graphs sequantially.
The 5 PCA graphs are returned, together with the PCA scores.
- New function printPCA prints the 5 PCA plots produced by codonPCA.
- A BAM file is now available in the inst/extdata ctrl_sample.bam. It
is used in the testriboSeqFromBAM testthat
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- Correction of a infinite loop in function riboSeq_fromBam
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- Modified the vignette: small corrections of the explanatory text.
- Added testthat tests for the following functions:
test-aroundPromoter.R, test-riboSeq_fromBAM.R, test-readStartCov.R
- Introduced the 4 spaces tabulation
- Reduced the percentage of lines > 80 characters to 2%
- Added imports in the Namespace for the proposed packages or methods
- New R version: 3.2.2 and bioconductor packages update
Changes in version 0.99.1:
- Added biocViews: Sequencing, Coverage, Alignment, QualityControl,
Software, PrincipalComponent
- Added testthat tests for the following functions:
test-aroundPromoter.R, test-riboSeq_fromBAM.R, test-readStartCov.R
- Introduced the 4 spaces tabulation
- Reduced the percentage of lines > 80 characters to 2%
- Added imports in the Namespace for the proposed packages or methods
v.0.99.0 Initial release.
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- Fixed a bug in bedgraph2norm() by adding 'ignore.strand = "FALSE"'
the absence of which could produce erroneous results.
Changes in version 1.1.9:
- Filtering report fix when no normalization is conducted
- Bugfixes for combine(RnBSet, RnBSet) and BigFf matrices
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- Corrected coverage statistics in sample summary table: Sites with NA
methylation values are no longer considered in the coverage
statistics (makes a difference if some coverage threshold is applied)
- Improved method for gender prediction. Predicted genders are also
included in the exported annotation table
Changes in version 1.1.7:
- Improvements to mergeSamples function for RnBiseqSets
- Some more memory clean-up
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- Differential methylation based on region level only is now supported
- Minor updates to the differential methylation report generation
- Performance improvements and minor bugfixes for using disk.dump.bigff
- Performance improvements (more memory clean-up)
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- New option: disk.dump.bigff for using a wrapper class of the ff
package to avoid their INT_MAX issue
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- Fixes in parallel environment setup from bioconcuctor
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- Some fixes in data loading
- Fixes in parallel environment setup
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- New annotation package format
- Support for filtering out cross-reactive probes in Infinium 450k
- Improved logging on a Mac
Changes in version 1.11.6:
- fix failing unit tests <2015-07-02 Thu>
Changes in version 1.11.5:
- add test script <2015-06-30 Tue>
- more unit tests <2015-06-30 Tue>
Changes in version 1.11.4:
- Fix bug in as("[MS, MS:123, ]", "CVParam") and add unit test
<2015-06-19 Fri>
Changes in version 1.11.3:
- New charIsCVParam function to check if a character represents a valid
CV param <2015-06-16 Tue>
Changes in version 1.11.2:
- Unit test <2015-06-15 Mon>
Changes in version 1.11.1:
- New char to CVParam coerce method <2015-06-15 Mon>
Changes in version 1.11.0:
- Bioc devel 3.2
Changes in version 1.1.11:
- NEWS format updated
Changes in version 1.1.10:
- opls: PLS models can now be built for 'x' data with a single variable
Changes in version 1.1.9:
- opls: default number of permutations set to 10 (instead of 100) as a
compromise to enable both quick computation and a first hint at model
- opls: maximum number of components in automated mode (predI = NA or
orthoI = NA) set to 10 (instead of 15)
- plot.opls: bug corrected in case of single component model without
permutation testing
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- sacurine dataset name simplification: names of sample metadata are
now 'age', 'bmi', and 'gender' instead of 'ageVn', 'bmiVn', and
'genderFc'; names of variableMetadata are now 'msiLevel', 'hmdb',
'chemicalClass' instead of 'msiLevelVn', 'hmdbVc', 'chemicalClassVc'
Changes in version 1.1.7:
- Control to avoid overfitting was strenghtened by: i) setting the
default number of permutations to 100 (instead of 0) and ii) changing
the default plot ("summary") to include both the "permutation" and
the "overview" graphics
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- .sinkC argument added in the opls and plot.opls methods: Diversion of
messages is required for Galaxy integration
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- current implementation supports two-class only classification
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- renamed slot of opls object: rotationMN -> weightStarMN
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- Minor internal changes regarding default ellipse plotting options and
checking the compatibility between the subset size and the
cross-validation fold
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- Minor internal changes
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- The packaging was modified (but not the algorithms) to be consistent
with other machine learning packages: 'opls' is now a class and the
'print', 'plot', 'predict', 'summary', 'fitted', 'coefficients' and
'residuals' methods are available (see the vignette)
- renamed method: roplsF -> opls
- renamed arguments testVi -> now 'subset' which indicates the indices
of the training (instead of the testing) observations
- values: tMN -> scoreMN pMN -> loadingMN wMN -> weightMN bMN ->
coefficients rMN -> rotationMN varVn -> pcaVarVn tOrthoMN ->
orthoScoreMN pOrthoMN -> orthoLoadingMN wOrthoMN -> orthoWeightMN
- new (S3) methods for objects of class 'opls' print summary plot
predict fitted coefficients residuals
Changes in version 1.5.1:
- unit tests <2015-06-30 Tue>
- export and document pxnodes <2015-06-30 Tue>
Changes in version 1.5.0:
- Bioc version 3.2 (devel)
Changes in version 1.4:
- Custom template support added
- Read frequency result and plot (rqcReadFrequencyPlot) added
- Per file top represented reads added
- Top representated reads added
- Per file heatmap plot (rqcFileHeatmap) added
- checkpoint function added (experimental)
- BPPARAM argument replaced by workers argument
- File information table added to default report template
- Function rqcReadWidthPlot, y-axis changed to proportion (%)
- Almost all plots use colorblid scheme
Changes in version 1.21:
- pileup adds query_bins arg to give strand-sensitive cycle bin
behavior; cycle_bins renamed left_bins; negative values allowed
(including -Inf) to specify bins based on distance from end-of-read.
- mapqFilter allows specification of a mapping quality filter threshold
- PileupParam() now correctly follows samtools with
min_base_quality=13, min_map_quality=0 (previously, values were
assigned as 0 and 13, respectively)
- Support parsing 'B' tags in bam file headers.
- segfault on range iteration introduced 1.19.35, fixed in 1.21.1
- BamViews parallel evaluation with BatchJobs back-end requires named
Changes in version 1.20.0:
- Fast sorting of input bam files in featureCounts.
- Fractional counting of multi-mapping reads in featureCounts.
- Detection of complex indels in Subread and Subjunc aligners.
- Including more candidate locations in read re-alignment step to
improve mapping performance.
- New formula for mapping paired-end reads that takes into account
paired-end distance, number of subread votes and number of mismatched
Changes in version 1.30:
- Add readGFF(), a fast and flexible GFF/GTF parser implemented in C.
See ?readGFF for more information.
- import.gff() now uses readGFF() internally which makes it at least 5x
faster in most use cases and dramatically reduces its memory
Changes in version 1.3:
- New argument 'isLog' to RUV* methods: if counts provided on the log
scale, normalizedCounts will also be on the log scale.
- Fixed a bug: epsilon is now removed from the corrected counts.
- New function makeGroups to make scIdx matrix for RUVs.
Changes in version 1.0.0 (2015-05-01):
- Initial version
- All the APIs of the SBG platform are supported
- First vignette added
Changes in version 1.1.8:
- Used Sys.info() rather than sessionInfor() to extract platform
- Avoided the use of "\\" in R
- Added a parameter "Ontology" to the function FisherTest_GO_BP_MF_CC()
Changes in version 1.1.6:
- Corrected the python path for Linux users
- Activated the demo code in R help files and vignettes
- Changed the maintainer
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- Update the Fisher's exact test used mouse gene background.
- Replace the mm10 GENCODE database V3 with V4 in the seq2pathway.data
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- add citation
Changes in version 1.0.2:
- add parameter UTR3 in function runseq2gene
Changes in version 1.10.0:
- The version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version
Changes in version 1.7.9:
- added more options to return dosage of different alleles
Changes in version 1.7.7:
- added methods to calculate and plot reference allele fraction
Changes in version 1.7.6:
- HWE method returns additional columns and allows permutation of
Changes in version 1.7.5:
- Added SeqVarData class to combine sample annotation with GDS object
Changes in version 1.7.4:
- HWE works on biallelic INDELs as well as SNVs
Changes in version 1.7.3:
- Add methods for duplicateDiscordance with two datasets
- Add alternateAlleleDetection
Changes in version 1.4.0:
- Added importTranscripts() for importing annotation from GFF format
- Added plotCoverage() for visualization of per-base read coverage and
junction read counts
- Added predictVariantEffects() for predicting the effect of splice
variants on annotated protein-coding transcripts
- findSGVariants() is now able to deal with more complex gene models
- SGVariants columns closed5p and closed3p now refer to individual
splice variants rather than the splice event they belong to
- Bug fixes and other improvements
Changes in version 1.27:
- fastqFilter allows several input 'files' to be written to a single
- readAligned() for BAM files is defunct. QA and associated methods
- srapply removed
Changes in version 1.1.01:
- paramether tsne.theta has been added to function
- function sc_InSilicoCellsReplicatesObj has been expanded to
incorporate a forth model of noise generation following the negative
binomial (NB) distribution. For each gene, dispersion parameters for
the NB can be estimated in three alternative ways allowing different
types of estimates (e.g. technical noise provided by the user). See
documentation of sc_InSilicoCellsReplicatesObj() function.
Changes in version 0.99.0 (2015-08-07):
- various bugfixing
Changes in version 1.4.0:
- the version number was bumped for the Bioconductor release version
Changes in version 1.3.7:
- getProteinPeptideTable - added
Changes in version 1.3.5:
- read.bibliospec - bugfixes
Changes in version 1.3.4:
- added Witold Wolski as maintainer
- read.bibliospec - replaced old code (for loop) by using mcmapply
- added time meassurements to read.bibliospec
Changes in version 1.3.3:
- plot::specLSet draws alpha circles iff plot(..., art=TRUE)
- .mascot2psmSet buxfix
- renamed column name in spectronaut outpu from irt to irt_or_rt
Changes in version 1.3.2:
- added ssrc (Sequence Specific Retention Calculator) function
- added a CITATION file
Changes in version 1.3.1:
- added fucntion cdsw
- modified unit test for genSwathIonLib
Changes in version 1.0.0:
- Initial release of subSeq package to subsample (or downsample)
RNA-Seq experiments.
Changes in version 1.7.3:
- Allow the function "visHexMulComp" to have user-input the number of
rows and columns for a rectangle grid wherein the planes are placed
Changes in version 1.7.2:
- Add a new function "visHexAnimate" to animate multiple component
planes of a supra-hexagonal grid
Changes in version 1.11.2:
- fixing bug introduced in 1.11.1 when coercing from Synapter to MSnSet
object - see this post on the support forum for details
https://support.bioconductor.org/p/71087/ <2015-09-27 Sun>
Changes in version 1.11.1:
- avoiding error when some fcols are missing when coercing from
Synapter to MSnSet object - see this post on the support forum for
details https://support.bioconductor.org/p/71087/ <2015-09-07 Mon>
Changes in version 1.3:
- systemPipeR is an R/Bioconductor package for building and running
automated analysis workflows for a wide range of next generation
sequence (NGS) applications. Important features include a uniform
workflow interface across different NGS applications, automated
report generation, and support for running both R and command-line
software, such as NGS aligners or peak/variant callers, on local
computers or compute clusters. Efficient handling of complex sample
sets and experimental designs is facilitated by a consistently
implemented sample annotation infrastructure.
- The most important enhancements in the upcoming release of the
package are outlined below.
- Added new end-to-end workflows for 3 additional NGS application
areas: - Ribo-Seq and polyRibo-Seq - ChIP-Seq - VAR-Seq The previous
version of systemPipeR included only a complete workflow for RNA-Seq.
- Added the data package 'systemPipeRdata' to generate systemPipeR
workflow environments with a single command (genWorkenvir) containing
all parameter files and sample data required to quickly test and run
workflows. This change will also allow evaluation of much more code
examples in the vignettes during the package build/test process than
this was possible in the past.
- About 20 new functions have been added to the package. Some examples
are: - Read pre-processor function with support for SE and PE reads -
Parallelization option of detailed FASTQ quality reports - Read
distribution plots across all features available in a genome
annotation (see ?featuretypeCounts) - Visualization of coverage
trends along transcripts summarized for any number of transcripts
(see ?featureCoverage) - Functionalities to predict uORFs/sORFs and
to use them for expression profiling - Differential
expression/binding analysis includes now DESeq2 as well as edgeR
- Added param templates for additional command-line software including,
but not limited to: BWA-MEM, GATK, BCFtools, MACS2
- Adoption of R Markdown for main vignette. Future plans are to provide
for all workflows the report templates in both formats: Latex/PDF and
- Simplified design of complex analysis workflows. Workflows can now
include any number or combination of R and/or command-line steps
- Improvements to workflow automation and parallelization on single
machines and computer clusters. This also includes now many
additional parallelization examples in the workflow vignettes.
Changes in version 1.26.0:
- TargetSearch now depends on "ncdf" rather than mzR.
- Fix potential potencial pearson correlation errors that occur when
the standard is deviation zero. If that is the case, replace the
resulting NA/NaN by zero.
- Fix R check warnings.
Changes in version 0.99.9:
- Modifications in pileupCounts in order to consider stranded counts
- Changes in plot methods. arrangeGrob from gridExtra was changed by
plot_grid form cowplot package.
- Update the package vignette.
Changes in version 0.99.8:
- Modifications in pileupCounts and buildFeaturePanel in order to
process overlapped features.
- Wrap plotting examples.
Changes in version 0.99.7:
- Modifications in pileupCounts and buildFeaturePanel in order to
process overlapped features.
- Modifications in bedFile building in order to remove duplicated
features based on duplicated start, end and chromosome definitions.
Changes in version 0.99.6:
- Definition of pileupCounts as a function instead a TargetExperiment
S4 method.
- Adaptation and optimization of pileupCounts and bplapply usage in the
buildFeaturePanel method.
Changes in version 0.99.4:
- Modification of the Rsatmools version dependency.
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- Modifications in buildFeaturePanel and summarizePanel for a correct
implementation of parallel computing.
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- BiocParallel was used instead of parallel package for parallel
Changes in version 0.99.1:
- The example data has been compiled using Bioconductor 3.2 packages.
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- `NEWS` file was added.
Changes in version 1.9.3:
- changed default value. Set 'test.method = "DESeq2" as default value
when analyze multi-group without replicate data.
- add 'makeFCMatrix' function for generating the foldchange matrix that
is used in 'simulateReadCounts' funtion.
- add function to simulate DEGs using fondchange matrix into
'simulateReadCounts' function.
Changes in version 3.9.1:
- new parameter 'plotchroms' in function 'chrom.barplot' that allows to
specify the chromosomes (and their desired order) that shall be
included in the plot
- bug fix regarding use of 'Offset' bases in 'TEQCreport'
Changes in version 1.7.2:
- New class TFFMFirst and TFFMDetail for next generation TFBSs.
- Novel TFFM sequence logo.
- Fix the bug in runMEME, which always return positive strand for site
Changes in version 1.9.9:
- Major update to the CCR-part: It is now possible to fit and plot
multiple experiments simultaneously.
- It is now possible to perform user-specified comparisons of different
experiments. They are specified in the 'comparison' column of the
config table.
- TR-part: Hypothesis testing is now separated from result table
creation. Therefore, a new function was introduced
(tpptrAnalyzeMeltCurves) -> see vignette.
- CCR-part: Curve fitting and plotting are now conducted by separate
functions -> see vignette.
- Bug fixes
- Introduced color coding of the columns belonging to different
experiments in the excel output. This requires openxlsx version >=
- The CCR workflow now only returns normalized measurements if
normalization was actually performed. Unmodified measurements are
always returned and indicated by the suffix 'unmodified'.
- Data import from tab-delimited files now ignores quotes so that
protein annotation fields can contain single ' or " characters.
- Now enabling arbitrary numbers of plot colors for melting curves or
dose response curves.
Changes in version 1.2.5:
- CCR-part: fold changes can now be normalized to their lowest
temperature during import by the function tppccrNormalizeToReference.
This ensures that the transformed values will always be between 0 and
1. When normalizing to the lowest concentration, and this value is
0, a small constant (1e-15) is added to prevent division by zero.
- CCR-import: Argument nonZeroCols can be NULL if no additional
filtering is needed.
- CCR output: To make filtering easier, the 'passed_filter' column now
shows FALSE even if proteins could not be used for fitting (instead
of NAs).
- CCR output: To make filtering easier, the 'passed_filter' column now
shows FALSE even if proteins could not be used for fitting (instead
of NAs).
- CCR output: column with normalization results was renamed from
'normalized' to 'median_normalized' to distinguish from the newly
introduced normalization to value at lowest concentration.
- Excel export: Columns are only color-coded by experiment, when the
number of experiments is > 1.
- Excel export: Columns are only color-coded by experiment when the
number of experiments is > 1.
- Excel export: Relative paths to the plots work now for TR- and CCR
- Bug fix for data import: Unique identifiers now treated correctly
- Bug fix for Excel output: Boolean column entries are only transformed
to "yes"/"no" for non-missing values.
- Bugfix in TR-QC plots: do not attempt to create Tm difference
histograms if only one experiment is provided.
- Bugfix in TR normalization: fixedReference argument works again
- Bugfix in TR-QC plots: do not attempt to plot minSlope vs. Tm-diffs
if no valid Tm-diff values are available.
Changes in version 1.1.4:
- Curve parameters "a" and "b" are now reported in the output of
analyzeTPPTR and tpptrCurveFit.
Changes in version 1.1.3:
- fixed problem in QC-plot generation due to the gridExtra package
update: adapted height parameter in grid.arrange
Changes in version 1.1.2:
- the recent update of the gridExtra package to Version 2.0.0 required
a small fix to ensure sucessful plotting of the melting curves and
parameter tables.
Changes in version 1.1.1:
- bugfixes in config table import from .csv files: 1. can now handle
different types of delimitors (";", "\t", ",") 2. automatically
removes empty rows after import
Changes in version 1.1.0:
- Changes in devel will be characterized by version number 1.1.x
Changes in version 1.5.6:
- update documentation.
- add new feature for optimizing the styles with theme.
Changes in version 1.5.5:
- remove interactiveViewer from the package.
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.5.4:
- parse2GRanges function to parse text into GRanges
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.5.3:
- export importData function to import data to RleList.
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.5.2:
- Add GRanges operators: +, -, *, /
- export parseWIG function.
- No changes classified as 'bug fixes' (package under active
Changes in version 1.15.1:
- Minor changes to fixed check error
Changes in version 2.0.0-16:
- Release
Changes in version 0.99.8:
- improve warnings / errors when design matrix is close to or exactly
Changes in version 0.99.7:
- added new class varPartResults to store results of
fitExtractVarPartModel() and fitExtractVarPartModel() - the user will
not notice any change, only the backend is different
- Allow computation of adjusted ICC in addition to ICC.
- add warning when categorical variables are modeled as fixed effects
- fix computation of variance fractions for varying coefficient models
- add getVarianceComponents() to return variances from lmer() or lm()
model fit
- showWarnings=FALSE suppresses warning messages
- add fxn argument to fitVarPartModel to evaluate any function on the
model fit
Changes in version 0.99.6:
- Update DESCRIPTION information
Changes in version 0.99.5:
- residuals deals with missing data gracefully and returns a matrix
Changes in version 0.99.4:
- add documentation for example datasets
- convert calcVarPart() to S4 from S3 function call
- fix typos in vignette
Changes in version 0.99.3:
- fitVarPartModel() and fitExractVarPartModel() use S4 instead of S3
Changes in version 0.99.2:
- rename sort.varParFrac to sortCols
- support ExpressionSet
- change options for plotStratifyBy() # Before Bioconductor submission
Changes in version 0.99.0:
- Initial version
Changes in version 1.16.0:
- support REF and ALT values ".", "+" and "-" in predictCoding()
- return non-translated characters in VARCODON in predictCoding()
- add 'verbose' option to readVcf() and friends
- writeVcf() writes 'fileformat' header line always
- readVcf() converts REF and ALT values "*" and "I" to '' and '.'
- VRanges uses '*' strand by default
- coerce 'alt' to DNStringSet for predictCoding,VRanges-method
- add detail to documentation for 'ignore.strand' in predictCoding()
- be robust to single requrested INFO column not present in vcf file
- replace old SummarizedExperiment class from GenomicRanges with the
new new RangedSummarizedExperiment from SummarizedExperiment package
- return strand of 'subject' for intronic variants in locateVariants()
- writeVcf() does not duplicate header lines when chunking
- remove extra tab after INFO when no FORMAT data are present
- filteVcf() supports 'param' with ranges
Changes in version 1.6:
- Update on the scores() method for PhastConsDb objects that enables a
10-fold faster retrieval of mean phastCons scores over genomic
- Added two new annotated regions coded as fiveSpliceSite and
threeSpliceSite and the scoring of their binding affyinity, if
scoring matrices are provided.
- Fix on the scores() method for PhastConsDb objects, that was
affecting multiple-nucleotide ranges from an input GRanges object
with unordered sequence names.
- Fix on snpid2maf() method when decoding MafDb variants with AF values
whose significant digits start with 95.
Changes in version 1.45.7:
- Disabled Rmpi support and usage on Windows
Changes in version 1.45.6:
- J. Rainer implemented a [ method that allows to subset an xcmsSet.
- Fixed a problem in split.xcmsSet that did not split the phenoData
properly. Added some details to the documentation of xcmsSet-class.
Changes in version 1.45.5:
- The sampclass method for xcmsSet will now return the content of the
column "class" from the data.frame in the phenoData slot, or if not
present, the interaction of all factors (columns) of that data.frame.
- The sampclass<- method replaces the content of the "class" column in
the phenoData data.frame. If a data.frame is submitted, the
interaction of its columns is calculated and stored into the "class"
- Fixed a bug that resulted in a cryptic error message when no input
files are available to the xcmsSet function.
Changes in version 1.45.4:
- Fixed a bug in the levelplot method for xcmsSet.
Changes in version 1.45.3:
- xcmsSet now allows phenoData to be an AnnotatedDataFrame.
- new slots for xcmsRaw: - mslevel: store the mslevel parameter
submitted to xcmsRaw. - scanrange: store the scanrange parameter
submitted to xcmsRaw.
- new slots for xcmsSet: - mslevel: stores the mslevel argument from
the xcmsSet method. - scanrange: to keep track of the scanrange
argument of the xcmsSet method.
- new methods for xcmsRaw: - levelplot: similar to the image method,
plots m/z vs RT with color coded intensities. - mslevel: returns the
value for the .mslevel slot. For downstream compatibility, this
method returns NULL if the object does not have the same named slot.
- profinfo: same functionality as the profinfo method for xcmsSet. -
scanrange: returns the value for the scanrange slot. For downstream
compatibility, this method returns NULL if the object does not have
the same named slot.
- new methods for xcmsSet: - getXcmsRaw: returns a xcmsRaw object for
one or more files in the xcmsSet, eventually applying retention time
correction etc. - levelplot: similar to the image method, plots m/z
vs RT with color coded intensities. Allows in addition to highlight
identified peaks. - mslevel: returns the value for the mslevel slot.
For downstream compatibility, this method returns NULL if the object
does not have the same named slot. - profMethod: same functionality
as the profMethod method of xcmsRaw. - profStep: same functionality
as the profStep method of xcmsRaw. - scanrange: returns the value for
the scanrange slot. For downstream compatibility, this method returns
NULL if the object does not have the same named slot.
- show method for xcmsSet updated to display also informations about
the mslevel and scanrange.
- Elaborated some documentation entries.
- rtrange and mzrange for xcmsRaw method plotEIC use by default the
full RT and m/z range.
- Added arguments "lty" and "add" to plotEIC method for xcmsRaw.
- getEIC without specifying mzrange returns the ion chromatogram for
the full m/z range (i.e. the base peak chromatogram).
- Checking if phenoData is a data.frame or AnnotatedDataFrame and throw
an error otherwise.
- xcmsSet getEIC method for water Lock mass corrected files for a
subset of files did not evaluate whether the specified files were
Changes in version 1.45.2:
- The xcms split() function now accepts factors that are shorter than
the number of samples in the xcmsSet, following more closely the
standard split() behaviour
Changes in version 1.45.1:
- plotrt now allows col to be a vector of color definition, same as the
plots for retcor methods.
- Added $ method to access phenoData columns in a eSet/ExpressionSet
like manner.
- Allow to use the "parallel" package for parallel processing of the
functions xcmsSet and fillPeaks.chrom.
- Thanks to J. Rainer!
Changes in version 3.2:
VERSION xps-1.29.1
- update README file
Changes in version 1.29.1:
- Update email address <2015-05-26 Tue>
Packages removed since the last release
No packages were removed in this release.
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