[Bioc-devel] doi (was Re: Short URLs for packages?)

Martin Morgan mtmorgan at fredhutch.org
Mon Mar 23 19:28:35 CET 2015

On 03/23/2015 09:55 AM, Gabe Becker wrote:>> >Thus it is more likely that a 
person will do the right thing if it happens
 >> >to be the most convenient thing IMHO. Anything to advance this strategy
 >> >would be a step in the right direction
 >> >
 > Bioc core team: This may be getting a bit off topic,  but has there been
 > any discussion of working with an organization likehttp://zenodo.org/  to
 > get DOIs assigned to Bioc packages on release? This could be for every
 > release or only for the initial inclusion in a Bioc release, but if they
 > are  version specific they would make citing, etc easier and more rigorous.
 > We could have a biocCite or figure out how to get citation to do the right

Briefly and 'the last time I looked' if I recall correctly zenodo is a (static) 
repository that assigns DOIs, rather than a DOI-granting entity per se. 
DOI-granting agency per se charge a fee.

Happy to entertain corrections to my mis-belief.


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