[Bioc-devel] help with imports for new package and other questions

Lo lorena.pantano at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 15:57:09 CEST 2015


I am trying to get right my new package 
(http://github.com/lpantano/isomiRs). But I am having some problems with 
the packages I import.

The main problem is that I get warnings while loading my packages 
because some dplyr replaces functions in others packages like S4Vectors 
and others.

This is my NAMESPACE

importFrom(plyr, join_all)

and these are the warnings:

** preparing package for lazy loading
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::slice’ when loading ‘isomiRs’
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::collapse’ when loading 
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::intersect’ when loading 
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::setdiff’ when loading 
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::union’ when loading ‘isomiRs’
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::rename’ when loading ‘isomiRs’
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::combine’ when loading 
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘dplyr::desc’ when loading ‘isomiRs’
Warning: replacing previous import by ‘gplots::space’ when loading ‘isomiRs’
** help

I need to solve this to avoid warnings. I tried something like use 
`importFrom` to only import some functions but don't know if importFrom 
is something I shouldn't use or I should.

I would also appreciate very much if some one can point me to the right 
way to solve the following:

* I failed to create good documentation for some functions, data of my 
package. Can anyone point me to a good example of a dataset 
documentation, so I could create a good one for my dataset example.

* I have some problems with my coding style, like sometimes I have `=` 
insted of `<-` and I forgot to add spaces like this ` <- `. Any one 
knows of a plugin for any editor to help me find that. Because I am 
always missing some of them by eye.

Thanks a lot in advance for any help in any point.


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