[Bioc-devel] Announcing a new package: regioneR

Bernat Gel bgel at imppc.org
Thu Apr 2 16:01:52 CEST 2015


I'm very happy to announce that our package regioneR is now available in Bioconductor devel. regioneR offers association analysis of genomic regions based on permutation tests.

We would highly appreciate your feedback and suggestions to help us improve the package.

Short Description:
regioneR offers a permutation test framework to study the associations between sets of genomic regions and other genomic features. It includes different permutations strategies
and evaluation functions making it useful for most analysis out of the box, but it is also fully customizable so it can be adapted to very specific problems. The package also
includes a function, localZscore, to evaluate the specificity of the association by studying how the z-score changes when the positions of the regions are perturbed. In addition,
it includes a set of helper functions for region management based on the GenomicRanges infrastructure but with a simpler (ans less powerful) interface that might be useful to R beginners.

Best Regards,

Bernat Gel

Bioinformatician, PhD.
Genetic Variation and Cancer
Genetic Diagnostic Unit of Hereditary Cancer (UDGCH-IMPPC)
Institut de Medicina Predictiva i Personalitzada del Càncer
Campus Can Ruti
Ctra de Can Ruti
Camí de les Escoles s/n
08916 Badalona, Spain

Tel (+34) 93 554 30 68
bgel at imppc.org

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