[Bioc-devel] Revising biocViews

Arora, Sonali sarora at fhcrc.org
Mon Feb 24 20:20:00 CET 2014

A big Thank you  to Micheal , Laurent and Thomas for the great suggestions.
Please watch this space for more updates - coming soon.

On 2/20/2014 1:34 PM, Laurent Gatto wrote:
> I would have the following minor suggestion.
> These two seem redundant:
>   StatisticalMethod -> SupportVectorMachine
>   StatisticalMethod -> Classification
> Or maybe the two 'StatisticalMethod' refer two different views?
> I would suggest to keep the second one, to make the parallel with
>   StatisticalMethod -> Regression
> Best wishes,
> Laurent
>> Re-attaching pdf document "suggestedbiocViews.pdf"
>> Thanks and Regards
>> Sonali.
>> On 2/20/2014 12:31 PM, Arora, Sonali wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> We have been working to revise the biocViews.
>>> We are suggesting changes only to the software branch.
>>> Please see the attached document "suggestedbiocViews.pdf" for
>>> the suggested changes.
>>> To see the suggested biocView tree structure , please look at:
>>> system.file("inst","dot","biocViewsVocab.dot", package="biocViews")
>>> Please let us know if you have any suggestions about our "suggested"
>>> biocViews.
>>> We value your feedback and suggestions.
>>> ( You do NOT need to make changes to your existing packages in the
>>> Bioconductor Repository - we will be doing  that !- This email is sent
>>> out
>>> only to get your suggestions/feedback and notify you of our on-going
>>> work)
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Sonali

Thanks and Regards,

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