[Bioc-devel] VariantAnnotation: Harmonize default readVcf params

Michael Lawrence lawrence.michael at gene.com
Tue Dec 9 16:18:11 CET 2014

It would be nice to have a high-level GUI that allowed the user to specify
a query and then showed a sample of the query result, perhaps along with
some plotting capabilities. Julian is somewhat close to something like
that, I think.

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 2:50 AM, Vincent Carey <stvjc at channing.harvard.edu>

> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 9:18 PM, Valerie Obenchain <vobencha at fredhutch.org>
> wrote:
>> (Resend - last message didn't post to the list.)
>> OK, sounds good. In 1.13.18 I've deprecated VRangesScanVcfParam() and
>> changed the signature of readVcfAsVRanges() to use ScanVcfParam().
>> If at some point we want to revise the defaults for ScanVcfParam() to a
>> minimal subset I'm fine with that.
> It might be time to have a GUI widget that helps people construct a
> ScanVcfParam.
>> Valerie
>> On 12/08/14 13:32, Michael Lawrence wrote:
>>> The reason why 'y' and 'z' are different is the same reason why
>>> readVcfAsVRanges exists. It was meant to be a convenience so that users
>>> could get the minimal information needed into the VCF. But maybe that
>>> was just being too helpful, and the user ends up confused. So I agree
>>> with Julian that we should just drop VRangesScanVcfParam and have
>>> readVcfAsVRanges just be an alternative syntax to as(readVcf(),
>>> "VRanges").
>>> Michael
>>> On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 10:48 AM, Valerie Obenchain
>>> <vobencha at fredhutch.org <mailto:vobencha at fredhutch.org>> wrote:
>>>     Michael, how would you feel about dropping VRangesScanVcfParam? I'm
>>>     open to changing the defaults in ScanVcfParam; the current 'read all
>>>     fields' default is probably not the best approach.
>>>     Valerie
>>>     On 12/04/2014 02:47 AM, Julian Gehring wrote:
>>>         Hi,
>>>         Can we harmonize the default parameters for =ScanVcfParam= and
>>>         =VRangesScanVcfParam=?  It even seems that we could drop
>>>         =VRangesScanVcfParam= since it is mainly a wrapper for
>>>         =ScanVcfParam=.
>>>         Currently, the defaults for importing fields from a VCF are:
>>>             ScanVcfParam: fixed = character(), info = character(), geno =
>>>             character()
>>>             VRangesScanVcfParam: fixed = "ALT", info = NA, geno = "AD"
>>>         When using
>>>             readVcfAsVRanges(vcf_path, genome_name)
>>>         with default parameters, that yields a VRanges object only the
>>> 'AD'
>>>         metadata column.  If 'AD' is not present in the VCF file (which
>>> is
>>>         perfectly fine because it is not essential), it throws a warning.
>>>         My main motivation behind all of this is that I would expect
>>>             x = readVcf(vcf_path, genome_name)
>>>             y = as(x, "VRanges")
>>>         and
>>>             z = readVcfAsVRanges(vcf_path, genome_name)
>>>         to give an equal object.  I added some code below to make the
>>>         case more
>>>         concrete:
>>>             library(VariantAnnotation)
>>>             vcf_path = system.file("extdata", "ex2.vcf",
>>>         package="VariantAnnotation")
>>>             ## read VRanges (implicit conversion)
>>>             z = readVcfAsVRanges(vcf_path, "ncbi37")
>>>             ## read VCF, convert to VRanges (explicitly)
>>>             x = readVcf(vcf_path, "ncbi37")
>>>             y = as(x, "VRanges")
>>>             ## harmonize it
>>>             vr_param = VRangesScanVcfParam(fixed = character(), info =
>>>         character(), geno = character())
>>>             z2 = readVcfAsVRanges(vcf_path, "ncbi37", param = vr_param)
>>>             all.equal(unname(y), unname(z2))
>>>         Best
>>>         Julian
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