[Bioc-devel] unexpected build and check error

Dan Tenenbaum dtenenba at fhcrc.org
Mon Apr 7 04:00:12 CEST 2014

Hi Weijun,

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Luo Weijun" <luo_weijun at yahoo.com>
> To: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>, "Martin Morgan" <mtmorgan at fhcrc.org>
> Cc: bioc-devel at r-project.org
> Sent: Sunday, April 6, 2014 6:51:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] unexpected build and check error
> Martin,
> Your observation on re-uses the same environment to build all
> vignettes is very helpful. The pre-existence of another copy of bods
> does explain why I had problem with bods. What I don’t understand is
> that this pre-existence copy should be identical because I’ve
> updated both copies in pathview and gage package at the same time.
> The error does make sense in the first round of check/build when the
> R server has not updated its pathview package which I’ve
> communicated with Dan. But now pathview package has already been
> updated, why I still see the old bods data being loaded from
> pathview? Thank you!

You might want to double-check that the two datasets are indeed identical; they don't appear to be to me:

gage.bods <- bods
pathview.bods <- bods
identical(gage.bods, pathview.bods)
# returns FALSE

> all.equal(gage.bods, pathview.bods)
[1] "Attributes: < Component “dimnames”: Component 2: 1 string mismatch >"

> dimnames(gage.bods)

[1] "package"   "species"   "kegg code" "id.type"  

> dimnames(pathview.bods)

[1] "package"   "species"   "kegg code" "gene.id"  

Look like one has id.type and the other has gene.id.

> packageVersion("gage")
[1] ‘2.13.5’
> packageVersion("pathview")
[1] ‘1.3.4’


> Weijun
> --------------------------------------------
> On Sat, 4/5/14, Martin Morgan <mtmorgan at fhcrc.org> wrote:
>  Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] unexpected build and check error
>  To: "Luo Weijun" <luo_weijun at yahoo.com>, "Dan Tenenbaum"
>  <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
>  Cc: bioc-devel at r-project.org
>  Date: Saturday, April 5, 2014, 1:26 PM
>  On 04/04/2014 10:36 AM, Luo Weijun
>  wrote:
>  > Dan,
>  > Thanks for the followup. That’s wired. I use R 3.0.0
>  here. It is different from R-3.1.0, but I don’t think it
>  would make such a difference in generating the error below:
>  > Error in bods[idx, "id.type"] : subscript out of
>  bounds
>  >
>  > I run the exact same build command on my local machine
>  (as below), I got the same error indeed:
>  > R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data gage
>  >
>  > But if I install gage package first, then then create
>  vignettes manually, everything is fine.
>  > sudo R CMD INSTALL gage
>  > cd gage/vignettes/
>  > R CMD Sweave gage.Rnw
>  > R CMD texi2dvi -p gage.tex
>  >
>  > I am not sure, why there is such a difference. Do you
>  have any idea on this?
>  I can reproduce this providing the path to the gage source
>  tree
>     tools::buildVignettes(dir="path/to/gage",
>  quiet=FALSE)
>  you'll see that this builds the dataPrep vignette first, and
>  then the gage
>  vignette. It seems like dataPrep loads data bods from
>  pathview into the global
>  environment, and when the gage vignette is being processed
>  it attempts to load
>  an identically named data set into the (same) global
>  environment.
>  The (partial) output of buildVignettes is in
>  gage/vignettes/gage.tex; editing
>  gage.Rnw to include a print(ls()) early in the vignette
>  confirms that an object
>  'bods' already exists.
>  It's surprising to me that R re-uses the same environment to
>  build each
>  vignette, and I'll take this up on the R-devel mailing
>  list.
>  The data() function can arrange to load data into an
>  arbitrary environment; for
>  a function it seems better not to write to the global
>  environment, and something
>  like
>     env = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
>     obj = data("bods",envir=env)
>     bods = env[[obj]]
>  is better.
>  Hopefully this helps to address your problem.
>  Martin
>  >
>  > I suspected that bods data file (bods.rda in the data
>  directory) was not updated or have some problem somehow.
>  Below is the problematic code chunk in the go.gset.R file:
>  >
>  > …
>  >        idx=which(bods[,"species"]
>  == species)
>  >        if(length(idx)!=1) stop("bad
>  species value")
>  >        pkg.name = bods[idx,
>  "package"]
>  >        id.type=toupper(bods[idx,
>  "id.type"])
>  > …
>  >
>  > I tried to insert the following two lines:
>  >        print(head(bods))
>  >        print(idx)
>  > before the last line above and rerun rerun: R CMD build
>  --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data gage
>  > The error still exists, but I don’t see the printed
>  out results from the newly added lines, hence not able to
>  figure out what happened there.
>  > so far, I can think of anything wrong with gage
>  package. because the manual install and vignette creating
>  worked. The only problem I am sure is that R CMD build
>  --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data behave differently from
>  the manual process. Could you help to check into the problem
>  here? Thank you! I am cc’ing the devel list see if other
>  people got the same problem.
>  > Weijun
>  >
>  > --------------------------------------------
>  > On Fri, 4/4/14, Dan Tenenbaum <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
>  wrote:
>  >
>  >   Subject: Re: unexpected build and
>  check error
>  >
>  >   Date: Friday, April 4, 2014, 12:24 PM
>  >
>  >   Hi Weijun,
>  >
>  >   gage is still broken today:
>  >
>  >   http://www.bioconductor.org/checkResults/2.14/bioc-LATEST/gage/zin2-buildsrc.html
>  >
>  >   It seems to be using the latest
>  versions:
>  >
>  >   > packageVersion("gage")
>  >   [1] ‘2.13.5’
>  >   > packageVersion("pathview")
>  >   [1] ‘1.3.4’
>  >
>  >   So maybe the cause of the problem is
>  different? Have you
>  >   tried using the most recent R?
>  (R-3.1.0 RC)?
>  >
>  >   Dan
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >   ----- Original Message -----
>  >   > From: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
>  >
>  >   > Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014
>  10:24:10 AM
>  >   > Subject: Re: unexpected build and
>  check error
>  >   >
>  >   > No, I think it will be ok
>  tomorrow. If not I'll make
>  >   sure it gets
>  >   > fixed.
>  >   > Thanks,
>  >   > Dan
>  >   >
>  >   >
>  >   > ----- Original Message -----
>  >
>  >   > > To: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
>  >   > > Sent: Thursday, April 3,
>  2014 10:19:16 AM
>  >   > > Subject: unexpected build
>  and check error
>  >   > >
>  >   > > Dear Dan,
>  >   > > I got the following error in
>  the bioc 2.14 build
>  >   report:
>  >   > > http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/devel/bioc-LATEST/gage/zin2-buildsrc.html
>  >   > >
>  >   > > Error: processing vignette
>  'gage.Rnw' failed with
>  >   diagnostics:
>  >   > >  chunk 12 (label =
>  go.gsets)
>  >   > > Error in bods[idx,
>  "id.type"] : subscript out of
>  >   bounds
>  >   > > Execution halted
>  >   > >
>  >   > > I believe this is due to the
>  loading of the old
>  >   pathview package at
>  >   > > that time, which carries a
>  copy of obsolete bods
>  >   hence interfered
>  >   > > the build/check. But since
>  pathview and gage was
>  >   updated at the
>  >   > > same
>  >   > > time. This error will be
>  gone in the next
>  >   building/checking cycle.
>  >   > > My local copy does get
>  through the
>  >   building/checking free of error.
>  >   > > Shall we do something given
>  that the today is
>  >   “Deadline for
>  >   > > packages
>  >   > > passing R CMD build and
>  check without warning”?
>  >   thanks!
>  >   > > Weijun
>  >   > >
>  >   > >
>  >   >
>  >
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Bioc-devel at r-project.org
>  mailing list
>  > https://stat.ethz.ch/mailman/listinfo/bioc-devel
>  >
>  --
>  Computational Biology / Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
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