[Bioc-devel] unexpected build and check error

Luo Weijun luo_weijun at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 03:51:17 CEST 2014

Your observation on re-uses the same environment to build all vignettes is very helpful. The pre-existence of another copy of bods does explain why I had problem with bods. What I don’t understand is that this pre-existence copy should be identical because I’ve updated both copies in pathview and gage package at the same time. The error does make sense in the first round of check/build when the R server has not updated its pathview package which I’ve communicated with Dan. But now pathview package has already been updated, why I still see the old bods data being loaded from pathview? Thank you!

On Sat, 4/5/14, Martin Morgan <mtmorgan at fhcrc.org> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Bioc-devel] unexpected build and check error

 Cc: bioc-devel at r-project.org
 Date: Saturday, April 5, 2014, 1:26 PM

 On 04/04/2014 10:36 AM, Luo Weijun
 > Dan,
 > Thanks for the followup. That’s wired. I use R 3.0.0
 here. It is different from R-3.1.0, but I don’t think it
 would make such a difference in generating the error below:
 > Error in bods[idx, "id.type"] : subscript out of
 > I run the exact same build command on my local machine
 (as below), I got the same error indeed:
 > R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data gage
 > But if I install gage package first, then then create
 vignettes manually, everything is fine.
 > sudo R CMD INSTALL gage
 > cd gage/vignettes/
 > R CMD Sweave gage.Rnw
 > R CMD texi2dvi -p gage.tex
 > I am not sure, why there is such a difference. Do you
 have any idea on this?

 I can reproduce this providing the path to the gage source


 you'll see that this builds the dataPrep vignette first, and
 then the gage 
 vignette. It seems like dataPrep loads data bods from
 pathview into the global 
 environment, and when the gage vignette is being processed
 it attempts to load 
 an identically named data set into the (same) global

 The (partial) output of buildVignettes is in
 gage/vignettes/gage.tex; editing 
 gage.Rnw to include a print(ls()) early in the vignette
 confirms that an object 
 'bods' already exists.

 It's surprising to me that R re-uses the same environment to
 build each 
 vignette, and I'll take this up on the R-devel mailing

 The data() function can arrange to load data into an
 arbitrary environment; for 
 a function it seems better not to write to the global
 environment, and something 

    env = new.env(parent=emptyenv())
    obj = data("bods",envir=env)
    bods = env[[obj]]

 is better.

 Hopefully this helps to address your problem.


 > I suspected that bods data file (bods.rda in the data
 directory) was not updated or have some problem somehow.
 Below is the problematic code chunk in the go.gset.R file:
 > …
 >        idx=which(bods[,"species"]
 == species)
 >        if(length(idx)!=1) stop("bad
 species value")
 >        pkg.name = bods[idx,
 >        id.type=toupper(bods[idx,
 > …
 > I tried to insert the following two lines:
 >        print(head(bods))
 >        print(idx)
 > before the last line above and rerun rerun: R CMD build
 --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data gage
 > The error still exists, but I don’t see the printed
 out results from the newly added lines, hence not able to
 figure out what happened there.
 > so far, I can think of anything wrong with gage
 package. because the manual install and vignette creating
 worked. The only problem I am sure is that R CMD build
 --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data behave differently from
 the manual process. Could you help to check into the problem
 here? Thank you! I am cc’ing the devel list see if other
 people got the same problem.
 > Weijun
 > --------------------------------------------
 > On Fri, 4/4/14, Dan Tenenbaum <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
 >   Subject: Re: unexpected build and
 check error
 >   Date: Friday, April 4, 2014, 12:24 PM
 >   Hi Weijun,
 >   gage is still broken today:
 >   http://www.bioconductor.org/checkResults/2.14/bioc-LATEST/gage/zin2-buildsrc.html
 >   It seems to be using the latest
 >   > packageVersion("gage")
 >   [1] ‘2.13.5’
 >   > packageVersion("pathview")
 >   [1] ‘1.3.4’
 >   So maybe the cause of the problem is
 different? Have you
 >   tried using the most recent R?
 (R-3.1.0 RC)?
 >   Dan
 >   ----- Original Message -----
 >   > From: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
 >   > Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2014
 10:24:10 AM
 >   > Subject: Re: unexpected build and
 check error
 >   >
 >   > No, I think it will be ok
 tomorrow. If not I'll make
 >   sure it gets
 >   > fixed.
 >   > Thanks,
 >   > Dan
 >   >
 >   >
 >   > ----- Original Message -----
 >   > > To: "Dan Tenenbaum" <dtenenba at fhcrc.org>
 >   > > Sent: Thursday, April 3,
 2014 10:19:16 AM
 >   > > Subject: unexpected build
 and check error
 >   > >
 >   > > Dear Dan,
 >   > > I got the following error in
 the bioc 2.14 build
 >   report:
 >   > > http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/devel/bioc-LATEST/gage/zin2-buildsrc.html
 >   > >
 >   > > Error: processing vignette
 'gage.Rnw' failed with
 >   diagnostics:
 >   > >  chunk 12 (label =
 >   > > Error in bods[idx,
 "id.type"] : subscript out of
 >   bounds
 >   > > Execution halted
 >   > >
 >   > > I believe this is due to the
 loading of the old
 >   pathview package at
 >   > > that time, which carries a
 copy of obsolete bods
 >   hence interfered
 >   > > the build/check. But since
 pathview and gage was
 >   updated at the
 >   > > same
 >   > > time. This error will be
 gone in the next
 >   building/checking cycle.
 >   > > My local copy does get
 through the
 >   building/checking free of error.
 >   > > Shall we do something given
 that the today is
 >   “Deadline for
 >   > > packages
 >   > > passing R CMD build and
 check without warning”?
[[elided Yahoo spam]]
 >   > > Weijun
 >   > >
 >   > >
 >   >
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