[Bioc-devel] cyclic dependency bug in Rdbi
Philip Lijnzaad
p.lijnzaad at umcutrecht.nl
Tue Mar 22 10:32:59 CET 2011
Hi Hervé,
> How many people are still using Rdbi?
mmm ... no idea. The stats do show a downward sloping trend, that much is
> It has long been superseded by
> DBI. One long standing reason for not moving to DBI was that there
> was no support for PostgreSQL in the DBI world for a long time. But
> this has changed recently with RPostgreSQL now available on CRAN.
> Now the question is how good is RPostgreSQL these days? Is it mature
> enough to be worth migrating apps from Rdbi/RdbiPgSQL to
> DBI/RPostgreSQL? Is it something you've considered/tried?
No, I wasn't aware of this, I will look into it.
> Maybe it's time for us to deprecate Rdbi/RdbiPgSQL?
I think that is probably the case, but at the same time I would argue that
simply changing the .onLoad() function to an empty one (or deleting it, dunno
what's best) solves a design error that would at least help the current
> Feedback from
> other "PostgreSQL within R" users would be appreciated.
Certainly. Thanks,
Philip Lijnzaad, PhD
Molecular Cancer Research
University Medical Center (UMC), Utrecht
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