[Bioc-devel] NAMESPACE, vignette and .Rd examples

Christian Ruckert cruckert at uni-muenster.de
Wed Sep 22 21:16:13 CEST 2010

In an old posting on this list 
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2008-December/051602.html it is 
stated, that for vignettes and the NAMESPACE file the following holds:

Packages used in the vignette must be loaded with library():
- If the package is already listed as Imports or Depends, it will load 
without problems
- Otherwise the package should be listed in Suggests, but the vignette 
may not run, as installation of the package is not ensured

Does this also hold for examples in the help-files (.Rd)?

The bioconductor package guidelines say:
"Depends: is also appropriate when a package is used in the example 
section of a man page. It is very unusual for a package to list more 
than three packages as 'Depends:'."

For my package I will have definitely far more than three packages in 
the depends list. If doing so can I omit the call to library() in the 
example section? Is it ok to list the same packages in Imports as well 
as in Depends?


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