[Bioc-devel] EBImage: Devel version on Windows not building
Gregoire Pau
gregoire.pau at ebi.ac.uk
Wed Aug 20 16:23:13 CEST 2008
Thanks Patrick for your clear answer.
Patrick Aboyoun wrote:
> Greg and Wolfgang,
> The Windows build machines all have GTK+ and ImageMagick installed on
> them so you can link to the appropriate dlls during the build process. I
> just took a cursory look at the EBImage package, and it looks like the
> change would be minor.
> 1) Remove the pre-built dll and all the configuration code that manages it.
> 2) Move the GTK_BASEPATH and IM_BASEPATH definitions out of the
> Makevars.win file, make them Windows Environment Variables, and check to
> ensure they are defined during the configuration process.
> I just added these two environment variables to the windows build
> machines so they are ready to go. If we run into other snags, we can
> make additional tweaks.
> Patrick
> Wolfgang Huber wrote:
>> Hi Patrick et al. in Seattle
>> maybe the main point of Greg's message got lost, so here it is again:
>> would it be possible to compile the C code in EBImage from source on the
>> Seattle build system?
>> This would seem to be preferable to the current solution, in which a
>> .dll file that was made by Oleg is used, which is checked into svn:
>> https://hedgehog.fhcrc.org/bioconductor/trunk/madman/Rpacks/EBImage/inst/winlibs/EBImage.dll
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> r21716 | osklyar at ebi.ac.uk | 2006-12-30 23:02:15 +0000 (sab, 30 dic
>> 2006) | 1 line
>> added precompiled windows dll to save work of Bioc maintainers in
>> installing and maintaining GTK+ and ImageMagick on Windows build
>> machines! I will recompile the windows dll myself, the target dll is
>> only 38K large, so this is not a big problem. The method seems to be
>> consistent with R CMD check on Linux. The idea is: inst/winlibs contains
>> the precompiled dll, which is moved to inst/libs on build and then
>> copied into libs by the installer; if dll is found in winlibs then the
>> src directory is removed to prevent compilation mistakes, if not -- the
>> package is recompiled. R CMD check does not check winlibs and does not
>> warn (as it does if the dll is put into libs) so the only drawback is
>> adding a unnecess ary windll to all *nix installations.
>> Best wishes
>> Wolfgang
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Wolfgang Huber EBI/EMBL Cambridge UK http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
>> 13/08/2008 14:00 Gregoire Pau scripsit
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm the new maintainer of EBImage.
>>> The DLL EBImage.dll has been manually compiled some time ago and is not
>>> in sync with the current version. It would be really nice that the
>>> Windows version can be automatically built by the automatic Bioconductor
>>> building framework, but EBImage relies on two external libraries:
>>> GTK+2.0 and ImageMagick and I'm not sure whether they are available on
>>> the Bioconductor building machines.
>>> What is the general policy for packages that rely on external libraries
>>> ? Can I rely on some pre-installed libraries or should I build them
>>> manually for some platforms ?
>>> Thanks !
>>> Best regards,
>>> Greg
>>> Henrik Bengtsson wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> thanks for fixing the DESCRIPTION file for EBImage. FYI, the Windows
>>>> version does not build:
>>>> * creating vignettes ... ERROR
>>>> Error in inDL(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now), ...) :
>>>> unable to load shared library
>>>> 'D:/biocbld/bbs-2.3-bioc/tmpdir/Rinst415629052/EBImage/libs/EBImage.dll':
>>>> LoadLibrary failure: The specified procedure could not be found.
>>>> Error: processing vignette 'AnalysisWithEBImage.Rnw' failed with
>>>> diagnostics:
>>>> chunk 1 (label=loadlib)
>>>> Error : package/namespace load failed for 'EBImage'
>>>> Execution halted
>>>> More:
>>>> http://bioconductor.org/checkResults/2.3/bioc-LATEST/EBImage/gewurz-buildsrc.html
>>>> I noticed this already a few weeks ago (before the typo in DESCRIPTION
>>>> was added) and hoped it would solve "itself", but it is still there.
>>>> Not sure if it is an EBImage or a BioC server config problem.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Henrik
>>>> PS. I can solve all these problems for myself, but I reporting it for
>>>> the sake of automatic installation etc. DS.
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Gregoire Pau
EMBL/EBI Cambridge, UK
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