[Bioc-devel] Failing to installing prada in 1.9 release
Florian Hahne
f.hahne at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Mon Jan 29 12:17:53 CET 2007
Hi Wolfgang, Seth, all,
I tracked down the build error to a namespace problem as Seth has
already pointed out to me, however, I'm not sure if my solution is
merely a temporary fix:
I assumed that if I want to extend the eSet class in my package it is
sufficient to do a
importClassesFrom("Biobase", "eSet")
but this produced the following (with R-2.4.1 release)
Error in setIs(class2, cli, extensionObject = obji, doComplete = FALSE, :
Unable to find package environment for class "VersionedBiobase" to
revise subclass information
So I went ahead and added
importClassesFrom("Biobase", "eSet", "VersionedBiobase" )
which lead me to
Error in setIs(class2, cli, extensionObject = obji, doComplete = FALSE, :
Unable to find package environment for class "Versioned" to revise
subclass information
Finaly, after adding "Versioned" to the import everthing built ok
importClassesFrom("Biobase", "eSet", "VersionedBiobase", "Versioned")
Is this the necessary procedure for extending the eSet class. Shouldn't
R be able to deal with the dependecies that arise from importing a
class, after all these are pretty quite opaque
Best wishes,
Wolfgang Huber schrieb:
> Hi Florian & Biocore,
> I just installed an R-2.4.1 from scratch, then ran
> source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")
> biocLite("cellHTS")
> I get errors that seem to do with the usage of classes from Biobase in
> prada that hasn't kept up with the moving target that these classes
> have been...
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