[Bioc-devel] reposTools DEFUNCT in upcoming BioC 1.9 release

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Wed Sep 20 18:01:27 CEST 2006

Hello package developers,

As announced in late 2005 [*1*], the reposTools package is going
away and will _not_ be included in the BioC 1.9 release.

Improvements in the package handling tools that come with R allow us
to use standard CRAN-style package repositories for BioC.  Advantages
include a common interface to package installation for users
(install.packages) and easier repository maintenance for us.

Please remove any depedence on reposTools asap (the only ones present
are hidden ones, AFAICT).

Here is one approach for auto-package installation to use in place of


And, of course, there is biocLite.

Questions?  Concerns?  Please let us know.

Best Wishes,

+ seth

[*1*] https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2005-December/000344.html

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