[Bioc-devel] adapting 'biocinstall' to my institute's needs

Florian Hahne fhahne at gmx.de
Wed May 3 15:54:45 CEST 2006

Hi Paul,
biocinstall is sourced from the Bioconductor Webpage by these lines of
code in biocLite:

  choppedRVer <- gsub("(\\w+).(\\w+).(\\w+)", "\\1.\\2", thisRVer)
  scriptUrl <- paste("http://www.bioconductor.org/", "scripts/",
choppedRVer, "/biocinstall.R", sep="")

choppedRVer eveluates to something like 2.3 (depending on your R
version) so the comple URL could for example be:

Hope this helps,


Paul Shannon schrieb:
> I hope this email is not misplaced.  I searched the archives and did not
> find the information I am looking for.
> I have a number of R-shy users.  One big hurdle they face is installing
> packages.  'getBioC' and 'biocLite'  seem like just the right approach.
> I want to emulate this approach by creating a local version of that  
> function which
> my users can easily source and execute.  They will then be able to  
> load (or update)
> all the R and bioc packages they need, along with local packages and  
> code we write.
> Examining the source for getBioC leads me to 'biocinstall' but -- sorry
> if this is obvious, and I just missed it -- I can't find the source
> of that function, to study, learn from, and adapt.
> Could someone clue me in?  I welcome any comments on the overall plan
> as well.
> Thanks!
>   - Paul
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Florian Hahne
Abt. Molekulare Genomanalyse (B050)
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 580
D-69120 Heidelberg
phone: 0049 6221 424764
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