[Bioc-devel] Draw volcanoplot in Limma

Edoardo Giacopuzzi gedoardo at bluebottle.com
Mon Nov 7 16:32:39 CET 2005

Hi, I'm using from little time to analyze my microarray data.
After using eBayes() function to compute the odds ratio for my genes
now i want to draw a volcano plot showing my data.
I've used the volcanoplot() function as follow:

> volcanoplot(fitNorm, highlight=500, names=fitNorm$genes$ID)

and I get a volcano plot with 500 gene highlighted, each one with his
name... So the resulting graph is quite confused!

I want to know if there is a way to obtain a volcano plot with dots
rapresenting my top-500 genes designed, for example, in a different
color (but without names labels).


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