[Bioc-devel] Updated release schedule

Jeff Gentry jgentry at jimmy.harvard.edu
Tue Oct 12 20:58:07 CEST 2004

Hello all ...

It looks like our archives are finally fully operational again, and as
such we need to start moving onwards towards the release.  The new
schedule shall only delay the actual release itself by one week despite
a lot of work being put aside for the last few weeks, although the actual
waypoints for freezes and such shall be accelerated (because things like
working up to the feature freeze & code freeze should have been being done
by maintainers already).

The new release schedule:
Oct 15 - Feature freeze (No more changes to the API for packages)
Oct 22 - Code freeze (Only serious bugs discovered to be fixed)
Oct 27 - Final freeze for repos generation/final checks/etc.  Only the
         major of bugs should be fixed and then only w/ permission.
Nov 1 - Release

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