Beginning of exercises: Monday, 02/22/2015.
The exercises will be held roughly every second week in the lecture room HG E1.2.
Handing in of exercises
The solved exercises can be handed in via e-mail until 11.55am of the due date (see the sheet with organizational information). Please write down your findings and comments. You can support this with a few plots and some R code.
Please attach your solutions in PDF format and send them to Ruben Dezeure by email with the tag "[ATSA"] in the subject line. Make sure that the file name of your attached PDF starts with your complete name, e.g. use a file name like "Hans Meier Series 1.pdf".
Sheets |
Discussion |
Solutions |
Sheet 1 |
02/22/2015 |
Solution 1 |
Sheet 2 | 03/07/2015 | Solution 2 |
Sheet 3 | 03/21/2015 | Solution 3 |
Sheet 4 (updated version) |
04/11/2015 | Solution 4 |
Sheet 5 | 05/02/2015 |
Solution 5 (Fixed 23/05) |
Sheet 6 | 05/23/2015 | Solution 6 |
The exercises, but also the classes will be based on procedures from the freely available, open-source statistical software package R.
basic previous knowledge of R is required. If you lack this previous
knowledge, do not worry. You can quickly and easily gain it by going
over one of the many tutorials which are available. We recommend
chapters 1-5 of
or, going through the entire content of
classic resource for the basics on R is the manual “An Introduction to
R”, which is quite a bit longer and more technical, but a very
worthwhile read:
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