The R Graphics Package

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Documentation for package ‘graphics’ version 4.4.3

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graphics-package The R Graphics Package
.filled.contour Level (Contour) Plots
.Pars Set or Query Graphical Parameters
abline Add Straight Lines to a Plot
arrows Add Arrows to a Plot
asp Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window
assocplot Association Plots
Axis Generic Function to Add an Axis to a Plot
axis Add an Axis to a Plot
axis.POSIXct Date and Date-time Plotting Functions
axTicks Compute Axis Tickmark Locations
barplot Bar Plots
box Draw a Box around a Plot
boxplot Box Plots
boxplot.matrix Draw a Boxplot for each Column (Row) of a Matrix
bxp Draw Box Plots from Summaries
cdplot Conditional Density Plots
clip Set Clipping Region
close.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
co.intervals Conditioning Plots
contour Display Contours
coplot Conditioning Plots
curve Draw Function Plots
dotchart Cleveland's Dot Plots
erase.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
filled.contour Level (Contour) Plots
fourfoldplot Fourfold Plots
frame Create / Start a New Plot Frame
graphical parameter Set or Query Graphical Parameters
graphical parameters Set or Query Graphical Parameters
graphics The R Graphics Package
grconvertX Convert between Graphics Coordinate Systems
grconvertY Convert between Graphics Coordinate Systems
grid Add Grid to a Plot
hist Histograms
hist.POSIXt Histogram of a Date or Date-Time Object
identify Identify Points in a Scatter Plot
image Display a Color Image
layout Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
lcm Specifying Complex Plot Arrangements
legend Add Legends to Plots
lines Add Connected Line Segments to a Plot
lines.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
lines.histogram Plot Histograms
lines.table Plot Methods for 'table' Objects
locator Graphical Input
matlines Plot Columns of Matrices
matplot Plot Columns of Matrices
matpoints Plot Columns of Matrices
mosaicplot Mosaic Plots
mtext Write Text into the Margins of a Plot
pairs Scatterplot Matrices
panel.smooth Simple Panel Plot
par Set or Query Graphical Parameters
pch Add Points to a Plot
persp Perspective Plots
pie Pie Charts Plot Method for Data Frames
plot.default The Default Scatterplot Function Plot Univariate Effects of a Design or Model
plot.factor Plotting Factor Variables
plot.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
plot.function Draw Function Plots
plot.histogram Plot Histograms Create / Start a New Plot Frame
plot.raster Plotting Raster Images
plot.table Plot Methods for 'table' Objects
plot.window Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window
plot.xy Basic Internal Plot Function
points Add Points to a Plot
points.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
points.table Plot Methods for 'table' Objects
polygon Polygon Drawing
polypath Path Drawing
rasterImage Draw One or More Raster Images
rect Draw One or More Rectangles
rug Add a Rug to a Plot
screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
segments Add Line Segments to a Plot
smoothScatter Scatterplots with Smoothed Densities Color Representation
spineplot Spine Plots and Spinograms
split.screen Creating and Controlling Multiple Screens on a Single Device
stars Star (Spider/Radar) Plots and Segment Diagrams
stem Stem-and-Leaf Plots
strheight Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
stripchart 1-D Scatter Plots
strwidth Plotting Dimensions of Character Strings and Math Expressions
sunflowerplot Produce a Sunflower Scatter Plot
symbols Draw Symbols (Circles, Squares, Stars, Thermometers, Boxplots)
text Add Text to a Plot
text.formula Formula Notation for Scatterplots
title Plot Annotation
xinch Graphical Units
xlim Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window
xspline Draw an X-spline
xyinch Graphical Units
yinch Graphical Units
ylim Set up World Coordinates for Graphics Window