A B C D E F G H I J M N O P Q R S T U W X misc
grDevices-package | The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts |
adjustcolor | Adjust Colors in One or More Directions Conveniently |
as.graphicsAnnot | Coerce an Object for Graphics Annotation |
as.raster | Create a Raster Object |
as.raster.array | Create a Raster Object |
as.raster.character | Create a Raster Object |
as.raster.logical | Create a Raster Object |
as.raster.matrix | Create a Raster Object |
as.raster.numeric | Create a Raster Object |
as.raster.raw | Create a Raster Object |
atop | Mathematical Annotation in R |
axisTicks | Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales |
bar | Mathematical Annotation in R |
bgroup | Mathematical Annotation in R |
bitmap | Graphics Device for Bitmap Files via Ghostscript |
blues9 | Colors for Smooth Density Plots |
bmp | BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices |
bold | Mathematical Annotation in R |
bolditalic | Mathematical Annotation in R |
boxplot.stats | Box Plot Statistics |
bringToTop | Assign Focus to a Window |
cairoSymbolFont | Specify a Symbol Font |
cairo_pdf | Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices |
cairo_ps | Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices |
check.options | Set Options with Consistency Checks |
chull | Compute Convex Hull of a Set of Points |
CIDFont | Type 1 and CID Fonts |
cm | Unit Transformation |
cm.colors | Color Palettes |
col2rgb | Color to RGB Conversion |
colorConverter | Create colour spaces |
colorRamp | Color interpolation |
colorRampPalette | Color interpolation |
colors | Color Names |
colorspaces | Convert between Colour Spaces |
colours | Color Names |
contourLines | Calculate Contour Lines |
convertColor | Convert between Colour Spaces |
densCols | Colors for Smooth Density Plots |
dev.capabilities | Query Capabilities of the Current Graphics Device |
dev.capture | Capture device output as a raster image |
dev.control | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.copy | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.copy2eps | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.copy2pdf | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.cur | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.flush | Hold or Flush Output on an On-Screen Graphics Device |
dev.hold | Hold or Flush Output on an On-Screen Graphics Device |
dev.interactive | Is the Current Graphics Device Interactive? |
dev.list | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.new | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.next | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.off | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.prev | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.print | Copy Graphics Between Multiple Devices |
dev.set | Control Multiple Devices |
dev.size | Find Size of Device Surface |
dev2bitmap | Graphics Device for Bitmap Files via Ghostscript |
devAskNewPage | Prompt before New Page |
device | List of Graphical Devices |
deviceIsInteractive | Is the Current Graphics Device Interactive? |
Devices | List of Graphical Devices |
displaystyle | Mathematical Annotation in R |
dot | Mathematical Annotation in R |
embedFonts | Embed Fonts in PostScript and PDF |
embedGlyphs | Embed Fonts in PostScript and PDF |
extendrange | Extend a Numerical Range by a Small Percentage |
frac | Mathematical Annotation in R |
getGraphicsEvent | Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window |
getGraphicsEventEnv | Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window |
glyphAnchor | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphFont | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphFontList | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphHeight | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphHeightBottom | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphInfo | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphJust | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphJust.character | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphJust.GlyphJust | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphJust.numeric | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphWidth | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
glyphWidthLeft | Describe a Set of Typeset Glyphs |
graphics.off | Control Multiple Devices |
gray | Gray Level Specification |
gray.colors | Gray Color Palette |
grDevices | The R Graphics Devices and Support for Colours and Fonts |
grey | Gray Level Specification |
grey.colors | Gray Color Palette |
group | Mathematical Annotation in R |
grSoftVersion | Report Versions of Graphics Software |
hat | Mathematical Annotation in R |
hcl | HCL Color Specification |
hcl.colors | Color Palettes |
hcl.pals | Color Palettes |
heat.colors | Color Palettes |
Hershey | Hershey Vector Fonts in R |
hsv | HSV Color Specification |
inf | Mathematical Annotation in R |
integral | Mathematical Annotation in R |
is.raster | Create a Raster Object |
italic | Mathematical Annotation in R |
Japanese | Japanese characters in R |
jpeg | BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices |
make.rgb | Create colour spaces |
msgWindow | Manipulate a Window |
n2mfrow | Compute Default 'mfrow' From Number of Plots |
nclass.FD | Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram |
nclass.scott | Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram |
nclass.Sturges | Compute the Number of Classes for a Histogram |
over | Mathematical Annotation in R |
palette | Set or View the Graphics Palette |
palette.colors | Set or View the Graphics Palette |
palette.pals | Set or View the Graphics Palette |
PDF Graphics Device | |
pdf.options | Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of 'pdf' |
pdfFonts | PostScript and PDF Font Families |
phantom | Mathematical Annotation in R |
pictex | A PicTeX Graphics Driver |
plain | Mathematical Annotation in R |
plotmath | Mathematical Annotation in R |
png | BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices |
postscript | PostScript Graphics |
postscriptFonts | PostScript and PDF Font Families |
pretty.Date | Pretty Breakpoints for Date-Time Classes |
pretty.POSIXt | Pretty Breakpoints for Date-Time Classes |
print.recordedplot | Record and Replay Plots |
print.SavedPlots | Windows Graphics Devices |
ps.options | Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript |
quartz | macOS Quartz Device |
quartz.options | macOS Quartz Device |
quartz.save | macOS Quartz Device |
quartzFont | Quartz Fonts Setup |
quartzFonts | Quartz Fonts Setup |
rainbow | Color Palettes |
recordGraphics | Record Graphics Operations |
recordPlot | Record and Replay Plots |
replayPlot | Record and Replay Plots |
rgb | RGB Color Specification |
rgb2hsv | RGB to HSV Conversion |
ring | Mathematical Annotation in R |
savePlot | Save Cairo X11 Plot to File |
scriptscriptstyle | Mathematical Annotation in R |
scriptstyle | Mathematical Annotation in R |
setEPS | Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript |
setGraphicsEventEnv | Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window |
setGraphicsEventHandlers | Wait for a mouse or keyboard event from a graphics window |
setPS | Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of postscript |
stayOnTop | Assign Focus to a Window |
sup | Mathematical Annotation in R |
svg | Cairographics-based SVG, PDF and PostScript Graphics Devices |
symbol | Mathematical Annotation in R |
terrain.colors | Color Palettes |
textstyle | Mathematical Annotation in R |
tiff | BMP, JPEG, PNG and TIFF graphics devices |
topo.colors | Color Palettes |
trans3d | 3D to 2D Transformation for Perspective Plots |
Type1Font | Type 1 and CID Fonts |
underline | Mathematical Annotation in R |
widehat | Mathematical Annotation in R |
widetilde | Mathematical Annotation in R |
win.graph | Windows Graphics Devices |
win.metafile | Windows Graphics Devices |
win.print | Windows Graphics Devices |
windows | Windows Graphics Devices |
windows.options | Auxiliary Function to Set/View Defaults for Arguments of windows() |
windowsFont | Windows Fonts |
windowsFonts | Windows Fonts |
X11 | X Window System Graphics (X11) |
x11 | X Window System Graphics (X11) |
X11.options | X Window System Graphics (X11) |
X11Font | X11 Fonts |
X11Fonts | X11 Fonts |
xy.coords | Extracting Plotting Structures |
xyTable | Multiplicities of (x,y) Points, e.g., for a Sunflower Plot |
xyz.coords | Extracting Plotting Structures |
.axisPars | Compute Pretty Axis Tick Scales |
.ps.prolog | PostScript Graphics |
[.SavedPlots | Windows Graphics Devices |