library(jpeg) implot <- function(x){ xx <- t(x[nrow(x):1,ncol(x):1]) xx = -xx xx <- xx-min(xx) xx <- xx/max(xx) image( xx,axes=FALSE) } ftrans <- function(x){ N <- length(x) a <- fft(x) freq <- (0:(N/2))/N a <- a[ 1:length(freq)] list( freq= freq, ampl = abs( a), phase=Arg(a)) } plotfourier <- function( x){ x <- ftrans(x) plot( x$freq, x$ampl, type="h", xlab=" Frequency", ylab="Amplitude") } ## X-ray pulsar ## data from "" dat <- read.table("pulsar.txt",header=FALSE) x <- as.vector(t(as.matrix(dat))) plot(x[1:2000],type="l") plot(abs(fft(x))) plotfourier(x[1:200]) ## simulated cartoon version of exoplanet/pulsar time series n <- 10000 x <- 0.1*rnorm(n) + 0.1*sin(2*pi* (0:(n-1))*1/100)^100 plot(x[1:2000],type="l") plotfourier(x) ###white noise n <- 1000 W <- rnorm(n) plot(W,type="l") plot(abs(fft(W))) plotfourier(W) ## MA-process n = 1000 W = rnorm(n) theta = c(1,1,0.8,0.5,0.3,0.2) theta = c(0,0,1,0,0,0) theta = c(1,-1) X = W for (i in 1:n){ X[i] = sum(W[pmax(1,i-(0:5))] * theta) } par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plot(X) acf(X) plotfourier(X) fftheta = fft(c(theta, rep(0, length(W)-length(theta)))) ffW = fft(W) ffXc = ffW * fftheta plot(Re(fft( ffXc, inv= TRUE))/n) lines(X, type="l") #### AR-process x <- filter(W, filter= c(1.9,-0.995),method="recursive", init=rep(0,2) ) plot(x,type="l") plot(abs(fft(x))) plotfourier(x) ## timeshift par(mfrow=c(3,2)) x <- filter(W, filter= c(1.9,-0.995),method="recursive", init=rep(0,2) ) plot(x) z <- rep(0,length(x)) z[200] <- 1 plot(z) ffx <- fft(x) plot(abs(ffx),type="l") ffz <- fft(z) plot(abs(ffz)) ffxz <- ffx*ffz xz <- Re(fft( ffxz, inverse=TRUE)) plot(x,type="l") plot(xz,type="l") ## images im <- readJPEG("tukey.jpg") ffi <- fft(im) ims <- 0*im ims[100,100] <- 1 ffs <- fft(ims) print(abs(ffs)) ## just a phase-shift par(mfrow=c(1,2)) implot(im) implot( Re(fft(ffi*ffs, inverse=TRUE))) ## mixing phase and amplitude n <- 300 W <- rnorm(n) x1 <- filter(W, filter= rep(1,5),sides=1,circular=TRUE ) ## MA-process x2 <- filter(W, filter= c(1.99,-0.995),method="recursive", init=rep(0,2) ) ## AR-process par(mfrow=c(4,2)) plot(x1,type="l") plot(x2,type="l") acf(x1) acf(x2) f1 <- fft(x1) f2 <- fft(x2) fn1 <- abs(f1)*exp(1i * Arg(f2)) fn2 <- abs(f2)*exp(1i * Arg(f1)) xn1 <- as.numeric(fft(fn1, inverse=TRUE)) xn2 <- as.numeric(fft(fn2, inverse=TRUE)) plot(xn1,type="l") plot(xn2,type="l") acf(xn1) acf(xn2)