Conjugate direction boosting for regression

Roman Werner Lutz and Peter Bühlmann


Boosting in the context of linear regression has gained additional attraction by the invention of least angle regression (LARS), where the connection between the lasso and forward stagewise fitting (boosting) was established. Earlier it has been found that boosting is a functional gradient optimization. Instead of the gradient method, we propose a conjugate direction method to minimize the residual sum of squares as a function of the regression coefficients. The result is a fast forward variable selection algorithm (CDBoost).

The addition of shrinkage (small step-sizes) is only possible with an adjustment in form of a restart condition. For infinitesimal shrinkage this leads to an algorithm between forward stagewise fitting (boosting) and least angle regression. In particular, it also employs variable selection.

While least angle regression seems to be restricted to linear regression, we can easily generalize our approach to arbitrary learners (fitting methods) like trees or splines, as for boosting. The learner is used to produce vectors of fitted values which can then be linearly fitted by CDBoost.

The different methods are compared on simulated and real datasets. CDBoost achieves the best predictions mainly in complicated settings with correlated covariates, where it is difficult to assign how much a covariate contributes to the response. The gain of CDBoost over boosting is especially high in low and mid noise problems.


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